NPR fires Juan Williams


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Two of the last three paragraphs have to do with Fox and their handling of the situation. They are becoming part of the story rather than reporting the usual. So, yes. It does also have to do with Fox because they will make it about them.
No actually it is about Fox employees sticking up for Juan. And because of their large listenership, people are becoming informed of what happened to Juan. He is hurt and stunned, and guess who is supportive of him. Yup those nasty old right wingers. When his former boss said he should talk to his shrink, or whatever, who was trying to get info out of that Big boss lady. Yup some nasty investigator from Fox News.
So it seems to me if it were not for his stint on that station, he wouldnt have much support. I guess when you want to whine and cry about unfair treatment, you can whine and cry on some liberal mamby pamby network no one watches, but when you want to man up, take it on, and be backed up by friends and co workers, you go where you have people with integrity to walk with you through the fire.
He was not fired because he did something wrong, he was fired because he was too popular from being on Fox. And the lager heads at NPR didnt like it. He has too much integrity for the likes of Shiller.


golden ticket member
speaking of mamby-pamby.............bbsam.......

"Do you know what makes me sad? YOU DO! Maybe we should chug on over to mamby-pamby land where maybe we can find some self-confidence for you, you jack-wagon...


Nine Lives
speaking of mamby-pamby.............bbsam.......

"Do you know what makes me sad? YOU DO! Maybe we should chug on over to mamby-pamby land where maybe we can find some self-confidence for you, you jack-wagon...

I like that commercial. Drill sergeants just don't make good psychiatrists.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Did you read the post? Or since it didn't have cartoon images it couldn't hold your attention span?

Im time i will borrow your "Liberal Glasses" so i can see it in your twisted ways...did your borrow them from your brother Deez?




Well-Known Member
Liberal Love ---- We have a very large tent all are welcome -we value and respect all opinions --only if you are left and your opinions are left ???

NPR has an absolute right to say that their analysts cannot give personal opinions. But to only censure and punish some opinions --like Juans --but accept and agee with Liberal or left opinions from an analyst like Cokey Roberts is absurd.
I have heard both the right and left --including the ladies of the view condemn this action by NPR. I am rather surprised to hear on the cafe support for this unfair treatment --I do not care if you are right or left -----this was just plain WRONG !!!!:sad-little: Has our country and politics divided us so much that we cannot see what is such an easy call ---no instant replay needed --this was clearly not a home run --not even close to the foul pole !!
The fact that Juan was an employee at PBS for over ten years and the only African American analyst that was the only one punished for giving a personal opinion while there are examples after examples of white NPR analysts giving personal opinions but not punished --does not bold well for NPR. Was in all probability not racially motivated but a good lawyer --a nice Liberal one --will easily make the case.:wink2:


Staff member
Liberal Love ---- We have a very large tent all are welcome -we value and respect all opinions --only if you are left and your opinions are left ???

NPR has an absolute right to say that their analysts cannot give personal opinions. But to only censure and punish some opinions --like Juans --but accept and agee with Liberal or left opinions from an analyst like Cokey Roberts is absurd.
I have heard both the right and left --including the ladies of the view condemn this action by NPR. I am rather surprised to hear on the cafe support for this unfair treatment --I do not care if you are right or left -----this was just plain WRONG !!!!:sad-little: Has our country and politics divided us so much that we cannot see what is such an easy call ---no instant replay needed --this was clearly not a home run --not even close to the foul pole !!
The fact that Juan was an employee at PBS for over ten years and the only African American analyst that was the only one punished for giving a personal opinion while there are examples after examples of white NPR analysts giving personal opinions but not punished --does not bold well for NPR. Was in all probability not racially motivated but a good lawyer --a nice Liberal one --will easily make the case.:wink2:

If Juan wants to sue, then fine. If NPR finds others cross their lines and they fire them, then fine. Seems to me, however, that the "outrage" over the firing has become all the rage and the folks who couln't bring themselves to cast a vote for Alan Keyes are all about their token--for now. Let the story die down, give him his own show where his true opinions are aired and watch Fox ratings drop in that time slot.


golden ticket member
You're calling Juan a token?? I respect Juan, but only agree with him about 1% of the time. It's his demeanor and honesty that gets people's respect, not that he's the 'token' as you call him. Get the race chip off your shoulder.


Staff member
You're calling Juan a token?? I respect Juan, but only agree with him about 1% of the time. It's his demeanor and honesty that gets people's respect, not that he's the 'token' as you call him. Get the race chip off your shoulder.
Sorry. Nor race this time. Ideology. Give the token liberal a show on Fox and lets see what happens.


Staff member
Sorry. Nor race this time. Ideology. Give the token liberal a show on Fox and lets see what happens.
I totally agree that FOX is just milking this thing, but the bottom line for Juan is that he's a getting a few million out of the deal. NPR wasn't happy with him anyway so it seems like everyone got what they wanted.


Well-Known Member
If Juan wants to sue, then fine. If NPR finds others cross their lines and they fire them, then fine. Seems to me, however, that the "outrage" over the firing has become all the rage and the folks who couln't bring themselves to cast a vote for Alan Keyes are all about their token--for now. Let the story die down, give him his own show where his true opinions are aired and watch Fox ratings drop in that time slot.

You have missed my point ---everyday NPR analysts give thier opinions ---they will fire no one who puts forth a liberal opinion---- a liberal or conservative that makes a conservative opinion will be fired . This is right ??? This is non partisan National Public Radio ??? I guess who ever gave you the rose tinted glasses was correct.
For me personally --I could care less about left or right ------but I truly care about what is so obviously a wrong and biased action!!


