Populist Indeed!


Well-Known Member
God + public education or public education - God isn't the problem that needs solved. The problem that needs solved is education - government. But hey, we can always throw more money at it. K-12 is a joke.


Well-Known Member
It isn't an extreme van. Religion is very, very serious.

I once delivered to a Lutheran Church and when I told the minister that my dad had recently retired from the Lutheran ministry he asked "ELCA or Missouri Synod?"


"Oh. Well WE still believe in the Bible."

Lutherans van. But very different.
Believe me, I grew up in the Church of Christ in a family of ministers. We're known in the South as believing we're the true Christian Church restored. I know all about infighting and conflict with various denominations. Very tiresome. But the extremes I was referring to is it seems every discussion relies on the most extreme scenarios which most people would reject but presented as the likely outcome if religion(or whatever situation we're discussing) gets a toehold. So everyone must do without if it means not offending whoever's pet peeve. I for one am not going to give in to that, I think we'd all be better off if we tried to the best of our ability to practice Christian principles(whether you believe in God and Jesus or not). None of us are perfect, but society would greatly benefit from striving towards the best we can be.


Staff member
Saying we need God back in schools isn't the same as forcing beliefs on others. This is what you don't grasp about Christianity. Christians present their beliefs to others in hopes that non-believers will see in those beliefs a better way to live for themselves. But non-believers are free to reject those beliefs. The progressive liberal with the biggest megaphone out there, Bill Maher, has pointed that out in comparing Christianity with Islam. He's an atheist, but acknowledges there's a huge disparity between Christianity and other religions vs Islam.

As for the rest, I sincerely can't understand why you can't see that the ACA is a flawed law that's hurting more than it's helping? Or that SS needs to be reformed to prevent it from collapsing? As is we're looking at reduced benefits in a little over 20 years, probably sooner if the economy doesn't greatly improve.
But this portrayal of Christians is a fairytale and your own experience proves it. We don't just present our beliefs and let people take or leave. And for every Lutheran in a school a Catholic would demand equal time. For every Baptist, an Episcopalian would cry foul.

We are not a Christian nation. We are a principled nation intent on preserving something sacred for our kids; a world and life in which they can grow into whatever faith or non-faith as they will. Ironically, that requires that each faith respect all others.


Well-Known Member
But this portrayal of Christians is a fairytale and your own experience proves it. We don't just present our beliefs and let people take or leave. And for every Lutheran in a school a Catholic would demand equal time. For every Baptist, an Episcopalian would cry foul.

We are not a Christian nation. We are a principled nation intent on preserving something sacred for our kids; a world and life in which they can grow into whatever faith or non-faith as they will. Ironically, that requires that each faith respect all others.
And Jesus prayed that his followers would be united. No matter how divided we are, there are Christian principles that are universal. And whether you believe in God or not those principles would help anyone have a better life. Love they neighbor as thyself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. These aren't horrible things. If non-believers aren't comfortable praying then they can abstain. But if a coach wants to say a quick prayer after a game with players who want to participate they should be able to do so without the ACLU attacking him. Things have been taken too far and our culture as a whole has suffered for it.


Well-Known Member
And Jesus prayed that his followers would be united. No matter how divided we are, there are Christian principles that are universal. And whether you believe in God or not those principles would help anyone have a better life. Love they neighbor as thyself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. These aren't horrible things. If non-believers aren't comfortable praying then they can abstain. But if a coach wants to say a quick prayer after a game with players who want to participate they should be able to do so without the ACLU attacking him. Things have been taken too far and our culture as a whole has suffered for it.
There you go again trying to make your religious views a matter of public policy by claiming that the C of C is "the true Christian Church restored". If I had a dime for every denomination that claims to be the same thing I would be on the Forbes list as well.VT it all comes down to this. Civilizations have spent the last 8000 destroying one another over the question of whose God is the true God and who loves him more.


Well-Known Member
This thread boils us down to a nation. It's Sad . Makes me feel bad what my boy will have to rise against. However, I'll make sure he knows what he's in for. I will make for certain he'll be fine. A father's love no? Isn't this what we all want for our kids?so why the all the racist things on the unders?? Be real man, whatever your views.


Well-Known Member
There you go again trying to make your religious views a matter of public policy by claiming that the C of C is "the true Christian Church restored". If I had a dime for every denomination that claims to be the same thing I would be on the Forbes list as well.VT it all comes down to this. Civilizations have spent the last 8000 destroying one another over the question of whose God is the true God and who loves him more.
Man I'm sorry but you have comprehension issues. I didn't say the C of C is the one true church, I said I grew up in it and it's known for believing it's the true church. A belief that is held by various denominations that they are the true church. Ask a lot of Catholics that question. If you insist on twisting words and attacking I'm going to have to start ignoring you.


