Racism rears its ugly head


Got the T-Shirt


Got the T-Shirt
I'll tell you a funny story. There had always been some local "lore" that the character of

Archie Bunker was derived from a prominent local businessman. It made sense at the time

because one of the producers went to college in my hometown. Wikipedia doesn't bear this

out now.... but, it made complete sense at the time. (way before the internet)

I went to school with one of the daughters, and she married a polish guy. Come to find out,

all of the females in the family weren't allowed to take the last name of someone they married.

Or, they were cut out of the family money. Still true to this day.

And the family worth is in the (multiple) millions.


Well-Known Member
One of the funniest was when Archie had Sammy Davis Jr. in his home.
Loved that show. Remember when Archie got locked in the basement all weekend, found a bottle of booze and got drunk? Started rambling and then heard a voice calling to him. Starting asking if it was God, then black neighbor, not George Jefferson, opens door and comes into basement. Archie turns and sees him, gets stunned look on his face, and says "forgive me Lord!" One night of "All in the Family" would probably crash the internet today.


Inordinately Right
UPS Employee Fired After Posting That Black 'Thugs' Deserve Police Violence

“Thugs deserve it. If a family member so be it. However, I do not have any thugs in my family that I am aware of. Seems to be people of color who are the problem,” Carder wrote under WSB-TV’s post about the story.

“UPS has no tolerance for hate, bigotry or prejudice. The company embraces diversity and inclusion as one of its core values. The comments Ms. Carder shared in response to WSB-TV’s story do not reflect UPS’ values or culture,” a UPS spokesperson told the station.

Saulters’ unemployment, however, was short-lived because he was quickly hired by the sheriff’s office in a nearby town.

Lmfao...... This is America


Well-Known Member
UPS Employee Fired After Posting That Black 'Thugs' Deserve Police Violence

“Thugs deserve it. If a family member so be it. However, I do not have any thugs in my family that I am aware of. Seems to be people of color who are the problem,” Carder wrote under WSB-TV’s post about the story.

“UPS has no tolerance for hate, bigotry or prejudice. The company embraces diversity and inclusion as one of its core values. The comments Ms. Carder shared in response to WSB-TV’s story do not reflect UPS’ values or culture,” a UPS spokesperson told the station.

Saulters’ unemployment, however, was short-lived because he was quickly hired by the sheriff’s office in a nearby town.

Lmfao...... This is America

Of course he was. The next town over saves all that money training a new cop. It's upwards of $20-30k. Go ahead and vote down the next budget in your town...


Inordinately Right
Of course he was. The next town over saves all that money training a new cop. It's upwards of $20-30k. Go ahead and vote down the next budget in your town...
I've been voting for tax increases to pay for police, firefighters, and teacher pay and benefits increases for a while. They keep getting voted down.

As a result crime is up, school performance is down, and the city can't recruit workers. White flight to the suburbs goes on and on. Tax base drops and drops. Republicans just don't get it.


Fight the power.
I've been voting for tax increases to pay for Police, firefighters, and teacher pay and benefits increases for a while. They keep getting voted down.

As a result crime is up, school performance is down, and the city can't recruit workers. White flight to the suburbs goes on and on. Tax base drops and drops. Republicans just don't get it.
How the friend is this republicans fault. Lmfao.