openly gay drivers


Well-Known Member
I'm in california. I can't throw a DIAD at work with out hitting 3 or 4 gay/lesbian employees. It don't bother me one bit actually it's kinda nice. Every summer I go to my short shorts and can't go a day with out hearing. "Damn! 542thruNthru you are working it!" :)
They are so much cleaner and take care of themselves.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
Not that there is anything wrong with this thread.

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
I never understood why someone would care and or base a friendship on where someone puts their dick. Does a guy loving another guy really matter that much to others ? If anything it shows how insecure you are about yourself.
If I based my friendships on my friends wives I would drop 90% of them because most of their wives are beat up old bitter hags.
Love is all that matters.

Unless you are an angry white middle-aged conservative


Well-Known Member
Why? What difference does it make as long as he’s doing his job well?

I’ve only ever had a real problem with one lesbian woman I worked with. That was only because she was the biggest slacker ever and she and her wife did their best to get out of work when they could. They had it made and milked it for what it was worth. That alone wasn’t the issue though. The issue was she actually had the nerve to say to me once, “If they try to change anything I’ll just say they’re discriminating against me because I’m gay”. WTH?!!?! That had nothing to do with anything. Her laziness and willingness to play the “gay card” to keep it that way was everything.

Most people could not care less if someone is gay. Hell, talk about your spouse if you want to, I don’t care. I don’t want to hear about any visits to the glory hole or your dating conquests though. But then, I don’t want to hear straight people talking about their one night stands or visits to hookers either.

Keep your dirty laundry/habits to yourself and everyone is happy.
She doesn't have a wife.

A wife is someone who has a husband.


Well-Known Member
I love that people think that the B-word or the R-word have any cache.

They don't.

We don't care what you label people who see natural reality.

Natural reality exists whether you call it bigoted or racist or not.

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
Again, that's not an argument.

Marriage is, by definition, a husband and a wife.

The others are just sodomites or lesbos playing house, and wanting the same privileges of those who have real marriages.
You're a bigot.

Deeply religious too.

Seek professional mental health services....praying to Imaginary Sky People is a sign of mental illness.