Well-Known Member
Let's me know when your life gets better because of Trump. I get that you're "in his camp" and you like that he's shaking the establishment, but if you're a working stiff like most around here, he's really done nothing about your interests.
Hillary Clinton is perfectly safe from prosecution for the exact reason that Edward Snowden can never return to his home: the will of the prosecutors. The same reason when you turn on CNN you would be left with the impression that from 2008-2017 God Emperor Obama was ruling with sage wisdom and everything was rainbows and unicorns. Literally. You turn on CNN today and you get impeachment scenarios and military coups, and RINO politicians backstabbing. My interests have nothing to do with the Republican agenda. God, guns, red state ramble, etc. To me, it is like a last ditch effort to see if these people are actually capable of any such thing they say they will do. They are all hacks. I am rooting for Trump to be one step ahead of all of them.


Well-Known Member
Our country's founding documents have "God" all throughout them. Separation of church and state had nothing to do with prayer but all to do with making sure we weren't governed by a theocracy like Europe was at the time. Check this out all you serfs; your rights don't come from a piece of paper or from a man. Men take away rights. Your rights come from God.

I don't belong to a specific church, I don't even go to a church. I spend my 3 hours a week doing volunteer work at a church operated food pantry. And it's amazing how efficient it's ran, all from volunteers. It's amazing what they don't offer; junk food, sugary snacks, pop... and then on my last crr rte I'd see people daily trying to sell their government subsidized food card. Anything the government touches becomes covered in red tape, bureaucracy, and will cost 10x more.

I'm just glad I live in a country that is very religiously tolerant, unlike many other countries that are theocracies. Those terrible Christian countries of the Middle East


Well-Known Member
Our country's founding documents have "God" all throughout them. Separation of church and state had nothing to do with prayer but all to do with making sure we weren't governed by a theocracy like Europe was at the time. Check this out all you serfs; your rights don't come from a piece of paper or from a man. Men take away rights. Your rights come from God.

I don't belong to a specific church, I don't even go to a church. I spend my 3 hours a week doing volunteer work at a church operated food pantry. And it's amazing how efficient it's ran, all from volunteers. It's amazing what they don't offer; junk food, sugary snacks, pop... and then on my last crr rte I'd see people daily trying to sell their government subsidized food card. Anything the government touches becomes covered in red tape, bureaucracy, and will cost 10x more.

I'm just glad I live in a country that is very religiously tolerant, unlike many other countries that are theocracies. Those terrible Christian countries of the Middle East
If our rights come from God then who would decide how to interpret and administer those rights as it pertains to a nation? History shows that it often ends up in the exclusive hands of a king, dictator or religious zealot bent on complete control over the masses. In complete disregard of the constitutional separation of church and state, today we have people who became extremely wealthy thanks to their ability to market a set of religious beliefs regardless of whether or not they live their own lives in accordance with those principals who then seek to forcibly impose those beliefs by running for public office in an attempt to broaden and consolidate the powers granted to them by the Constitution. The Falwell's, Robertson's, Graham's etc all back woods Southern preachers have tried playing this game and fortunately the American people made them eat it. Why? People of genuine faith refuse to allow their faith to be dragged through the quagmire of partisan politics.


Well-Known Member
If our rights come from God then who would decide how to interpret and administer those rights as it pertains to a nation? History shows that it often ends up in the exclusive hands of a king, dictator or religious zealot bent on complete control over the masses. In complete disregard of the constitutional separation of church and state, today we have people who became extremely wealthy thanks to their ability to market a set of religious beliefs regardless of whether or not they live their own lives in accordance with those principals who then seek to forcibly impose those beliefs by running for public office in an attempt to broaden and consolidate the powers granted to them by the Constitution. The Falwell's, Robertson's, Graham's etc all back woods Southern preachers have tried playing this game and fortunately the American people made them eat it. Why? People of genuine faith refuse to allow their faith to be dragged through the quagmire of partisan politics.
Great; so you agree, men take away rights and separation of church and state was to ensure we were not ruled by a theocracy. And like you just proved, men will take away your rights. Don't put faith in the man speaking, put faith in the word spoken.


Well-Known Member
Great; so you agree, men take away rights and separation of church and state was to ensure we were not ruled by a theocracy. And like you just proved, men will take away your rights. Don't put faith in the man speaking, put faith in the word spoken.
That all depends on which words God is publicly accused of having spoke. The words recorded in the Koran, New Testament Old Testament, Torah and all of the countless different versions that exist today ? And the great part about it is that you take any passage from any version and use it to support any point of view you want.Having discovered man's propensity to take his words and use them to support actions he never intended that are often harmful to mankind God now knows when to keep his mouth shut.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with the Koran, maybe some christians and Jews should be killed.
Your comment simply reaffirms what I said earlier. Civilizations have spent the past 8000 years destroying each other over the question of whose God is the true God and who loves him more.And judging by your comments it looks like the conflict will go on until the matter is finally decided by means of the complete destruction of a planet that can longer be serve as a habitat for man regardless of religious affiliation.


Well-Known Member
As I've said before, this country was founded on Christian beliefs; and those beliefs are what makes it so tolerant to other religions. Obviously to tolerant.

But the Christian beliefs are what has guided this country to take in more refugees, feed more hungry children of the world, and to cure more diseases and save more lives than any other country in the history of the world.