Obama Wins - Unionizing Fed Ex


Well-Known Member
If unionizing FedEx is one of Obama's top 100 priorities, this country is in for some deep :censored2::censored2::censored2: :censored2:for the next 4 years.

if unionizing FedEx is even on his radar we're :censored2:. Now some of his department or judge appointees may have it on their radar, but i really doubt if he cares one way or another about FedEx goes union. It sounds like a lot of union employees at ups didn't vote for him, why should he care about leveling the playing field and having more people not voting for him next time.


Im not the Mail Man!
The card check was one of his top promises, and will inturn be one of his first test as far as rather or not hes a liar. He has promised a lot to unions across the country and Fed-Ex wont be the only target for unionization. It will be the re-classification of Fed-Ex that will be their biggest problem, with that comes orginization than unionization. Besides a unionized Fed-Ex is good for us as UPS employees and as tax payers. Finally we wont have to subsidize their employees health care or shoulder their unpaid tax obligations. Most importantly they wont be able to underbid us by taking advantage of their under paid ground drivers.
trplnk you are aware that the Bush tax cuts has a sunset clause in it when in was written. The tax cut was designed from the start to expire. http://www.smartmoney.com/personal-finance/taxes/what-the-bush-tax-cut-means-for-you-14345/

Secondly it's not the president that writes the tax code? It's congress.
He won't let Bushs tax cut expire congress will.

Are you aware that I used the word EXPIRE? By your own reasoning, it's not Bushes tax cut it's congresses tax cut. Get real, with the gains the demos have in the legislative branch and O at the helm and NP right behind him they can get just about anything through. When the existing tax cuts fade away into the sunset clause, your taxes are going to go up....That is how O is going to get higher taxes without actually raising them through his own actions.

But Benefits Are Great!

Just Words On A Screen
...Besides a unionized Fed-Ex is good for us as UPS employees and as tax payers. Finally we wont have to subsidize their employees health care or shoulder their unpaid tax obligations. Most importantly they wont be able to underbid us by taking advantage of their under paid ground drivers.

If you truly believe what you wrote above (and I have no reason to question it) ....

The above is the most frightening post I have ever read.


He voted for McCain too! Some people don't understand anything.....he probably thinks he will benefit like that idiot Joe the Plumber....

There are a lot of Joe the Plumber posting on this site...Just disregard anything they say..
Yes, because you are sooo smart and hold a monopoly on wisdom.

Tell us, oh wise one. What will happen when your messiah allows the tax breaks for the middle class to expire? Hmmm


Nine Lives
Originally Posted by paidslave
He voted for McCain too! Some people don't understand anything.....he probably thinks he will benefit like that idiot Joe the Plumber....

There are a lot of Joe the Plumber posting on this site...Just disregard anything they say..

Yes, because you are sooo smart and hold a monopoly on wisdom.

Tell us, oh wise one. What will happen when your messiah allows the tax breaks for the middle class to expire? Hmmm

Exaktly chevl <sic>:wink2:

I know you were being sarcastic but paidslave and wisdom in the same thought is sacrilegious. :funny:



Are you packed?

But Benefits Are Great!

Just Words On A Screen
Please tell us why that would scare you?

Scares me that someone actually believes that; that unionizing FedEx would be good for everyone.

"...we wont have to subsidize their employees health care or shoulder their unpaid tax obligations...."

That's just... well,.... I cannot wrap my head around the knowledge that someone actually can say that without laughing out loud.

I don't want to argue - everyone can believe wht they want. Personally, I still believe in Santa. At least my belief has fact & past experience to support it.

Go Bethlehem Steel. Fly Eastern.


Well-Known Member
Are you smoking crack? While our contract isnt the best it could be on the national level its alot better than the nma for freight, try gettting $2.20 over the next 5 years in raises to put you right around $26 an hour! Have you ever looked at your check stub? we will be making a hell of alot more than that!

