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Well-Known Member
Baba's post was a winner because it was an inflammatory trolling cast and it caught at least one fish.
My joke was witty and funny!
No, your post was as funny as a toy toilet in a diarrhea ward (Bugs Bunny), and all of baba's posts are inflammatory trolling, yet he has never been awarded a troll banner.


Inordinately Right
Since there are only to races on this planet ; male & female . I'm a racist because females are the more superior race .


Man of Great Wisdom
why is it that joel olsteen's church lied to everyone that their building was flooded, and when they got called out on twitter by people taking pictures of their mega tax scam building sitting pretty high and dry, they shifted their story and claimed they always planned on letting people in.
What kind of idiot gives 10% of their income to a church where the pastor lives in a multi-million dollar house? Probably the same kind that elects an.....never mind.


Well-Known Member
this may be a special year for ricky bobby. someone is matching donations to the organization i normally donate all my money to so in essence i will be donating double this year. the force is with us. we will bring heaven on earth.
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