Prayers for Birmingham facility


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
To the ones that say it is just a job, it's not for a lot of us. 30 years same route, most of my route I've known 3 generations. I'm invited to a lot of their family events.
I have been on UPS's wrong side before, relentless harassment, and finally fired, and rehired. I can understand how somebody could have a few other problems that I didn't have could lose it. I never wanted to kill anybody, but I wanted to beat the friend out of them, and would have if it hadn't been a woman.
That is when you slash tires, key cars, put ping pong balls in the gas tank. or sugar.(if that still works) Egg them, brake fluid on the paint, there are ways to deal with these ingrates. Those are acceptable . Most you can do is pay a fine, and costs, and cost them misery.
I dont know.
I just feel so bad for the families, not so much for the shooter.
That is when you slash tires, key cars, put ping pong balls in the gas tank. or sugar.(if that still works) Egg them, brake fluid on the paint, there are ways to deal with these ingrates. Those are acceptable . Most you can do is pay a fine, and costs, and cost them misery.
I dont know.
I just feel so bad for the families, not so much for the shooter.
Remind me,not to piss you off!


Well-Known Member
Here's the deal. I completely understand that supervisors (for the most part) can be spawns of satan. I've had my fair share of run-ins and grievances filed but a lot of the comments I'm seeing here say nothing about what an idiot this driver had to be to commit this despicable act.

From what I've read, this man was married with kids...with KIDS! How selfish can an individual be to not think of the scar it will leave on his own flesh and blood? The only reason I drive is for my family and I don't think it's far fetched to say most drivers over 30 would say the same thing.

I know management can be absolute dicks and expect drivers to move mountains for them every day but damn, you HAVE to be one messed up sonofabitch to do something like this.

So say what you will about how you can "understand" where this driver was coming from and turn this into a flame management thread but don't act like this guy is some sort of anti-hero.

Sent via Big Arrow Up


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I saw none on those, zero. The consensus is, no one should do this to their family. Can we understand those thoughts, maybe, would we do it NO. Did we make him a martyr, absolutely not. Sad for the family, all.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Suicide is just so gut wrenching. Just hit a bridge, make it look like an accident. I mean dont do it anyways, but if you must dont make others suffer, more.
I have a close family member that has attempted suicide a few times. There are times I wish they would just do it so everyone can quit worrying what he next call will be.

I'm like you why not make it look like an accident. Although I can't even fathom why anyone would ever consider it a solution. I'm so far
From understanding its not even funny.


Retired 22 years
for all involved Photog is a retired corporate employee.. long out of the current game

Photog (Hoax) hasn't been out of the game all that long. Now I on the other hand have been retired for 13 years but I will say that even way back in the 70's & 80's and 90's I often wondered why this "going postal" thing hadn't caught on at UPS. I believe every center has that "one guy" who everyone else believes will be the one who goes off the deep end.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
This was very sad news to me when I first heard about this today. Three families are now totally devastated, it all seems so senseless. I see stressed out people everyday at work, I wonder about some of them. We all work under intense expectations, some handle it better than others. Thoughts and prayers go out to all involved, hopefully we will all learn something from this tragedy.


Nine Lives
Photog (Hoax) hasn't been out of the game all that long. Now I on the other hand have been retired for 13 years but I will say that even way back in the 70's & 80's and 90's I often wondered why this "going postal" thing hadn't caught on at UPS. I believe every center has that "one guy" who everyone else believes will be the one who goes off the deep end.
I worked in at least 15 different centers and 10 other groups while at UPS and we all agreed there was at least one in each center/group who could go postal. There were a few that if I ever saw them wearing a trench coat, I was taking off in the other direction.


Squeaky Wheel
I can hardly bear reading through all of the replies here. This is a terrible tragedy and tremendous loss for these men's families.

IMO if a lot of us are really honest with ourselves, many or even most of us have been on a little shaky ground mental health-wise at some point. The job is mentally, physically, and emotionally punishing and a lot of people have learned how to navigate all of that successfully from somewhere. Unfortunately, some people never get the connection.

I saw Mr. Joe's name as soon as they released it and looked at his facebook before it was taken down. He was a handsome guy with a pretty wife and beautiful young daughters. He was also very devout Christian as some of the media has reported. He had more scripture and spiritual quotes and stuff in his albums than he did family pics. I really get the feeling he was a regular guy. But I would have to say he was extremely religious, or was trying to be. And I say this here because, IMO, no "balls to the wall" extreme is truly healthy, no matter what extreme it is.

So the guy was definitely off his rocker, just by his actions today. To me it looks like he was struggling for answers. The world is a freaking scary place especially if you have others depending on you. Fear, plus the rage he must've felt... I mean he must've felt wronged, treated unfairly. More on that later.

Any person worth his weight in morality that has done this job for more than a couple months has felt that rage. For the sake of taking one for the team, I have felt that rage. If I were to act on it I can say with blessed assurance that I wouldn't physically harm anyone else, because I would turn on myself first. But I can draw the line between feeling and acting because I am AWARE of my feelings and where they come from.

I'm not excusing him at all. I see it as my responsibility to myself and my family to stay safe, and to do that sometimes I have to face some hard facts.

Our company and those managers were in no way responsible for this man's actions. But we are all responsible for our own mental health and understanding and communicating about mental illness as a society. Do they go too far? Yes. They get downright mentally and emotionally abusive at times. A lot of times. But you know that about them and you choose to stay and cope and hopefully grow and become a better person for whatever reasons you have, or you move on to some other situation that has its own ups & downs.

They are in this business not to help us or society but to be a giant money making machine. That Is All. You have contracted your body to them, and that #%$& AIN'T NEVER GONNA BE FAIR. They could certainly make a lot of improvements that would make everything better for everyone. If you can bear to look at them in a parental or somehow personal manner, you know you can't change anyone who doesn't believe they need to change. And when I say "Them" I'm talking about people we never see, because our sups and managers and even a couple above them are in a similar boat. Really.

All I'm saying is pay attention to yourself, to others, and communicate. Find a reason to be hopeful.

These are my opinions. Others are available.
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I saw Mr. Joe's name as soon as they released it and looked at his facebook before it was taken down. He was a handsome guy with a pretty wife and beautiful young daughters. He was also very devout Christian as some of the media has reported. He had more scripture and spiritual quotes and stuff in his albums than he did family pics. I really get the feeling he was a regular guy. But I would have to say he was extremely religious, or was trying to be. And I say this here because, IMO, no balls to the wall extreme is truly healthy, no matter what extreme it is.
To be extremely devoted to God is a command (not a request) from Jesus himself, so I would have to disagree with you on that.
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’”