On Road supervisor position


Stronger, Faster, Browner
Learn how to train people. This means going out on the road and delivering a truck full of boxes by yourself. The person you are training does not need to be in the truck- you can tell them about it the next day.

Tell everyone that there is "unforeseen" volume and that is why everyone is heavy today.

Tell everyone to "record" a lunch, not "take" lunch.

Tell everyone that you can do the job better AND that people are lining up to take their job for less money.

Try to send three of four drivers down the same streets delivering. Then justify it.

When routes are cut and volumn dumped on remaining routes, just tell the guys working that the guys off CALLED OFF. Suckers.


Well-Known Member
As and OCS your not just going to drive around with driver you are going to have a lot of other meaningless things to do. You also going to be expected to work some Saturdays. Your going to be required to show up to work a couple of hour before the driver get there and you won't be able to leave a lot of the times till after most of the driver have already gone home.

The most important thing you need to remember is that you going to have to kiss your bosses A-- and CYA in order to get ahead. Your performance depends on all the drivers that work under you and there performance in which you have little control over because the union doesn't recognize performance standards that they try to tell we need to make.