The rumors are flying


Today the video came out with Carol saying the goal is for all inside jobs to automated. Their goal is obviously to have no employees since that means more profit.

I go into work and everyone is saying the Pleasantdale hub is being shut down temporarily for automation. I'm unsure how true this is. It's a pretty big hub in Doraville (basically Atlanta), GA.

I work in a different building nearby and we had 6 part time supervisors and 20 of the lowest seniority part timers let go. We already have half our people temporarily laid off or coming in one day a week to keep benefits. Supposedly the part timers getting let go is so that driver's being laid off can come inside and work. I'm surprised the supervisors lasted this long, we have way too many.

I know stuff like this happens, but I've been with the company for a long time and haven't seen anything like it.
Automation and the intent of such isn't novel, nor is new to UPS. This has been in the works for a very long time, and recently buildings have been closed to reroute that work to larger automated buildings, and others have been closed to remodel with automated systems. The scamdemic delayed a fair amount of this, which led to the desire to lock down a(nother) favorable contract before proceeding. She's stated repeatedly that she's very happy with a 3.3% increase in our wage costs, which means there's more room on the next contract. With fewer workers there'll be more money for us, SOB better not :censored2: that one up too.


I now walk into the wild
Automation and the intent of such isn't novel, nor is new to UPS. This has been in the works for a very long time, and recently buildings have been closed to reroute that work to larger automated buildings, and others have been closed to remodel with automated systems. The scamdemic delayed a fair amount of this, which led to the desire to lock down a(nother) favorable contract before proceeding. She's stated repeatedly that she's very happy with a 3.3% increase in our wage costs, which means there's more room on the next contract. With fewer workers there'll be more money for us, SOB better not :censored2: that one up too.
Well said.


Baseball, dart board
At least with Biden we know he's losing his mind...but Carol, she seems cognitively with it. She just must be that dumb and terrible at her job.
Every interview, video she makes sounds so doom n gloom, she should be doing the voice over for the class action lawsuit against Gardasil...
"If you or your loved ones where sterilized by Gardisasil..."


Marty Peters kid
At least with Biden we know he's losing his mind...but Carol, she seems cognitively with it. She just must be that dumb and terrible at her job.
Every interview, video she makes sounds so doom n gloom, she should be doing the voice over for the class action lawsuit against Gardasil...
"If you or your loved ones where sterilized by Gardisasil..."
She sounds very robotic...borg like.


Baseball, dart board
She sounds very robotic...borg like.
I said this to my ORS after the last video about all the layoffs, but essentially if we had a strong man in that position, and he came out with a statement saying something along the lines of
" We see volume decreasing, margins are thinning, expenses are on the rise...which is why we are sticking to our fundamentals. Every package every day, world class customer service, commit times will be honored" yada yada. Man, stock prices woulda gone BOOM


Well-Known Member
I said this to my ORS after the last video about all the layoffs, but essentially if we had a strong man in that position, and he came out with a statement saying something along the lines of
" We see volume decreasing, margins are thinning, expenses are on the rise...which is why we are sticking to our fundamentals. Every package every day, world class customer service, commit times will be honored" yada yada. Man, stock prices woulda gone BOOM
Agreed, feels like we’re chasing Amazon, trying to give the impression to the public we’re keeping up, but we’re not, they’ve long passed us. Cut out Saturday delivery and stick to what we know how to do, back to the basics. Chasing Amazon will be our demise.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, feels like we’re chasing Amazon, trying to give the impression to the public we’re keeping up, but we’re not, they’ve long passed us. Cut out Saturday delivery and stick to what we know how to do, back to the basics. Chasing Amazon will be our demise.
Especially since Amazon doesn’t do everything we do. They sell things on the website, including through third-party and ship everything themselves they do not do business to business pick ups.. our business model is different.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Historic contract!...or was it???

Depending on what the union agrees to. If weighted heavy in part-timers favor, then maybe.

The company may be thinking of investing more in automation moving forward. Higher wages might actually reduce overall union numbers.
Also solves the hub workers crying about the summer heat!

Watch the company automate so workers don't have to be hot.


Marty Peters kid
I said this to my ORS after the last video about all the layoffs, but essentially if we had a strong man in that position, and he came out with a statement saying something along the lines of
" We see volume decreasing, margins are thinning, expenses are on the rise...which is why we are sticking to our fundamentals. Every package every day, world class customer service, commit times will be honored" yada yada. Man, stock prices woulda gone BOOM
Carol tome ceo of ups