Is it only considered a punch if you have been there a year? (Part time)Should be 6th punch. Holiday is considered a punch.
Will saturday be considered a sixth working day because of the holiday? Or do you actually have to work for it to be counted as a sixth working?
Nope , Holiday is not a physical punch . Jeez, sometimes you guys scare me .
The language is a little split up but here it goes like this:Some locals have it set up where you get time and a half for working any day that is not your regularly scheduled day. Check your supplement and rider, or ask a steward.
Is it only considered a punch if you have been there a year? (Part time)
The language is a little split up but here it goes like this:
If you worked Monday. The regularly scheduled workweek must be 5 consecutive days. (Western)
Since saturday is not your regular schedule, you earn overtime pay (JC37)
If you worked Tuesday as a T-S then Saturday does not grant overtime pay. Working monday puts you back on a M-friend and you again earn OT on saturday.
In the Central, it counts as a punch.
Although it was a new program, so there was not any past precedent to go by
My check for that week which arrived the next Friday had my 8 of holiday pay and 1.5 time for all of Saturday.
But is the holiday considered a punch? That was the whole premise of this thread...
I figured you were asking for OT purposes. I believe insurance purposes they are, probably a local or area dependent issue, though. Are there any other reasons holidays counting as punches would matter?
Will saturday be considered a sixth working day because of the holiday? Or do you actually have to work for it to be counted as a sixth working?