But look what they do in a day...nothing. I see some of them sit in their rig at docks for 25 minutes talking on the phone and filling out their logs and paperwork. They sit in the receiving areas drinking coffee and bs'ing with the businesses.They also have decent benefit packages. They will be able to walk upright when they retire, try saying the same thing for the "hunchback" ups retiree named "igor". Ups is making a killing on drivers....period. They want to downplay everything, keep on dangling the "for gawds sake you make 28 dollars an hour" line over, and over again. Not trying to bash you, but do you know what I mean?


Im not the Mail Man!
You dont agree and thats fine by me, but ask yourself if the threat of unionization might make Fed-Ex rethink their approach with their ground opperation. The control is in the hands of Fed-Ex, if they dont want a union than they will need to compensate their employees. If not than well you know, its hello union. Besides as far as subsidizing their employees healthcare, if they cant afford it on an indivisual basis than who do you think is paying for it, thats right Joe the taxpayer. And here in California Im already subsidizing illegals I dont need to add Fed-Ex ground drivers to list as well.
Scares me that someone actually believes that; that unionizing FedEx would be good for everyone.

"...we wont have to subsidize their employees health care or shoulder their unpaid tax obligations...."

That's just... well,.... I cannot wrap my head around the knowledge that someone actually can say that without laughing out loud.

I don't want to argue - everyone can believe wht they want. Personally, I still believe in Santa. At least my belief has fact & past experience to support it.

Go Bethlehem Steel. Fly Eastern.
Little boy train, little boy tracks, little boy toys carried in a sack.
Sounds good in songs and in little boy dreams.
FedEx unionized will help UPS because the playing field would begin to level out a bit. The FedEx ground drivers would (eventually) be included as employees vs. contractors which would increase their wages and allow for group insurance, stop the need for suppling their own trucks & operating expenses. They would pay more taxes because of higher earnings. The fedex ground worker is being exploited and you don't seem to care. It's time to grown up just a bit.

But Benefits Are Great!

Just Words On A Screen
... The fedex ground worker is being exploited and you don't seem to care. It's time to grown up just a bit...

I could go into a long diatribe explaining this, but you have the brains to figure out what I am saying;

FedEx does not have a driver shortage - there is a wait to become a driver. Ground drivers pay many thousands of dollars to have the right to drive a route. I've never heard of one complaining that they are exploited. If one leaves, there are three to take thier place. Free market working the way it should.

There is something really wrong with UPS employees trying convince FedEx drivers that they are unhappy.

Level the playing field? You mean drag them down with all the same burdens as every other union shop, don't you?

Let's all be honest in our hearts for just a second - Unionizing FedEx does not make UPS better in any way, it it will only hurt FedEx.

It is like two drag racers on a drag strip. One (UPS) has four flat tires, the other does not (FedEx). For UPS to "help" FedEx by flattening its tires - that is noble?

Don't think for a SECOND that UPS wouldn't copy the FedEx structure if given the chance. Any competent management would.

I do not apologize in the slightest for believing in the free market, for believing in supply and demand. Last I checked, Socialism was dead.

Go Bethlehem Steel! Fly Eastern!


I could go into a long diatribe explaining this, but you have the brains to figure out what I am saying;

FedEx does not have a driver shortage - there is a wait to become a driver. Ground drivers pay many thousands of dollars to have the right to drive a route. I've never heard of one complaining that they are exploited. If one leaves, there are three to take their place. Free market working the way it should.

There is something really wrong with UPS employees trying convince FedEx drivers that they are unhappy.

Level the playing field? You mean drag them down with all the same burdens as every other union shop, don't you?

Let's all be honest in our hearts for just a second - Unionizing FedEx does not make UPS better in any way, it it will only hurt FedEx.

It is like two drag racers on a drag strip. One (UPS) has four flat tires, the other does not (FedEx). For UPS to "help" FedEx by flattening its tires - that is noble?

Don't think for a SECOND that UPS wouldn't copy the FedEx structure if given the chance. Any competent management would.

I do not apologize in the slightest for believing in the free market, for believing in supply and demand. Last I checked, Socialism was dead.

Go Bethlehem Steel! Fly Eastern!

