Proposed Universal Policing Reforms


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I think Mothers Against Drunk Driving might disagree with you about what a minor crime is buddy.

You realize you're on a website for people who drive for a living right? This POS put everyone's life at risk.

What was his B.A.C. at autopsy? Not that pos hand-held field toy? And don't give me that crap about the field sobriety test, the officer did the nystagmus long enough that all of us would have been crosseyed!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
His argument is you're missing the forest for the trees. Or in this case the mushrooms.
Did someone say shrooms?



Inordinately Right
What was his B.A.C. at autopsy? Not that pos hand-held field toy? And don't give me that crap about the field sobriety test, the officer did the nystagmus long enough that all of us would have been crosseyed!
Lol, so you're claiming the breathalyzer was wrong.

Democrats sure do love their conspiracy theories!

Relax Benji, it's just another dead POS thug, they'll be more tomorrow for you to cry about.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The elimination of police forces in some cities is pretty much just stupid (IMO) but there may be some changes that are needed and would help to guard against abuse against any person.
I am a Fiscal and Social Libertarian so my beliefs in this area are based on the non-aggression principle which states that no human being holds the right to initiate force or fraud against the person or property of another human being under any circumstances.
Natural-rights libertarianism, also known as deontological libertarianism, is the theory that all individuals possess certain natural or moral rights, mainly a right of individual sovereignty and that therefore acts of initiation of force and fraud are rights-violations and that is sufficient reason to oppose those acts.
Deontological libertarians consider this principle to be the basis of all morality and therefore believe that any violation of the principle is immoral, no matter what other arguments may be invoked to justify that violation.

I personally think, that changes to policing should also be accompanied by changes in Laws and Judiciary if it is going to be effective ... that however, is another thread.

The police force is in place to protect the citizens

Some proposed changes that I agree with are:
  • Allow police officers discretion to give advice and council to lawbreakers of minor misdemeanors instead of arresting
  • Eliminate any permanent confiscation of property or other assets
  • No stopping of vehicles unless their is an immediate and imminent danger to others in traffic
  • No 'sting' operations
  • No choke holds for any reason
  • No neck holds
  • No head strikes
  • No using of excessive force against persons in handcuffs.
  • No stop-and-frisk unless a crime has been observed by the police officer
  • No no-knock warrants
  • All police officers involved in engagement with a citizen must wear a functioning body camera
    • No criminal charges will be valid if in an arrest, if the body camera is not active
  • No Police Union intervention if a Police Officer is charged with a crime
  • Eliminate qualified immunity
  • Create a national registry to track police misconduct
  • Eliminate internal investigations into alleged police transgressions
    • Establish community citizen boards that review alleged police transgressions
  • Prohibition of ticketing and arrest quotas
  • Require supervisory approval before someone can be arrested for “failure to comply,” “resisting arrest,” “disorderly conduct,” or “disturbing the peace”

The City that Really Did Abolish the Police

And rebuilt the department from the ground up. The strange, hopeful, politically complicated story of Camden, N.J.

Days after George Floyd died at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis, a different scene was playing out in what was once the most dangerous city in the United States.

Joseph D. Wysocki was marching in the streets of Camden alongside residents in “Black Lives Matter” T-shirts. He found the organizer of the protest: Yolanda Deaver. Wysocki introduced himself and asked whether he could join her. Absolutely, she said, and the two started marching together, holding up a sign reading STANDING IN SOLIDARITY.
Therefore, this thread ...

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
One of the many BLM lies in Breanna Taylor's case was that the police executed a "No Knock" warrant.
It was revealed today that the police knocked 3 times and with each knock, announced they were the POLICE.
This was confirmed by a fellow resident in Breanna's apartment building.


Happy Verified UPSer
late to the party. is a no knock warranty for armed and dangerous?

somebody busts my door down unannounced and they may be shot at also. now some police just wear black uniforms with no identifying emblems. How the heck are you supposed to know who they are.?


Happy Verified UPSer
How about a show of force by police wherever there's non-peaceful rioting and looting? About time this got taken care of. People can peacefully protest all day. That's enough of a disruption. Hurting others is unacceptable.
we must be close to same age. i just dont understand this mamby pamby bs.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
late to the party. is a no knock warranty for armed and dangerous?

somebody busts my door down unannounced and they may be shot at also. now some police just wear black uniforms with no identifying emblems. How the heck are you supposed to know who they are.?
An eyewitness stated the police announced three times to open up before knocking the door down.


