Thanks for all the replies, it has given me food for thought. Also, it isn't a fair way to judge by minutes per stop since routes all differ on Saturdays so thanks for not pointing out to me how ridiculous the question was.
Getting better with my area but still have to look streets up and that eats some time. Used to be I'd have to look up eight or ten out of 15 and once spent almost half an hour making love to the damned map.
Some people just aren't drivers. I am good at many things but suck at others. Driving is something I truly stink at and don't know why because I really do try.
1 Size of the truck isn't an issue but checking those mirrors all the time, looking for addresses, watching for crazed drivers and worrying about time just makes me dizzy. bleh Start out strong but by the time the last hour rolls around and time is short I start freaking out and grinding gears. bleh again.
By the time I get back to the building and have to face backing that truck into a spot like a sardine in a stinkin' can I just get the sup and ask him to help me get in. To hell with it, if I scratch something he's responsible and they can make fun anytime they want. I just get the muther back in its spot and wobble out there, thankful to be alive.
Husband has been out of work and that's the reason I ever started the godforsaken driving in the first place. Think he's got a job now, had a great interview yesterday so please cross your collective fingers that he gets it and that I can go out on Saturdays when I choose to and not because I have to.
Thanks to all, I've been around here awhile and see that you are a supportive group so you've now gotten a piece of my heart. Please take it easy on the heart, it's a soft one and there's no place at my center for softies. How the heck I've stayed 15 years is one of life's great mysteries. dw