New Member
OK guys here my problem need some help. I have bid route the route next to me not in my loop but i get some of work gets pulled out on monday and friday the guy can bump me. But in the contract the NATIONAL MASTER UNITED PARCEL SERVICE AGREEMENT AND MICHIGAN SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT this is section 9 on route changes !!!TEMPORARY!! Ill put what its says. Other then the mouths of november and December if a bid area is changed (50%) or more, the employee shall have the right to follow the portion in exess of fifty percent of the delivery stops. if the temporary change involves more than a two way split, the driver shall select by seniority. OK WHAT HAPPENS TO THE PERSON THEY BUMP THATS MY QUESTION IT DOES NOT STATE IF HE CAN BUMP A JUNIOR DRIVER IT SAYS NOTHING my union steward says your screwed hes an ass with out checking