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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Oh great another riddler. Say what you want to say.
Wah wah homos evil wah wah.
As i have said before: you have at best a very tenuous grasp of the Bible. Jesus never mentioned the flood.
Now as far as being a liar , the Jews sure thought he was! The Sanhedrin charged Jesus with Blasphemy, They refuted his claim that he was the Son of God and cried for him to be crucified
Refute: prove that (someone) is wrong.

You have been refuted, again and again!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Didn’t you try to prove god with the laws of thermodynamics. Maybe eat a little humble pie bud.
Never finished my argument.

The second law of thermodynamics says that when energy changes from one form to another form, or matter moves freely, entropy (disorder) in a closed system increases.

This is the exact opposite of what has happened, in our solar system, in the known universe.
Must be SOMEONE at the controls, (probably a Jew God.)


Well-Known Member
Jesus was a pusillanimous that hid.
If a bunch of Jews were about to stone me to death for my religious beliefs I’d whip out the AR and start drilling them.
The more I watch clips of "Family.Guy" on YouTube the more you remind me of Stewie. Even hear his voice when I read your posts.

El Correcto

god is dead
@El Correcto , is a thumbs down all you've got? i'm somewhat disappointed that you aren't providing some aberrational proof that science is the exception in this case.

I don’t have to, anyone with half a brain can use google on your thermodynamics argument. It just shows your mind is made up that you continue spouting that garbage argument.


Inordinately Right


All Trash No Trailer
Refute: prove that (someone) is wrong.

You have been refuted, again and again!
auto correct changed Rebuked to refute,big deal.
It doesnt change the fact that the Jews charged Jesus with Blasphemy and urged the Romans to put him to death.
The Jews didn;t believe in him at ALL


Well-Known Member
Thinking Religion isnt made up Bull:censored2: to control the masses and a big cash grab for the Church is beyond stupid.
I'm fine with the science.
1) at one point according to your belief a life came from lump of soil. Stick a lump of clay in the microwave or whatever process you want and create a life and I'll be a believer in your "science"
2) All creatures evolved from a single life form . your adam and eve. Explain why all of those creatures evolved differently. Some evolved into furry animals , some into sea creatures , some into pachyderms yet allegedly responding to the same environmental conditions at the time. So take an amoeba and show me how it evolved into an elephant.
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