traveler said:
"I've been told..." Well let's all just believe that nameless person who "told" you.
"Stanching" ? What the h... is stanching?
UPS deals with the union on a daily basis. USPS is semi private and the Treasury has nothing to do with the USPS nor how it runs.
You're brilliant, I apologize for even posting.
"I've been told..." check the web, you'll see that UPS has incidents all over the country that are only publicized in that locality or region. UPS is awesome at limiting coverage beyond the scope of a city or metropolitan area -- you cannot stop local newspaper and television coverage -- UPS would if it could.
You seem like a smart guy who knows that UPS seldom has problems -- we are all very happy, as you know.
"Stanch" -- check the dictionary, it is in there. My use of the word was excellent, most excellent.
"Union" -- Seems like you have all the facts on this, too. As far as USPS, you may be right, it might be half private. If so, I didn't know. But,... it is half-government. You seem to miss the point of my sarcastic humor suggesting that anything government (or half-government) can be pulled from the clutches of red-ink at the stroke of congress/president's black ink.
UPS has to make money, it can never print it (or, to be specific to those unwilling (or, perhaps, unable) to appreciate sardonic license, UPS does not have the ability to legislate its own bailout -- at least, not without exceptional lobbyist).
UPS does have a major union problem, don't kid yourself. UPS is the major contributor to all teamster retires in the U.S. UPS supports employees from over 300 companies that have long since ceased operation. UPS could afford to pay drivers nearly 1/3 to 2/3 more if they were only responsible for UPS Teamster (working and retired). This is not, as you suggested above, a cloaked individual passing UPS information in the dark of the night. This is an absolute fact. Asking a driver, OMS, or even a supervisor won't confirm this. You have to ask a center manager or higher to confirm this. The reason, I think this is confidential information. Well, I'll say I think it isn't -- to protect myself. If it is confidential, my BAD!
So many drivers think that UPS wants to take over the Health & Welfare and Pension funds to raid them of our driver's future. It ain't so. I will say that many UPS management people are a bunch of ***** who'll steal a dollar from your pocket if you blink. But, this isn't the case with the Teamsters. What bothers UPS (The Fiscal Entity) is that for each dollar given to the Teamster for a UPS person, a certain amount is also collect for "Joe Snuffy" who retired from "O&A Transportation", which by the way, went out of business in 1981. Since the Teamsters are still responsible for the Pension and Health & Welfare of this fictional employee for his/her lifetime, they have to get the money somewhere. This is kinda like Social Security. They spent this guys money on a guy a generation older. A UPS driver is now paying his retirement. Who the hell is gonna pay yours? I hope UPS remains a healthy company so that we all get our pension and retirements.
Like I said, this is all factual. If you haven't heard this before, you will eventually. UPS is trying to figure out how to sell this to UPS Teamster employees so that they understand it clearly without responding with the usual Knee-Jerk rejection and skepticism that we are all guilty of.
UPS is probably the better bet than the USPS, but who really knows.