Right to Refuse Unsafe Working Conditions


Well-Known Member
That is great info.
If someone writes a letter and signs it osha will do their own investigation and it'll speed up the process since summer will probably be over by the time any really significant changes are decided (due to spending money) and implemented.
OSHA does not divulge the names of folks who report problems using any venue to communicate it to their agents.

If it's worth a making a phone call it's worth a signed letter.


I did notice today that they took down the OSHA letter and company response.

10 Pt


I did notice today that they took down the OSHA letter and company response.
That has to be posted where the employees traffic for x amount of weeks.
They hate posting those mandates.
If they'd actually take safety committee concerns seriously they'd avoid being babysat by outside entities.

10 Pt

OSHA requires an unobstructed 28" wide walk path. (exit route) It is our responsibility to maintain the clear walk path. Management might allow it, but they can't stop you from maintaining it.
Heck, in our building for several weeks a former PDS was running 3000 pkgs an hr down the primary slide on three sorters and they couldn't even move having been burried in pkgs up to their hips all over the walk area. One borrowed his coworker's phone and took pictures to show the safety committee what they had been complaining about... tho all the while getting no help.
They both got walked out for taking pictures of illegal egress. One for taking them and the other for owning the phone that was used.
They eventually got their job back but without back pay (thanks to the local).
There can be retribution for exercising your rights but if you have honest representation an employee should be covered.
I doubt if any of our preloaders stand up for themselves again after that but not everyone has the same representation that we do...
Thank God.