Street hire applicant, hello!


Active Member
I'm currently applying for a Package Delivery Driver position, the application has been filled out and I'm just waiting on an information session.

I'm a recent college graduate, and debated dropping out 2 years ago when a position opened up but decided I wanted to stick it out. For the last year I have been driving a 78 passenger school bus for my local school district.

I just wanted to introduce myself and also ask a couple questions.

Do you believe that this position is only seasonal? I had to check a box on the application about a season position, even though the description on the job says "Full Time." I also understand that it's hard to get a position off the street.

Anyways, hello!
I'm currently applying for a Package Delivery Driver position, the application has been filled out and I'm just waiting on an information session.

I'm a recent college graduate, and debated dropping out 2 years ago when a position opened up but decided I wanted to stick it out. For the last year I have been driving a 78 passenger school bus for my local school district.

I just wanted to introduce myself and also ask a couple questions.

Do you believe that this position is only seasonal? I had to check a box on the application about a season position, even though the description on the job says "Full Time." I also understand that it's hard to get a position off the street.

Anyways, hello!
Welcome to BC.
Now way to give you any real answer if it's seasonal or not.

Rutherford B Hays

gun accipere, et abire cannoli
I'm currently applying for a Package Delivery Driver position, the application has been filled out and I'm just waiting on an information session.

I'm a recent college graduate, and debated dropping out 2 years ago when a position opened up but decided I wanted to stick it out. For the last year I have been driving a 78 passenger school bus for my local school district.

I just wanted to introduce myself and also ask a couple questions.

Do you believe that this position is only seasonal? I had to check a box on the application about a season position, even though the description on the job says "Full Time." I also understand that it's hard to get a position off the street.

Anyways, hello!

With the contract that has just recently passed if the center you have applied at has Saturday ground delivery then they can not hire any off the street regular full-time package car drivers. So it may be for the new 22.4 driver position


Active Member
So, the HR recruiter set up an information session for Friday and I emailed him asking if it was seasonal or full-time and he said both.

I'm not sure if he means it's a full-time seasonal, or if I can possibly get hired on full-time as a career.


Retired 23 years
So, the HR recruiter set up an information session for Friday and I emailed him asking if it was seasonal or full-time and he said both.

I'm not sure if he means it's a full-time seasonal, or if I can possibly get hired on full-time as a career.
Welcome to the confusing world of UPS. Straight answers are almost impossible to get. Good luck --you were smart to stay in school


Active Member
With the contract that has just recently passed if the center you have applied at has Saturday ground delivery then they can not hire any off the street regular full-time package car drivers. So it may be for the new 22.4 driver position

How can I find out if the center I'm in has Saturday ground?

Trash Panda

Well-Known Member
Its a crapshoot. Like most have said HR likes to lie. While that may be true to some extent, HR cant predict what comes around the corner month to month staffing wise.

I was told signing on for winter peak few people were retiring but waiting for contract to finalize. I remained hopeful but figured it was the intro test.

Fast forward to recent and got called back for summer peak. Now its a new set of possibilities. Sounding much better.

Whether its true or not we’ll see.

Best of luck


Well-Known Member
I was told I was hiring on at "$11 an hour" with an option to stay and "go full time" after season. Turns out it was part time, seasonal, and only 10.50 or something. I did end up getting hired on after season, but it's still part time. There is no "full time" position for what I do.