Staff member
You have missed my point ---everyday NPR analysts give thier opinions ---they will fire no one who puts forth a liberal opinion---- a liberal or conservative that makes a conservative opinion will be fired . This is right ??? This is non partisan National Public Radio ??? I guess who ever gave you the rose tinted glasses was correct.
For me personally --I could care less about left or right ------but I truly care about what is so obviously a wrong and biased action!!
I don't think you listen to NPR much as they really don't give opinions either way, just basically read the news. It's pretty bland actually. They do interviews, but it's never confrontational regardless of who they're interviewing. People are so used to all the hyperbole and rhetoric on the regular news stations that I think most people find NPR somewhat boring.


Staff member
Island Juan's opinion wasn't right or left. It was bigotted. That is not to say that he is a bigot because I couldn't believe that for a moment. NPR doesn't have Al Sharpton as an analyst. I think Juan could have worded his point in a much better way and avoided the controversy all together, but that doesn't happen on confrontational opinion shows.


Staff member
I totally agree that FOX is just milking this thing, but the bottom line for Juan is that he's a getting a few million out of the deal. NPR wasn't happy with him anyway so it seems like everyone got what they wanted.

For the record, I like Juan Williams and I like NPR. I agree it was probably time for the two to part. I even smile and the thought that Juan's getting a big fat check from Rupert. But the vitriol and victim spead coming from Williams right now seems a little ludicrous to me.


Well-Known Member
No actually it is about Fox employees sticking up for Juan. And because of their large listenership, people are becoming informed of what happened to Juan. He is hurt and stunned, and guess who is supportive of him. Yup those nasty old right wingers. When his former boss said he should talk to his shrink, or whatever, who was trying to get info out of that Big boss lady. Yup some nasty investigator from Fox News.
So it seems to me if it were not for his stint on that station, he wouldnt have much support. I guess when you want to whine and cry about unfair treatment, you can whine and cry on some liberal mamby pamby network no one watches, but when you want to man up, take it on, and be backed up by friends and co workers, you go where you have people with integrity to walk with you through the fire.
He was not fired because he did something wrong, he was fired because he was too popular from being on Fox. And the lager heads at NPR didnt like it. He has too much integrity for the likes of Shiller.

Integrity at Fox ? That's as funny as "Fair and Balanced"....

Man up ! the new political phrase word of the month coined by Conservative Tea Party Women and now spread and "repeat after me" by Sister Sarah and her Fox News megaphone. How does a man respond to "Man up"? By telling his female counter-part to grow some breasts ? IMO, when a women spats this term "Man up", it's as if she's admitting it's a man's world and stop being a puss....

LOL...don't get your blood boiling Toonces, just "Woman Up"... ;-)


Well-Known Member
Another contributor to Fox News is Mara Liasson who has also been a correspondent with NPR since 1985'. Has she commented at all in this whole Juan Williams deal?

I would agree with the earlier point that Fox is milking this because it's pure meat and potatoes for the hardcore Fox-a-matons but let's not kid ourselves that there is a NPR-a-maton crowd as well who are screaming with delight that Juan was sacrificed to Moloch.


golden ticket member
I wasn't paying attention, but either on Hannity or O'Reilly, one of them, had an NPR person on for a 'balanced' debate. So, they are still using NPR people.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't paying attention, but either on Hannity or O'Reilly, one of them, had an NPR person on for a 'balanced' debate. So, they are still using NPR people.

The way I understand it, they often have people of a so-called opposing view (not just NPR) on to act as the opposite foil in their created world of verbal swordsmanship. The environment is always controlled so the host never looks bad or at least that is the intent but you did nail one point for sure above and that is "they are still using" people. And before we proclaim Fox News as the all evil in this construct, don't for one minute believe Maddow, Olbermann and Matthews don't do exactly the same thing. These talk shows are nothing more than classic interviews from championship wrestling but sold to people who in their own delusions think they are mentally above what the WWE product really is. When you understand that Ruppert Murdoch, Ted Turner, etc. are the exact same as Vince McMahon, then the whole TV product across the board takes on a whole other viewpoint!

Say what you will about Bill Moyers and much can be said but from the PBS format of his show, I watched him interview Lew Rockwell a couple of years ago, a man I knew Moyers had much disagreement with and yet the interview IMO was fantastic. Lew got to make his points without interruption, Moyers' posed several good counterpoints for Lew to address and yet no one walked away mad or insulted and everyone still felt secure in themselves but were able to put all ideas out on the table. The viewer didn't feel propogandized but felt more enlightened having listened to the interview/discussion from a critical thinking POV. There was also mutual respect across the table regardless of agreement that quiet frankly is not the ideal from the created political, social matrix we live in today. How do you spin or attack Moyers/Rockwell without in effect attacking both? Unlike wrestling, it lacks the obvious bad guy.

The longtime international journalist John Pilger gave a talk on the media as propaganda which is found on Youtube by searching "John Pilger, The Invisible Government" and it's in 4-10 minute segments. No matter if you like a No-State, voluntary cooperative society like myself, a limited gov't or a noble hearted larger state, Pilger will point out things in the media itself that all of us would likely agree with and would be concerned with. You might also have reason to begin to loose those loyalities to specific networks or personas that we've been conditioned to have!