One Solution To The Gay Marriage Issue

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The governors of each state should just ignore SCOTUS's ruling on gay marriage. It is unconstitutional and can't be enforced. It's a state issue and SCOTUS, 5 of them anyway, are activist cronies that have an agenda to turn this country into some sort of sick liberal utopia.


Well-Known Member
Then explain NAMBLA.

What does NAMBLA have to do with two consenting adults?


What a tired set of arguments against same-sex marriage:


Come on.


Well-Known Member
The governors of each state should just ignore SCOTUS's ruling on gay marriage. It is unconstitutional and can't be enforced. It's a state issue and SCOTUS, 5 of them anyway, are activist cronies that have an agenda to turn this country into some sort of sick liberal utopia.

Like Citizen's United? I disagree with that ruling, but it's law now. That's how our government works.


nowhere special
What does NAMBLA have to do with two consenting adults?


What a tired set of arguments against same-sex marriage:


Come on.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!


Well-Known Member
Personally, what two consenting adults do is between them and God. I have enough to worry about keeping myself good with the Lord.
The state, however, owes it to all of us to guarantee the legality of marriage stops dead here with same sex couples. It's all about money anyway, they always could have all the love and sex they wanted. What changes is everything from healthcare plans, pension benefits and social security. All of which are at breaking point financially as it is. Same sex couples won't hurt them any, and may even help given they aren't exactly baby factories. Polygamy, however..... That will bankrupt everything and it's been waiting in the wings for gay marriage to set the precedent. Don't care about gays, but God help us if we don't stop it there.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Like Citizen's United? I disagree with that ruling, but it's law now. That's how our government works.
Not necessarily. If a governor of a state ignores the ruling then what will be done about it? Especially if it's more than one state? Or 12 states? My state is already working on state legislation that will protect pastors from legal action should they refuse to marry same sex wackos. There are counties in some states that already refuse to issue marriage licenses at all and that could spread. And riddle me this....if marriage is not in The Constitution then why was it ever heard by SCOTUS? Have you ever seen a federal marriage certificate? haven't because they don't exist. They are all done at the state level and that's exactly who should decide who can get married. This whole ordeal has been unconstitutional from the get go. But with activist judges in the courts and gutless RINOs running the show in DC there really is little hope left for this country.


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily. If a governor of a state ignores the ruling then what will be done about it? Especially if it's more than one state? Or 12 states? My state is already working on state legislation that will protect pastors from legal action should they refuse to marry same sex wackos. There are counties in some states that already refuse to issue marriage licenses at all and that could spread. And riddle me this....if marriage is not in The Constitution then why was it ever heard by SCOTUS? Have you ever seen a federal marriage certificate? haven't because they don't exist. They are all done at the state level and that's exactly who should decide who can get married. This whole ordeal has been unconstitutional from the get go. But with activist judges in the courts and gutless RINOs running the show in DC there really is little hope left for this country.

So do you think there shouldn't be inter-faith or inter-race marriage? Also not in the Constitution, yet here we are.


Well-Known Member
dunno.... just wondering where the end game is. If the legal definition is officially changed, just curious from a legal standpoint why that doesn't include any marriage with consenting adults from here forward.... or does it?
Please stop.

There are polygamy, bestiality, pedophilia and incest LAWS. This says that a legal relationship between two consenting adults not being subject to the above exceptions, is okay in the USA.

You can get a Constitutional Amendment barring your fears, if it is the will of the PEOPLE.

Freedom, or something.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
So do you think there shouldn't be inter-faith or inter-race marriage? Also not in the Constitution, yet here we are.

My marriage is both of those. LOL! The Constitution clearly lays out the framework for how this should be handled and that is by the states. My state obviously allows inter-race and inter-faith marriages. My state voted against same sex marriages by 81%. But now SCOTUS is overreaching and saying we have to recognize them.


Well-Known Member
Personally, what two consenting adults do is between them and God. I have enough to worry about keeping myself good with the Lord.
The state, however, owes it to all of us to guarantee the legality of marriage stops dead here with same sex couples. It's all about money anyway, they always could have all the love and sex they wanted. What changes is everything from healthcare plans, pension benefits and social security. All of which are at breaking point financially as it is. Same sex couples won't hurt them any, and may even help given they aren't exactly baby factories. Polygamy, however..... That will bankrupt everything and it's been waiting in the wings for gay marriage to set the precedent. Don't care about gays, but God help us if we don't stop it there.
Amend this to include the rights of pastors and anyone else who disagrees with SS marriage need be fully respected.


Well-Known Member
My marriage is both of those. LOL! The Constitution clearly lays out the framework for how this should be handled and that is by the states. My state obviously allows inter-race and inter-faith marriages. My state voted against same sex marriages by 81%. But now SCOTUS is overreaching and saying we have to recognize them.
Never mind recognizing them 3/5's.

Is my Vegas wedding not legal in CA? Why should a marriage not be portable? ('portable' is legal talk for the CA thug.)


Engorged Member
My marriage is both of those. LOL! The Constitution clearly lays out the framework for how this should be handled and that is by the states. My state obviously allows inter-race and inter-faith marriages. My state voted against same sex marriages by 81%. But now SCOTUS is overreaching and saying we have to recognize them.

But they didn't overreach on Citizens United, Hobby Lobby, or other decisions that the Right supported? Now, they're an "activist court" because the decisions aren't going your way.


Strength through joy
Same-sex marriages have been legal here in Massachusetts for a decade...amazingly the world hasn't ended.
When were the people allowed to vote on this issue ?
The elitists on Beacon Hill decided to not allow it .
So history will show that a judge made it legal , not an act of the people .

That's my beef about this whole thing .


Well-Known Member
My marriage is both of those. LOL! The Constitution clearly lays out the framework for how this should be handled and that is by the states. My state obviously allows inter-race and inter-faith marriages. My state voted against same sex marriages by 81%. But now SCOTUS is overreaching and saying we have to recognize them.

The Supreme Court struck down laws against interracial marriages in Long vs. Virginia.

It's conceivable that without that decision, we would live in a country where it would still be illegal in some states to have an interracial marriage.

Is that the kind of country you want to live in?


Well-Known Member
Personally, what two consenting adults do is between them and God. I have enough to worry about keeping myself good with the Lord.
The state, however, owes it to all of us to guarantee the legality of marriage stops dead here with same sex couples. It's all about money anyway, they always could have all the love and sex they wanted. What changes is everything from healthcare plans, pension benefits and social security. All of which are at breaking point financially as it is. Same sex couples won't hurt them any, and may even help given they aren't exactly baby factories. Polygamy, however..... That will bankrupt everything and it's been waiting in the wings for gay marriage to set the precedent. Don't care about gays, but God help us if we don't stop it there.
Polygamy was not legalized, nor was a legal path to it. Incest and pederasty were not given an inside track, either.

Why is a free college education a bad thing?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The Supreme Court struck down laws against interracial marriages in Long vs. Virginia.

It's conceivable that without that decision, we would live in a country where it would still be illegal in some states to have an interracial marriage.

Is that the kind of country you want to live in?

Country? It would never get that far. I'd move to a different state though. Because unlike liberals I don't have a sense of entitlement that precludes me from being able to see the fallacy in me expecting an entire state to accommodate me.