Part-time work may open doors



are u kidding me? Now if this lady took a job in 2001. And is now full-time.This would mean that she went in less than two years. I've been part time for 7 years and have no chance for at least another 1 or 2. And don't tell me its because she went in supervision because there are two sups that started at the same time i did in my hub and they are both still part time also. Sounds to me like a story to make good ol ups look great in corporate america


Dude, wake up. The woman portrayed in the story graduated from college and earned an MBA in international business. Thankfully, seniority rules don't apply here. This woman appears to be on the ball and judging from what I read, I believe she has a great future ahead of her.

The tuition reimbursement program was one of the smartest things the company has ever done for its employees. Since the program was started in our building, turnover has been reduced and higher quality people are manning the shifts. The net result is a more efficient and productive operation with motivated employees.

Personally, I know one part-time supervisor who has one year of college left and he has a sales job already lined up with the company when he graduates. Although he didn't work in our building, I also know a driver who graduated and is now having a successful career in UPS logistics.

Furthermore, another in our building, started as a preloader, got promoted after a few months and currently is a part-time supervisor taking advantage of the tuition assistance program. This person reminds me of the woman portrayed in the story, even though she has a couple of years to go until she graduates. This particular part-time supervisor is very bright and motivated. The last time I checked with her, she has a 3.80 GPA. On top of this, she has a great personality. She's a very positive person who has the gift of making people feel special, even if they sometimes don't deserve it. When she graduates, I think she will have a dynamite career ahead of her, even though her long range future plans are not with UPS.

The above are just a few examples off the top of my head. I'm sure others could share many other success stories in the making as well. Link to story: Part-time work may open doors.


It all depends on your immediate supervision, you could send in and application for a management or staff job and if your regime wants to keep you down it wont get in the mailbox, then again if you have good management they will send it where it needs to go where it will get recognized. My advice is to never submit a letter for management or otherwise to your immediate supervision through "housemail" do it on your own and you will have a better chance to be recognized which I would bet all these successful candidates did. Sometimes keeping a part timer down is just a way to make full times job easier. Just my opinion.


toonertoo ... You should have received a letter in January on the opt-in procedure. In that letter you were instructed to submit a letter of intent to your district Human Resource manager, not your supervisor.
Like much mail that goes to employees homes, it is usually set aside to be read later and then forgotten about, or, thrown away without being opened.
This promotion procedure has been in place for close to 3 years now and it is done companywide.


Need some advice gang. I am a full time driver. Used the tuition reimbursement program over the last 7 years to earn a double Bachelor degree majoring in Business Administration and H.R.(Industrial Management and Labor Relations) Finishing up my MBA in H.R. I typed a letter of intent and gave to my Ctr. Mgr. no response and not much interest on her part. Saw my Division Mgr.on day and stopped by her office to say hi and to see if she had time to talk about career oprotunities. She asked me about my plans and educational background. Told her I'd really like to apply my degree in H.R. or Labor. Conversation immediately went "south" She couldn't believe that I didn't want to concentrate my career on "Operations" She wanted to know if I thought I was better than everyone else. Staff positions are for lazy people who cant or wont do what is necessary to suceed. I am paraphrasing, but you get the drift. I was totally floored! Any advice?


<font color="0000ff">I believe college grads rightly deserve those non union full-time jobs as long as they put some time in the hubs/centers as inside part/timers or even full/timers first. We recently had a guy on our reload shift move up into sales. He had graduated college over a year ago and it was rough for him waiting so long to get his job but it was worth it. People like that deserve those jobs but it's when they hire people off the street (or from within management)into our union jobs that gets under my skin whether they have a degree or not.'s in the contract but its still bogus in my opinion.

(Message edited by upslocal480 on May 15, 2003)



My guess is that you will probably have to start in operations to establish your base knowledge and to get your feet wet. From there, the cross-training into human resources and labor relations would be next. If I'm not mistaken, I believe our H.R. and labor relations managers reached their positions by working in operations first, which has made them well-rounded employees. Maybe if you express an interest in starting in operations with the stated intent of eventually moving into a H.R. or labor relations position, you may receive a more positive response. If the trail is still cold, test the job market to see what's available. If you receive positive responses and interest, this will increase your bargaining power with UPS. Good luck.


I hired on with UPS in 1994 and have done everyhthing in operations that you can possibly think of---now I am a full time driver.

I graduated college in Dec 2001 with a Computer Software degree. I started when I was a senior in college trying to get into IE or TSG or anything technical---I scheduled meetings with district managers and nothing came of it---now I am just trying to get anything I can. Operations---I'll take it---I'll take anything. I have interviewed about four times for two different positions in management--still waiting to hear back about one of them. I dont plan on stoping my efforts any time soon. I will get in eventually. Hopefully it will be soon.


