Tax Returns!


Well-Known Member
I'll fess up, I use the treasury as my own personal bank account. If I didn't, we'd spend every last penny.:knockedout:

I do the same thing, I do save a little but like to get a large refund to pay my car insurance or something like that.

My hope is that we owe $499.99 We will withdraw that money from savings and send the feds a check on April 15th. That means that we kept $499 of their money all year and earned interest on it, instead of the other way around.

And if you had it in a regular savings account paying 1% interest (about the current rate some pay less), you would have netted $5.00 interest, and now you have to pay 40 some cents for a stamp? Besides the govt needs the loan. :happy2:

File an extension on April 15th.

If you file an extension you are still supposed to pay the taxes due on Apr 15th or you're subject to a penalty.


Well-Known Member
And if you had it in a regular savings account paying 1% interest (about the current rate some pay less), you would have netted $5.00 interest, and now you have to pay 40 some cents for a stamp? Besides the govt needs the loan. :happy2:

hmmmm........let me see, wasn't there someone who said "Watch the pennies and the dollars take care of themselves"...........


Well-Known Member
My hope is that we owe $499.99 We will withdraw that money from savings and send the feds a check on April 15th. That means that we kept $499 of their money all year and earned interest on it, instead of the other way around.

that is how I do it. However, I'll send my check off probably a week before the 15th.


My hope is that we owe $499.99 We will withdraw that money from savings and send the feds a check on April 15th. That means that we kept $499 of their money all year and earned interest on it, instead of the other way around.
Wow, I wish we were so financially sound. Good job sobe!

yessir, this is the only way to fly. I encourage everyone to adopt this line of thinking immediatly.

you could get more in your paycheck every week, also alowing you to invest that money.
Or spend it on some useless stuff. I'll wait till my tax return comes and spend it on some even more expensive useless stuff, LOL. I'm hoping to get the refund back asap so's we can still be a part of the cruise. It's also good to see that I'm not the only one that has this issue.


Für Meno :)
In "socialist" Canada, nothing is tax free from a paycheck.
That includes our form of your 401K.
We call them RRSP's here (Registered Retirement Savings Plan).

However, that is done outside of work (thru your bank or Mutualfund Company).
There are no instant tax savings on them.

So, when we do our return. We get about 33% back, of whatever we invested for Retirement.

Therfor, I'm looking at about $2000 this year (normally about 3500), but I couldn't afford putting more into it (without a job). Only done it, while I was working ofcourse.
Was putting away $175 a week into RRSP, now only $25.

That refund will cover my property taxes for the year.
(get 1 tax back to pay the other one) sucks.