Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Victory Ride
THe Dutchie?


What's in the box!!!!!?
No idea

Don't know him personally

Just saw the FB event
A rat named Betty Rose Fischer.

Union rule #1 is "Never throw a brother under the bus."

As soon as we are able, we will post one of UPS's subpeonaed communications concerning Rob Atkinson. You will see an email FROM Local 538's Principal Officer/ Secretary-Treasurer/ Business Agent TO UPS Labor Manager Tom McCready directing him to investigate a facebook post from Rob Atkinson to see if its timeline was during working hours. If it would fit said timeline, management would certainly discipline using "dishonesty", "stealing time", etc. This proves UPS and IBT conspired against Rob. Do you think, in Betty's entire career, Rob would be the only member she colluded against? Rob wasn't guilty of what Ms. Fisher alleges in this email, but SOMEHOW UPS managed to discharge him only a couple days later for something entirely different.

This isn't the only incident. In fact, when it comes to Betty Rose Fischer, there's PLENTY more proof where this came from.

Ever feel like something wasnt quite right with your joint council? Yeah, well Betty Rose is also Joint Council 40's Secretary-Treasurer. According to their website, Joint Council 40 'represents' 35,000 members in Western PA region.

Betty is crooked.
Betty is a Hoffa supporter.
Don't be like Betty."


What's in the box!!!!!?
I don't even know what these kids where singing about .....LOL....old music group and song ...way somehow became popular ....mostly cause of MTV
"It was a cover version of the song "Pass the Kouchie" by The Mighty Diamonds, written by Leroy Sibbles and Jackie Mittoo. The term "dutchie" (a cooking pot) may have allowed for a more radio-friendly song than "kouchie" (a slang term for marijuana)."
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