Its quite possible that there are no open positions for you guys at the present time in your given areas with UPS. It couldn't hurt to play the field because you may find, dare I say it, a better job elsewhere. To cite an example, I remember a part-time supervisor from several years ago, who desired a full-time management position. At the time, there was nothing available and as a result, he applied elsewhere and actually found a better paying job with another company. Its also quite possible once the economy picks up steam, those desired positions may open up to you guys.


i heard FED EX is hiring full time drivers starting at 15 dollars an hour... (maybe i'll check into that)


This is true. We had a customer sales rep that felt he had hit a dead end. Ended up with Coke, making 145,000 a year and perks like a company BMW, expense acount, and only 35-45 hours a week. UPS lost a really good rep when they let him go, but Coke saw what he could do and turned him loose.

I think part of the stone wall in moving up are managers that see you as a threat to them advancing. They want to be the one to move up, and dont want someone else that has better qualifications taking the job away from them, esp if they are from their corner of UPS. But keep trying, and as was said, dont limmit yourself to only UPS, there are lots of other places that pay good for good management. THe same can NOT be said for worn out old UPS drivers



Thanks smfo6o5, I got promoted and spent 6 yrs in PT mgmt. I am now a fulltime driver with a union behind me. And I saw how mgmt could hold you down, or send you through with flying colors. The process is better now than it was in 1984. I was just trying to send anyone interested (in case they, like many, throw all mail aside (-
in the right direction. Its not for me anymore, but they do need good people, and PT mgmt is a good qualification to have on your resume, especially with such a respected company.


dannyboy .. I don't think it's so much that the manager is afraid of competition so much as it is the manager hates to lose a good worker.


PS Dannyboy, you are so right you get my vote. I had the pleasure of being told I needed more education to be promoted to full time when I was pt by A manager that had never set one foot in a college and at that time I was attending college working on my bachelors degree, already had my associate which he didnt even know what that meant, duh, you'll have that anywhere you go. ie could have been a threat.... And there is life after UPS, it is not the only wonderful job out there, have seen many go on without big brown, and do well, but Im just one of those old worn out drivers now, too tired and restricted on time to take advantage of tuition reimbursement, paid for mine the hard way, just got done paying as a matter of fact.


You know what, I never got any "freebies" from UPS and never expected any. What I have I earned. The hard way. YEah I furthered my education while I was part time, and that is something no one can take away. I am glad that UPS is taking stock of its employees and trying to help them. Shame that some managers will allways look to their own good instead of the good of the worker that wants to move up and out. But then again there are those that should NEVER move up with UPS, they have the people skills of Adolf Hitler. This company is moving in the right direction. I just hope that they keep on getting smart, bright, well rounded people to fill their management needs. And there are some that post here.



Ditto Dannboy, truth stands tall. There is a lot of respect for those of us Brown who are not in management. I appreciate the respect I get on the street with my customers. And from the people who know I could do more because I have the "people skills" etc, that no amount of management classes can give you. Kind of like common sense, it is so rare why do they call it common.


Fed ex is hiring!@!!, and I know a few people who went there, because they could not wait to move up, they thought a few months was too much time to wait...... It is worth the wait, do something else to keep busy and make money in the meantime, PT gives you plenty of time to open your own business or further your education, or work a 2nd job, make the best of it unless you think fed ex is the future leader in delivery excellence. not......


Dont EVER underestimate Fedex. We did that when they started. When they first hit the air, thought was hell, NOBODY needs anything THAT fast. They created the market, fulfilled their promises, and they are still the market leader, no matter what we have done to take it from them. They also have many very sharp people that work for them, some that used to work for us. So never underestimate them.

John, I work in delivery 50-60 hours a week, have a wife and two children that are in school. And I started my own business on the side. So you should be able to do something with all the time that you have. Dream. Find something that fascinates you to no end. Then grab hold of it with both hands and make it work. Dont blame you lack of future on someone else, you CAN make your own future what ever you like. All it takes is a vision and lots of hard work. HEll if I can do it any one can



G dannyboy thanx for the inspiration. All i wanna do is become a golf pro. i live to play golf (besides my family) So close but yet so far. maybe if dale jarret keeps recking cars i could have his job hehe


Most FT people at UPS started out as PT employees. We are a promote from within company. Besides the piece of mail we get every year about the promotion process, there are also posters in the building detailing the process. UPS is very proactive in allowing ALL employees the opportunity for advancement. Employees that follow the process will get the opportunity, and will get promoted based on qualifications and the needs of the company.