No Raise this Year?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Swings have always had it made, more money, when they go overtime cutting binges guess who still gets overtime, swings. But if you can't do a different route or sometimes 2 routes in a day it's better to have a route

Don't forget to factor in how they are scheduled. Some stations schedule each driver where he is most proficient. Others give the swings a little bit of say in how they are scheduled. I've seen all hell break loose every now and then over the scheduling of swings.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget to factor in how they are scheduled. Some stations schedule each driver where he is most proficient. Others give the swings a little bit of say in how they are scheduled. I've seen all hell break loose every now and then over the scheduling of swings.

Top seniority swing here chooses what routes he will cover before schedule is posted, everyone else gets what they get. From what I see, most swings here only cover a few loops, and flip out if they have to run a route blind. That's just in the last few years though, we were always expected to cover any route when I was a swing at both locations I have worked. Was talking to one newer swing Friday, he asked advice on how to run a route in my loop. I told him to put the damn phone down and read a map, he told me someone else told him to put the map down and use GPS. That's why most swings in this station know so few routes , now.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I stay at this job because I'm too young to retire and too old to start over. Real estate slows way down in the winter months

There are plenty of people in real estate who don't need second jobs. They're known as "competent."

Masters degree in a business discipline, real estate brainiac, pilot license, etc. All those options and you stay with FedEx because [insert reason here; it it's not good, don't worry, it'll be a different one next week].

None of this makes any sense. A guy who has your qualifications (for real) wouldn't stay at a job he hates. His coworkers would absolutely hate him because they would leave in a heartbeat if they had those credentials and they don't want to hear him complain when he has the ability to do something about it. And most guys who are that overqualified for a job tend to stay quiet about it because they don't want to be peppered with the inevitable question of, "WTF are you doing HERE??!?!??!?" It's a sore spot for them because they aren't pursuing what they want and don't want to be reminded of it each time someone asks that question.

You're either the typical message board tough guy who talks out of his butt or you have some of the credentials that you speak of but are such a horribly self-obsessed egomaniac that you have no idea how a rational person would act... which would explain why you're so defensive.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Top seniority swing here chooses what routes he will cover before schedule is posted, everyone else gets what they get.

We've begged managers to schedule swings based on rotating seniority if they want some stability at the position. Scheduling them based on need or fit has ended up with the same people covering the same routes all the time and none of them learning a greater number of routes.

Strict seniority has presented the problem of those on the bottom getting all kinds of crap work and quitting. Another issue is the 1 swing gets his, and the 2 gets screwed because 3, 4, and 5 aren't proficient enough on the routes they'd fall into. They get assigned to whatever they fit best and 2 gets what is left. Then 2 gets tired of it and leaves, making the situation worse. Plus, the 1 swing tends to be or become a diva.

Rotating seniority (12345 one week, 23451 the next, 34512 the next, etc.) has worked wonders. Everyone gets a turn. I wish the company would insist on using this method unless there are serious circumstances which prevent it.

Was talking to one newer swing Friday, he asked advice on how to run a route in my loop. I told him to put the damn phone down and read a map, he told me someone else told him to put the map down and use GPS. That's why most swings in this station know so few routes , now.

Yep. GPS should be a supplement to a map, not a replacement.


Just telling it like it is
MFE, there is a local courier who also works PT and sells real estate FT. Her hubby, whom she met at Express, is a FT courier.
BS Meter.gif

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Um, not what you said in previous post.

You have a point there. So... you go there, and if they notice at all, they'll be mad. How's that?

Oh well, I'll just have to settle for the freedom to do my own thing while you keep humping for that American Dream. Ironic, don't cha think?

What you're going to go to the other side of the world in hopes of getting, I already have. I admire the way you've chosen to spin your own spectacular failure.


Well-Known Member
What you're going to go to the other side of the world in hopes of getting, I already have. I admire the way you've chosen to spin your own spectacular failure.

What failure? I'm taking FedEx chickenschitt and turning it into chicken salad. Meanwhile you'll still be chasing your tail. Gotta love it!

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
True, shilling for a living turned him into a joke. A MF joke.


I'm in the shape I'm in because I work for FedEx, enough said. I made $125k in 1994 in a coffee bull market after building $4300 of my own money into $11k in 17 small trades. I've taken chances you can't imagine. And I've lost big too, so much so that a trading partner sued me because he got it into his head winning is automatic. I didn't have the money to fight him in court and he got a default judgement for $128k because I didn't show up. Had my paycheck garnished and with my meager FedEx pay was bringing home less than $350 many weeks.

I look at all the stupid in that paragraph and wonder how you could EVER call anyone else a joke.