Questions for Mike.




When are you going to make the package division manager's job relevant again? They used to manage their divisions but now they are simply high paid email transferers that aren't able to manage the new technology. This is why everyone hates IE - the division managers simply transfer the emails from IE without understanding what they're saying. Lets get back to the days where the division managers accept responsibility.


Active Member
I for one would like to know why, in the year 2007, we are still putting some of the equipment on the road that we do. Don't get me wrong, I'll drive anything UPS gives me and I'll get the job done. But give me a break. We are supposed to be the leaders in our industry. When I'm driving a package car numbered 7**** (5 digits mind you) that backfires, I find this a little embarrassing. We just ordered 27 (correct me if I'm wrong) new Boeing 767 jets. Can we get a little of that cash to bring some new cars into the operation? Just wondering....

Mean IE Guy

I for one would like to know why, in the year 2007, we are still putting some of the equipment on the road that we do. Don't get me wrong, I'll drive anything UPS gives me and I'll get the job done. But give me a break. We are supposed to be the leaders in our industry. When I'm driving a package car numbered 7**** (5 digits mind you) that backfires, I find this a little embarrassing. We just ordered 27 (correct me if I'm wrong) new Boeing 767 jets. Can we get a little of that cash to bring some new cars into the operation? Just wondering....

You can't have a new car because based on my calculations your center already has more cars than needed. You should dispose of this old vehicle and use the excess capacity in the other vehicles to move the displaced packages. This will make your center more efficient.


You can't have a new car because based on my calculations your center already has more cars than needed. You should dispose of this old vehicle and use the excess capacity in the other vehicles to move the displaced packages. This will make your center more efficient.

this guy sounds like the IE genius pacing around our hub, although after "the real people in charge" told him to sit back and shut up (in a nicer way I'm sure) we've not seen much of him


I also have a question for Mr E. With so many yes men at your disposal and your posterior clean as a whistle, don't you think its time to cut some of that dead wood? Those happy go lucky empty suits that came up with that genius whiteboard campaign now are quite useless. All the while they are ringing up huge lunch tabs on their corporate Amex cards and getting their mani pedi's on company time. What about the stock holder sir?


I also have a question for Mr E. With so many yes men at your disposal and your posterior clean as a whistle, don't you think its time to cut some of that dead wood? Those happy go lucky empty suits that came up with that genius whiteboard campaign now are quite useless. All the while they are ringing up huge lunch tabs on their corporate Amex cards and getting their mani pedi's on company time. What about the stock holder sir?

I believe you will be able to afford a few pedis when you get your welfare check Dave.


actually class action theft for money not earned or deserved.
Please enlighten us on your contributions to the stock holders sir. How do you facilitate profit for this company? What meeting have you attended recently where you actually said or did anything to produce, promote or develop something other than your personal agenda or advancement? That's where us "dumb truck drivers" have scoreboard on you benevolent dicktator you can and do measure our work. How about you take your next bonus check earned on the backs and with the sweat of your adoring subjects and buy yourself somemore ugly ties at your store and let us ask Mike E. the tough questions of how he removes fully engorged company leeches like yourself.


Well-Known Member
What happens when 3 months(and counting) worth of grievances finally get paid?

I'm sure it's not up his alley, but i'd like to his reaction to that one!


Well-Known Member
Tieguy - I don't think the third party issue is relevant. We have certain questions we want to ask each time to measure our progress. You don't need a third party administering the ERI to accomplish that task. If you don't have questions consistently asked a certain way then you can't measure your improvement or tell if things got worse.

The adavantage of a professional third party is that is all they do; objectively and professionally cultivate results for organizations who are looking for real answers to hard questions. It is their core competency, just like ours is to move packages. The feedback results are very impressive, and they are able to deliver feedback data in very finite and specific areas. I think we all agree that the ERI in its present state is a lot of things, but it is definitely not consistent. It is not administered consistently. It is not prepared for consistently, participation is not consistent, and most of all the results are inconsistent.

We never see tangible feedback results from the ERI - the scores are posted and / or talked about, That's it.

A third party vendor can deliver a comprehensive packet with charts, graphs, goals, percentages, all broken down specifically to a pre-determined set of prameters administered by UPS. The questions on the ERI are also determined by UPS the third party has no other interest other than mining and delivering the data.

Make no mistake Tie, these companies abilities to cultivate relavent data is completely dependent upon their ablity to "ask the questions consistently in a certain way to measure improvement or decline" that is their only business, and they have it down to a science. Setting goals, tracking results, using the data to help achieve improvements are exactly what they do day in and day out.

Tieguy - A third party might actually sway the results higher. You are interviewed by the third party. You respond negatively. Third party then says Ok I understand what you're saying now here is what management said. Did they do these things this year. You respond oh you're right they did do those things this year and I guess I have to admit those things did make a difference. People tend to forget what you did for them 9 months ago but they remember you losing your temper and going off on them forever. Thats why you have the sit downs. Some management may use the sit down to try to sell a score they don't deserve, many want the chance to remind you of the things they did do in the past year to try to make things better.

