As long as they don't make you run your route in"trace" you can run as you like. Our center has been on PAS for almost and we run the routes as we like.
I assume by trace you mean delivery order listing. I have decided to let the supe handle it . I plan to run my route exactly the way it is in the DIAD. Am I being stupid by doing this? We are suppossed to start PAS in October. I'm to the point that I really don't care anymore.16 years of being hammered by UPS can do this to a person. Any advice will be appreciated.
You should run the route in it's most effective way, not following a course charted by someone who knows nothing of your area. I used PAS just to acquire the address information. The order of delivery in my board was non-sensical.
At first they tell you to do the route exactly how it is in your board (no one does). Then after certain commercial customers get really pissed off, they come to you and ask you to lay out the DOL for them to keep the complaints down. They will have some silly contest to see who can run their route as close to 100% in trace. You have to sit down with a person who can change the DOL to match your delivery pattern. This may take many attempts as the system is not user friendly and your DOL is different for every car plan that is run. The bottom line is, they really don't care how you run your route, they just want you to stay under the radar on the bazillion reports that come out every morning.
When they relooped my old route for PAS,I went from a perfect trace to making left turns and crossing traffic all day.They also told us to run it just like it is in the board.