
Pees in the brown Koolaid
I agree but that only works if your OMS clerk is doing their job and acting on the misload messages. We are instructed to call it in which is ridiculous. No accountability around here unless your a driver.
Whenever I scan a misload that I know I wont be able to deliver, the first thing I do after messaging it in to the office is to record it as "missed." That way, its not my problem any longer and I have followed the correct methods and covered my arse. I have found that this is also a highly effective method of getting an immediate response from the office and helping them to develop a "sense of urgency" about figuring out a plan to deal with the package.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I scan a misload that I know I wont be able to deliver, the first thing I do after messaging it in to the office is to record it as "missed." That way, its not my problem any longer and I have followed the correct methods and covered my arse. I have found that this is also a highly effective method of getting an immediate response from the office and helping them to develop a "sense of urgency" about figuring out a plan to deal with the package.

Haha I do this too. It's amazing how fast they message you once you sheet a pkg as missed.


Well-Known Member
Return to building, punch out. Grab another board, punch in, return to vehicle, deliver misload, punch out, and go home.

This is what I'm doing as of right now. I finish the route I was on and they want me to clock out of mines and punch in a board that has been downloaded to the driver I'm helping route. No transfer need to be done just get the pkgs and go. They doing this cause of Orion.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Whenever I scan a misload that I know I wont be able to deliver, the first thing I do after messaging it in to the office is to record it as "missed." That way, its not my problem any longer and I have followed the correct methods and covered my arse. I have found that this is also a highly effective method of getting an immediate response from the office and helping them to develop a "sense of urgency" about figuring out a plan to deal with the package.
I was told a while back not to sheet it as missed until it is definitely known that the package won't be delivered. Apparently if you scan a package as missed and it ends up being delivered later it still shows up as missed on some damn report. Voided or not. Oh well, I have no problem with scanning it as missed later in the day if that's what they want. But don't think I'm going to just bring it back to the center without sheeting it and watch the supervisors pull their misloaded package disappearing act to avoid a missed piece. Damn crooked bastards.


Well-Known Member
This is what I'm doing as of right now. I finish the route I was on and they want me to clock out of mines and punch in a board that has been downloaded to the driver I'm helping route. No transfer need to be done just get the pkgs and go. They doing this cause of Orion.

Tell them no. Orion is supposed to stop PM dispatching, and regardless of whether it's A different board or not...still PM dispatching


Well-Known Member
This is what I'm doing as of right now. I finish the route I was on and they want me to clock out of mines and punch in a board that has been downloaded to the driver I'm helping route. No transfer need to be done just get the pkgs and go. They doing this cause of Orion.

This is actually just an underhanded sneaky way of doing things.

What they do most of the time, is have a board with the other driver punched in with the same work on it. Basically a cloned board.

Then when you deilver, it credits to the driver on the route, it just shows that he's working "harder." They keep you punched in as working in the building, so it doesn't show you're delivering packages.

A way for them to falsify their own reports to show less paid hours or some crap like that.


Well-Known Member
I'm interested as to why you disagree with my post

Because it sounded like you were hoping that fellow union brothers would quit UPS and have worse off careers for your pleasure.

The post lingered of :censored2: and bad punctuation. If that sounds harsh, sorry I only meant to click on the red x thing.


Well-Known Member
Because it sounded like you were hoping that fellow union brothers would quit UPS and have worse off careers for your pleasure.

The post lingered of :censored2: and bad punctuation. If that sounds harsh, sorry I only meant to click on the red x thing.

I guess you don't have a sense of humor? Keep that nose held high big daddy


Well-Known Member
Because it sounded like you were hoping that fellow union brothers would quit UPS and have worse off careers for your pleasure.

The post lingered of :censored2: and bad punctuation. If that sounds harsh, sorry I only meant to click on the red x thing.

And some of the people tha bitch non stop that have never done anything else should get a dose of reality. Not :censored2: just truth
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Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
You called a customer a liar?
I call it like it is.
He called in a concern, said I never made an attempt. I said GPS will show me sitting her for three minutes, do not call and lie about me not making an attempt, That you just were not here, or you didn't hear me with my horn a blaring and your dogs a barking, and you wanted a re attempt, and that is fine if you request and they tell me to.

And I really do not care how you would handle it. In my world a liar is a liar. And where I work is not the BOG.

I will let the stewards handle it. Sometimes the customer is not right.


Well-Known Member
I call it like it is.
He called in a concern, said I never made an attempt. I said GPS will show me sitting her for three minutes, do not call and lie about me not making an attempt, That you just were not here, or you didn't hear me with my horn a blaring and your dogs a barking, and you wanted a re attempt, and that is fine if you request and they tell me to.

And I really do not care how you would handle it. In my world a liar is a liar. And where I work is not the BOG.

I will let the stewards handle it. Sometimes the customer is not right.

Why in the world would you interact with a customer in that manner, especially one that just called in a concern? Let your mgt team take care of it----that's why they make the big bucks.

What you should have done was relay the details of the incident to your on car before he or she called the consignee to address the concern, which I assume by your tone was a rude hourly concern. You never interact with the customer in the way you described above, whether you work in the BOG or the ghetto.

If what you say is true GPS will not only show that you were there but will also show how long you were there. 3 minutes seems appropriate to attempt the delivery and fill out an info notice.

You were 100% out of line when you called the customer a liar------whether it is true or not is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
We had a driver receive a similar concern yesterday. Customer complained that the driver did not bother to knock on her door while making what I believe was a second delivery attempt on her package. The 1-800 customer service person coded it as an hourly personnel, what we used to call a rude hourly. These have to be addressed within one hour of receipt. Our on car sent an ODS to the driver asking if he remembered the stop and, if so, whether he knocked or not. I don't know if they checked his GPS to see if was there and, if he was, how long he was there. I am pretty sure if GPS supports our driver the rude hourly will be thrown out.

I can only imagine what would have happened had the driver decided to do what you did and call the customer a liar.

You were way out of line.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
My center manager has told me I do not have to take abuse from customers. I go out of my way to help people that need help. There is plenty more to this interaction that I did not list. Two concerns in five years both from the same guy. From an ethnic background that does not particularly care for women. We have been fine since the last concern. We will be fine after this one.
Just because you wear a uniform. Does not make you a doormat. I returned I gave him his package and he's the one who started about seeing me drive by and not make an attempt. So I set him straight. I explained that he was mistaken. He wanted to continue berating me. The second attempt I had enough time to call the center fill out another InfoNotice and take a picture of why I couldn't get to the door. Then he finally appears in his underwear and I have to wait while he goes and put his pants on. Because we have had this issue before which I let go because at the time he was sick. And being the kind person I am, even in his underwear I put his packages inside his door for him. He was not a threat he was sick. And he tries to repay me. By telling me I shouldn't have a job. Now maybe he was just having a bad day and I can forgive that like I said its over. If you think because you make big bucks that people should be allowed to abuse you then you go right ahead and let them. I don't.
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