Providing a comprehensive workplace assesment for a company the breadth and scope of UPS could not be administered through a series of interviews, It would be administered electronically, just like the ERI is now. The collection of the data needs to be objectified if it is to be effective, the inherent worth of these organizations is that they are consistent in how they approach it. they charge big, big bucks, but they get results - they have impressive track records with respect to full employee participation, quick turnaround, easy to follow, tangible feedback information.

Companies who contract with vendors who offer these services are loathe to spend that kind of money and not have participation, so believe you me-it gets top priority. The other aspect of a third party is the objectivity. They go out of their way to make everyone aware of how objective and removed UPS is from the process, people are far less inclined to be swayed one way or another when they know that it is not UPS who is adminitering the employee relation index. No sitdowns, no coercion, no - "who answered this negatively, just accountabilty.

a lot of companies who use these types of servies are able to achieve very impressive results in only a few years. Having real world, truthful information about how your employees feel about their management team, their jobs, and their work environment is crucial to success. A revamped ERI would instill confidence and respect in employees to see that UPS would be committed to finally taking a hard look at what I am sure we all agree would be some very tough information to digest.

The worst thing about the ERI right now is how it makes us feel; not the results mind you, most of us don't trust those, but the whole process is so insulting and demeaning to the employees, it is just such a joke how inconsistent and unprofessional it is in its present state.

Remember the old saying Tie, the numbers don't lie.


Tieguy - I don't think the third party issue is relevant. We have certain questions we want to ask each time to measure our progress. You don't need a third party administering the ERI to accomplish that task. If you don't have questions consistently asked a certain way then you can't measure your improvement or tell if things got worse.

The adavantage of a professional third party is that is all they do; objectively and professionally cultivate results for organizations who are looking for real answers to hard questions. It is their core competency, just like ours is to move packages. The feedback results are very impressive, and they are able to deliver feedback data in very finite and specific areas. I think we all agree that the ERI in its present state is a lot of things, but it is definitely not consistent. It is not administered consistently. It is not prepared for consistently, participation is not consistent, and most of all the results are inconsistent.

We never see tangible feedback results from the ERI - the scores are posted and / or talked about, That's it.

A third party vendor can deliver a comprehensive packet with charts, graphs, goals, percentages, all broken down specifically to a pre-determined set of prameters administered by UPS. The questions on the ERI are also determined by UPS the third party has no other interest other than mining and delivering the data.

Make no mistake Tie, these companies abilities to cultivate relavent data is completely dependent upon their ablity to "ask the questions consistently in a certain way to measure improvement or decline" that is their only business, and they have it down to a science. Setting goals, tracking results, using the data to help achieve improvements are exactly what they do day in and day out.

Tieguy - A third party might actually sway the results higher. You are interviewed by the third party. You respond negatively. Third party then says Ok I understand what you're saying now here is what management said. Did they do these things this year. You respond oh you're right they did do those things this year and I guess I have to admit those things did make a difference. People tend to forget what you did for them 9 months ago but they remember you losing your temper and going off on them forever. Thats why you have the sit downs. Some management may use the sit down to try to sell a score they don't deserve, many want the chance to remind you of the things they did do in the past year to try to make things better.

Providing a comprehensive workplace assesment for a company the breadth and scope of UPS could not be administered through a series of interviews, It would be administered electronically, just like the ERI is now. The collection of the data needs to be objectified if it is to be effective, the inherent worth of these organizations is that they are consistent in how they approach it. they charge big, big bucks, but they get results - they have impressive track records with respect to full employee participation, quick turnaround, easy to follow, tangible feedback information.

Companies who contract with vendors who offer these services are loathe to spend that kind of money and not have participation, so believe you me-it gets top priority. The other aspect of a third party is the objectivity. They go out of their way to make everyone aware of how objective and removed UPS is from the process, people are far less inclined to be swayed one way or another when they know that it is not UPS who is adminitering the employee relation index. No sitdowns, no coercion, no - "who answered this negatively, just accountabilty.

a lot of companies who use these types of servies are able to achieve very impressive results in only a few years. Having real world, truthful information about how your employees feel about their management team, their jobs, and their work environment is crucial to success. A revamped ERI would instill confidence and respect in employees to see that UPS would be committed to finally taking a hard look at what I am sure we all agree would be some very tough information to digest.

The worst thing about the ERI right now is how it makes us feel; not the results mind you, most of us don't trust those, but the whole process is so insulting and demeaning to the employees, it is just such a joke how inconsistent and unprofessional it is in its present state.

Remember the old saying Tie, the numbers don't lie.

I think its also convenient that they give it to us during our shift, most of us just hurry and take it so we don't fall behind (well those of us on the boxline anyway) too badly. Is there a set time for the ERI? I have a feeling there are gonna be a lot of low scores this time around (the last one was just before PAS started at my building).

