so today a part time supervisor running an area in my building sends a double shifter to burger king to buy food for people.. while the double shifter is on the clock.......
this is the same supervisor who most of the year will tell people they don't need help.. pick up the pace etc.....
yet he can take a loader and send him to burger king...
um someone want to call the honesty hotline for me?
you fail to account for the fact that supervisors have to be prepared to justify ALL of their actions. like why they allocated employees to tasks the way they did, why they rolled (or despatched) volume, or sent the employee to bking.
also; unless this person pleaded not to leave the building on company time to get food for employees, you got nadda. how does the double shifted employee feel?
so let's look at this from the sup's perspective; the business lens:
what gets the operation the most value for an unskilled task?
a) sending an hourly employee whose job is to unload, load, sort, or stack boxes, earning $12/hr out of the building to get food for employees. there are 25 employees that you can send.
b) sending a supervisor whose job is to oversee, delegate, and manage an operation, earning $17/hr to get food for employees. there is 1 supervisor that you can send.
sending the supervisor out when there are other tasks he has to do is like making the home builder spend a day cleaning up the worksite when there 5 people that can do it for him and there are 10 other homes that have to be built.
the company pays for a snack thanking you for your hard work on top of the health benefits and unconditional financial support of your post-secondary education, regardless what it is you're learning, and you find a way to whine...