Good point, not really worth the trouble of keeping track of receipts and bills for very little profit. Not to mention the fact that when you start making a bunch of crazy deductions like that you send up some red flags that could lead to a big world of hurt.I'm gonna keep track of all that litlle stuff so my tax bill is a hundred bucks less? Not. I'm the UPS man, I wipe my butt with $100 bills!
On a related note, I read that starting in 2007 (and I took this to mean the 2007 tax year, not the taxes we are about to do once our W2s arrive) the IRS will require a receipt for EVERY charitable contribution that is deducted, no matter how small. The article I read said to get a receipt from that Salvation Army bell-ringer, or forget the deduction.Don't forget that $100,000 church donation and $50,000 in tax deductable raffle tickets.