Happy Verified UPSer
An eyewitness stated the police announced three times to open up before knocking the door down.
that may be true. i just wanna know why the no knock warrant is used? the only thing i can think of is if the suspect is known to be armed and dangerous.
People can't adequately judge the police unless they were either field police officers or infantry combat vets.

kill or be killed. at the end of "The Long Riders" they asked Cole Younger what he thought and he said something like " Hell, we played a rough game , and we lost."


Well-Known Member
late to the party. is a no knock warranty for armed and dangerous?

somebody busts my door down unannounced and they may be shot at also. now some police just wear black uniforms with no identifying emblems. How the heck are you supposed to know who they are.?
That's the narrative put out by the Left but once again wasn't so. And unfortunately she got caught in the crossfire.


Happy Verified UPSer
That's the narrative put out by the Left but once again wasn't so. And unfortunately she got caught in the crossfire.
so they all riot last night and some thug shot 2 police officers.......and they wonder why I think they are a bunch of animals and need to be put away. Reagan would have busted skulls.

"Nip it ,,,,NIP it in the bud" .... Barney Fife.

dont these idiots ( liberals ) realize that this is their fault for letting things get out of hand from the start of this BLM garbage? If they cracked down hard from the start this wouldnt continue to be a problem.


Well-Known Member
so they all riot last night and some thug shot 2 police officers.......and they wonder why I think they are a bunch of animals and need to be put away. Reagan would have busted skulls.

"Nip it ,,,,NIP it in the bud" .... Barney Fife.

dont these idiots ( liberals ) realize that this is their fault for letting things get out of hand from the start of this BLM garbage? If they cracked down hard from the start this wouldnt continue to be a problem.
They calculated it would hurt Trump's chances but I think quite a few voters are thinking no way are they voting for anarchy.


Well-Known Member
  • Allow police officers discretion to give advice and council to lawbreakers of minor misdemeanors instead of arresting
  • Eliminate any permanent confiscation of property or other assets
  • No stopping of vehicles unless their is an immediate and imminent danger to others in traffic (What about running tags for stolen vehicles? If a car comes back stolen but they arent doing anything to endanger anyone let them be? Na)
  • No 'sting' operations (Sting operations are awesome and effective. Lady just got popped for trying to buy $20k of meth the other day from an undercover. Thats meth that she would have otherwise possibly sold to your kids and turned them into addicts for life)
  • No choke holds for any reason (If people did what they were asked of by the police, and didnt retaliate/or be the aggressor with violence, I would agree. Pain-compliance should be justifiable, and I have yet to see a time when it wasnt justifiable)
  • No neck holds
  • No head strikes (No head strikes? I dont know about you but getting punched in the face is outstanding persuasion technique)
  • No using of excessive force against persons in handcuffs.
  • No stop-and-frisk unless a crime has been observed by the police officer (Disagree completely. Stop and frisk needs to be EXPANDED. People who look like they are up to no good want to give off that persona to others, and guess what, 9 times out of 10 they actually ARE doing something wrong)
  • No no-knock warrants
  • All police officers involved in engagement with a citizen must wear a functioning body camera
    • No criminal charges will be valid if in an arrest, if the body camera is not active
  • No Police Union intervention if a Police Officer is charged with a crime (Imagine being told that the UPS union cant intervene if youve been charged with something. Thats one of the MAIN purposes of a union)
  • Eliminate qualified immunity
  • Create a national registry to track police misconduct
  • Eliminate internal investigations into alleged police transgressions
    • Establish community citizen boards that review alleged police transgressions (Yeah, thats just what we need. An antifa brigade determining whether the police acted appropriately against them or not)
  • Prohibition of ticketing and arrest quotas
  • Require supervisory approval before someone can be arrested for “failure to comply,” “resisting arrest,” “disorderly conduct,” or “disturbing the peace” (I only see this benefitting those who refuse to comply. The police dont arrest the compliant unless a crime has been committed beforehand and this just adds extra hoops to jump through to get the unruly off the streets)

Out of these changes, I hi-lighted the ones Id agree with in green, and why I dont agree in red