No Raise this Year?


Well-Known Member
Well then you don't know the investments they've made in infrastructure. Excellent internet. Discount airlines that can fly you roundtrip to London, Paris, or Rome for 100 Euros. Safety on par with Canada. Very good food. Pedestrian friendly shopping in city centers. Brand new malls. New theaters playing the latest American movies in English. Beautiful architecture. Great sports in Serbia. No, you really don't know.


Well-Known Member
We had a pay premium a while back due to employee retention at about 4 stations near mine. It was a 15% premium to keep people through peak season and it lasted maybe 3 months. It was awesome while we had it. Sometimes I hope that more newbies will quit so we can get that premium again for a bit :D

As far as swing driver premium going away? That would be awful. Can you imagine being an off-the-street swing driver and getting your ass handed to you on every route for your first few months, only to find out you're getting paid the same as the guy who does the same route every day of the year? And your swings only get $.30 extra now? There's no way I'd even sign up for a swing position for a lousy 30¢. Good grief.
Swings have a higher base pay than couriers (up to $2/hr more depending on where you are in range). They also get a .30/hr swing driver premium. This is what may be going away.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Oh, but FedEx has "industry leading wages and benefits", don't they? Elroy makes an excellent point about wage progression, which you conveniently ignore as usual. What about you? Being an Ops Manager (supposedly) is one of the biggest loser jobs that exist.

Anyone who is any good leaves, and FedEx gets the deformed rejects that can't get hired into management anywhere else. Like you.

If you don't like the job, you can take a better one somewhere else or stay and complain. The choice is yours.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
If you dare go to Google Images and look up Novi Sad, Serbia. Varna, Bulgaria. Cluj, Romania. Ohrid, Macedonia. Dubrovnik, Croatia. All much more affordable than the U.S. and very livable. And there's many more. You don't have a clue.

Please don't move there. This part of the country has seen a steady influx from that part of the world for the past 20 years. Lots of entrepreneurs who are doing well.

If we send them you in return they will be MAD.


Well-Known Member
Why is this taking so long to be released? I'm being told they eliminate the highest market and bump them down and bump the lowest up. Then it pays for itself. Yes that is what I "heard"

I don't see the top market being bumped down. I don't know much about market levels, other than I am in a B market, but that would cause mass exodus from SF, which is where the top market is, I believe. Bottom and third from bottom would make the most sense, IMHO.


Well-Known Member
There really is no reason that they could not top out every 15+ year employee if they wanted to do so.

Look at all the past takeaways. They did away with the traditional pension in 2008, a few years latter they did away with the second and third shift premiums. They skipped one year of pay raises and they moved our normal March raise to October.

Do you really trust the company to do the right thing for us in pay action???

That would be great to top out 15 year people, but that would be a seven dollar an hour bump for me. I don't see that ever happening. At 18 and change, top out is over 25 here. Drives me nuts when the route next to me makes 280 bucks/week more than I do just on 40 hours (and I only get 35/week, he gets 50+/week, so it's much more), and does half the work. And no, I don't trust anyone above the courier position in X.


Well-Known Member
the worst part is there are some 10-15 years employees that would happy just to be over 20 an hour.

We have 1 guy that left the company (he came back, biggest mistake was leaving and then having to re assume a new wage). He has been back for about 10 years, a guy whos been here 2 years and just got a swing raise is making .50 more than he is

Sixteen years in, seven bucks behind top, two bucks ahead of new hires. Ridiculous. When I went back to swing four years ago, got an extra 67 cents/hour, took a route as soon as my 18 month commit was done, and lost over two bucks an hour. Was sick of being a swing, so I took it.

Elroy Shabazz

Active Member
You're better off marrying some dingy broad with health care benefits and just tend bar. I made 92k 6 years ago the last year I tended bar. I goofed up big time thinking g FedEx was a long term career for the future.


Well-Known Member
Please don't move there. This part of the country has seen a steady influx from that part of the world for the past 20 years. Lots of entrepreneurs who are doing well.

If we send them you in return they will be MAD.
And if you went the Balkan wars would flare up again.


Well-Known Member
You're better off marrying some dingy broad with health care benefits and just tend bar. I made 92k 6 years ago the last year I tended bar. I goofed up big time thinking g FedEx was a long term career for the future.
6 years ago we had already been screwed over for many years. Did you not ask around? Everywhere I've been with FedEx I've run into many people who think I've got it made(until I tell them). Probably the main reason FedEx is now starting to give better pay is there aren't too many left to fool with the propaganda.


Well-Known Member
6 years ago the market index wasn't anywhere near what it was 20 years ago. Swings have it made now.

Swings have always had it made, more money, when they go overtime cutting binges guess who still gets overtime, swings. But if you can't do a different route or sometimes 2 routes in a day it's better to have a route


Engorged Member
Yet you can't shake your pathological whining about a company that gives you a job that you don't need.

I stay at this job because I'm too young to retire and too old to start over. Real estate slows way down in the winter months, so I have the opportunity to work FT hours at Peak if I choose.

FedEx benefits suck, but are cheaper than Obamacare. It all works for me.