So are Fed Ex drivers essentially Owner Operators? They are contracted to do work for FedEx, Right?
Honestly, I think FedEx's system works great for them, but to think UPS would copy their system is jumping the gun a bit my friend. UPS has a system that has been successful for over 100 years now. Our system is constantly growing and adapting to the world around us according to what the customer wants. No, UPS is not always going to be what every customer wants. The same goes for FedEx. It is healthy to have the competition. Although it would be great for the Temsters to bring fedEx into the fold, I believe it could hurt the company at this time. This is just my opinion and I am sure I am missing some vital information somewhere. So I don't mind constructive criticism. :wink2:
I could go into a long diatribe explaining this, but you have the brains to figure out what I am saying;
Yes I know what you are saying, I just don't agree with you.

FedEx does not have a driver shortage - there is a wait to become a driver. Ground drivers pay many thousands of dollars to have the right to drive a route. I've never heard of one complaining that they are exploited. If one leaves, there are three to take thier place. Free market working the way it should.
You are talking about Fed Express having people waiting to get a driving job, so does UPS.
The ground "contractors" sign on the dotted line for thousands of dollars to get their foot in the door and many of them go broke trying to make ends meet. The ones that can, buy several routes to gain the volume they need to make it profitable and then hire kids for peanuts that really need a job and not a career. Zero health benefits, if the contractor takes a week of vacation he has to pay someone to run his route. If this was such a profitable thing for the workers, the law suits in Cali would never have been filed. The so called "contractors" are signing away the ranch based on a flowery picture painted by FedEx and too many are finding out that the profits are just not there as represented.

There is something really wrong with UPS employees trying convince FedEx drivers that they are unhappy.
I've never tried to make a Fed Ex driver believe a dang thing and don't know anyone that has.

Level the playing field? You mean drag them down with all the same burdens as every other union shop, don't you?

Let's all be honest in our hearts for just a second - Unionizing FedEx does not make UPS better in any way, it it will only hurt FedEx.

It is like two drag racers on a drag strip. One (UPS) has four flat tires, the other does not (FedEx). For UPS to "help" FedEx by flattening its tires - that is noble?
Oh I love analogies designed to show a slanted point.
Not flat tires but UPS is racing with a stock engine and Federal Express has a X-rayed, printed and balanced super charged rat motor. FedEx does not have to play by the same rules that UPS does and that isn't all because of unionization.

Don't think for a SECOND that UPS wouldn't copy the FedEx structure if given the chance. Any competent management would.
So you are saying that any competent management would screw over their people to make a profit? You may be right UPS would probably do it.

I do not apologize in the slightest for believing in the free market, for believing in supply and demand. Last I checked, Socialism was dead.
I believe in the free market also, but I also believe that workers need to be protected to an extent.
Socialism Dead? Tell that to the DEMOS.

Go Bethlehem Steel! Fly Eastern!

But Benefits Are Great!

Just Words On A Screen
Trplkl - I like the way you argue - I'm not being sarcastic - nothing better than discussing a disagreement without resorting to name calling.

You maroon (Just kidding)

You don't say anything I disagree with - we just have different opinions on what each of our observations means.

I'm from the Darwinian school of business, whereas many here seem to be from the Socialist view. To each his own.

Only thing I do disagree with you -
You state "...Not flat tires but UPS is racing with a stock engine and Federal Express has a X-rayed, printed and balanced super charged rat motor. FedEx does not have to play by the same rules that UPS does and that isn't all because of unionization...."

It is almost COMPLETELY due to unionization. If given the chance in a race, would you prefer a stock engine, or a balanced, blueprinted, blown big-block, Knowing for a fact that the goal is not to have a level playing field, the goal is to win fairly?

"...So you are saying that any competent management would screw over their people to make a profit? You may be right UPS would probably do it..."

Two things regarding this statement - and again, just our differing points of view

First, I would venture to say that FedEx employess do not feel "screwed over", although I do not know this as a fact.

Second, UPS is already doing it, and you know it.