Personally I think that'd be the worse time to give it to us, as we're probably already fed up about something stupid they're trying to pull that particular day and then they give us a test during it...just doesn't seem smart on their end. :thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
Whatever happened to questioning how results are obtained? We used to use words like coach and motivate and now we're back to terrorize and intimidate. Using ERI results to measure how well people are treated doesn't work from the management end. A poor ERI score in the Mgmt ranks means creating more action plans and additional meetings. I get punished for not liking the way things are. I now just go with the flow and say all is well. The ERI is also worded so as to reflect your immediate boss - I've got no problem with my boss, it's their bosses that I've got a problem with.
Thinking that the ERI is a measure of morale is terribly misleading. Morale can and is being destroyed from the top down.



Providing a comprehensive workplace assesment for a company the breadth and scope of UPS could not be administered through a series of interviews, It would be administered electronically, just like the ERI is now.

If so then there is no reason to go to a third party.


Well-Known Member
Providing a comprehensive workplace assesment for a company the breadth and scope of UPS could not be administered through a series of interviews, It would be administered electronically, just like the ERI is now.

Tieguy - If so then there is no reason to go to a third party.

The delivery of the ERI is only one aspect, Again, it's not just how they obtain the information, it's what they do with it after they have mined it. The third party delivers a vast array of comprehensive feedback information, objectivity and much more consistent delivery of results. There is no comparison to the product that we have now, which is delivered inconsistently, and received so poorly.

Remember Tie - If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always got.


I don't see where you have said anything different in this post then your previous one. The ERI is not something we created on our home chemistry set. It was created with the help of a third party who specializes in such things. The electronic collection does not require anything different and certainly not a third party to make it any better.

Those who complain about the eri are those who want the company to see an eri that is in the toilet. They don't believe the result of the eri because its not negative enough for them. The fact is most upsers come to work positive and they will answer most of the two hundred questions positively.


Well-Known Member
Tieguy - I don't see where you have said anything different in this post then your previous one. The ERI is not something we created on our home chemistry set. It was created with the help of a third party who specializes in such things. The electronic collection does not require anything different and certainly not a third party to make it any better.

Tie, Mining the information is the easiest and simplest part for a third party vendor, it is the feedback information and the stigma of objectivity that a third party vendor provides, that is so important to the effectiveness of their product. Right now, we only receive a numerical score, that's it. The feedback porfolios that many vendors provide are very comprehensive.

For example - Pie charts of what percentage of your direct reports have confidence in the mangement team, breakdowns of where those percentages stand regionally, and company wide. Bar graphs of new UPS initiatives, like PAS, employee confidence in those initiatives. Real statistical information on how employees feel about safety, their management team, their compensation, the environment we work in. None of that exists now, we only discuss a score and what it means to us. To have all of that statistical information in your hands in an organized, easy to read fashion that breaks down specific measurable indicies is very, very important to building morale, and making changes in an organization.

Tieguy -Those who complain about the eri are those who want the company to see an eri that is in the toilet. They don't believe the result of the eri because its not negative enough for them. The fact is most upsers come to work positive and they will answer most of the two hundred questions positively.

Don' forget that those who complain about the ERI have broadened their horizons whether through experience, or outside educational influence to see if there is another tool that will help turn UPS into a better, more profitable company. If the ERI were so fabulous in its current state, you would definitely hear more positive things about it. The overwhelming sentiment in most of our work areas, this forum, and in casual conversation between colleagues is that the ERI sucks. Why? because it is delivered, reviewed, prioritized and weighed in an incredibly unprofessional and inconsistent manner.

It could very easily be argued that those who don't want to change the ERI are doing UPS a tremendous disservice. After all, we have a responsibilty to this organization and ultimately the shareholders to try and make this company the best that it can be - sticking your head in the sand is not the way to go about that.

constructively dissatisfi

Well-Known Member
The ERI does suck. It's an extremely poorly designed survey. Whoever is responsible for administering it is apparently more concerned with asking the same questions every year so scores can be compared than they are with having an objective measure of employee satisfaction. The ERI is a total waste of time and money. Remember the one year when they did ask a question about whether people had confidence in the Management Committee? The results for that question were published along with all the other results and it made the MC look pretty bad. That question was never to be seen again. There is really only two question that is necessary on the ERI. Ask everyone if their boss is an :censored2:. Then ask them if their boss's boss is and :censored2:. This would tell the tale.


It could very easily be argued that those who don't want to change the ERI are doing UPS a tremendous disservice. After all, we have a responsibilty to this organization and ultimately the shareholders to try and make this company the best that it can be - sticking your head in the sand is not the way to go about that.

I don't see how putting out a 200 question ERI that covers every gamut of the job is exactly sticking your head in the sand.

Again you speak in parables and again you supply prose filled with rhetoric. Boiled frog at least supplys a couple of points on items he feels needs to be added to the survey.

Characterizing the survey as unprofessional is illogical. If the third party administers it the same electronic way without any human interaction then their result would be the same.

You have now posted about 1000 words on this subject without identifying any tangible changes you feel need to be done other then to assume it would somehow be better if someone else did it.