Similarities between UPS and FedEx Ground


Retired 23 years
This is a new one for me. I checked the tracking on a package this morning being delivered FedEx Ground. It said "Out for Delivery". Being the FedEx guy is always at my house by at least 10:00 a.m. I was surprised when nothing showed up. I just checked the status again and it says. "Delayed weather related". New delivery date is tomorrow. FedEx must have got that move from UPS as the weather was clear, sunny and an all around pleasant day ---and all the roads have been plowed for a week. Sad to see FedEx stoop to telling lies like UPS does.


Well-Known Member


Don’t worry he’s friendly
At least your FedEx delivery got an update
One delivery I had pretty sure still says out for delivery months later


Well-Known Member
This is a new one for me. I checked the tracking on a package this morning being delivered FedEx Ground. It said "Out for Delivery". Being the FedEx guy is always at my house by at least 10:00 a.m. I was surprised when nothing showed up. I just checked the status again and it says. "Delayed weather related". New delivery date is tomorrow. FedEx must have got that move from UPS as the weather was clear, sunny and an all around pleasant day ---and all the roads have been plowed for a week. Sad to see FedEx stoop to telling lies like UPS does.
Roads plowed? Rod it’s spring, grass is so green i have to mow on Saturday.


Both my UPS and my FedEx ground driver always try to back into my driveway than their bumpers hit the grade and they come to an abrupt stop.

Always fun to watch. Especially UPS since they are definitely trained not to enter driveways. Lmfao