TDU: Summary of Central States healthcare coverage with co-pay and deductible


Well-Known Member
This may happen in your building but across the US, things are a different story. Depends on which shift but we have a majority of 22.3 jobs who are usually twilight/midnight who work 3-4 days a week. Or will just work their easy job all week and leave for their hard job loading. I and many others have been waiting years to get a combo to work everyday. The only time they work every day is peak otherwise its no exaggeration a majority of them are full times with part time hours. Also in our building there is no part timer who goes over 22-23 hours a week. Most average 17-20. You cant just bash part timers across the board who work just as hard as a full timer in other parts of the country because your center is different. You guys might be under a different supplemental.

For me the insurance preview was a major concession if we go along the same numbers as was shown. Part-timers who are trying to go full time who have a family to take care of and another job outside who want to go full time but cant are the ones being crapped on by management. There should be more full time driver jobs in every building to relieve the 9.5s. And it goes all the way down the chain whether its feeders, 22.3 everything would be better but its cheaper for the company to make sure they keep offering part time because the wages are alot higher for full time then it is for part time because they have been stagnant but yet full time wages keep going up. If we were all united and enforced the contract we wouldnt have this problem.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Hmm.. lets do think about that for a minute. Full timers are paid more money, guaranteed more hours but refuse to pay for health benefits and then complain that part timers have better benefits. Part time employees have been crapped on contract after contract and this one coming up will be no different.

You better plan on having your retirement secured and not have to count on any "entitlements" from UPS. Once you retire, your turn to get crapped on will come.

Later fellow Teamster "brother".

Wake up, "brother". Last I checked, part time employees vote on the same contracts as the full-timers do. Since there are more part timers than full timers, if you guys voted, you would have nothing to complain about. But here we are.....
Wake up, "brother". Last I checked, part time employees vote on the same contracts as the full-timers do. Since there are more part timers than full timers, if you guys voted, you would have nothing to complain about. But here we are.....
Yup these mo fo's just don't vote.


Well-Known Member
The bottom line is part timers have a good reason to b**tch and moan about the job and their pay....Full timers dont! $33 an hour...atleast one hour making $48 an hour everyday. so full timers are grossing atleast 1500 a week. Part timers got sold out many yrs ago and the bullcrap $1 catch up raise is a joke. part timers r lucky to take home $180-$280 a week and thats afters atleast 5 yrs of service.
The bottom line is part timers have a good reason to b**tch and moan about the job and their pay....Full timers dont! $33 an hour...atleast one hour making $48 an hour everyday. so full timers are grossing atleast 1500 a week. Part timers got sold out many yrs ago and the bullcrap $1 catch up raise is a joke. part timers r lucky to take home $180-$280 a week and thats afters atleast 5 yrs of service.
I make 2200 a week but so what. It's my career. It's a full time job. A part time job isn't a career. Is it? It's a job that supplements your income with another job. The guys that stay forever are entitled if they think they can only work one job and be good.


Well-Known Member
There is actually a very good reason why your statement is inaccurate.
1)The Teamster non-profit Taft Hartley funds can only "spend" what they take in.
2)When actual costs exceed planned costs, UPS self insured plans can re-allocate company assets into covering expenses. UPS has been re-allocating dollars into insurance coverage, retiree and active, at a rate they aren't comfortable with and they're attempting to reduce/eliminate those allocations.
So coverage levels in Teamster plans are limited by their pooled assets while UPS plans are limited by UPS's wealth.

How much does it cost UPS a week for the union to provide health care for an employee?


Package Car is cake compared to this...
The bottom line is part timers have a good reason to b**tch and moan about the job and their pay....Full timers dont! $33 an hour...atleast one hour making $48 an hour everyday. so full timers are grossing atleast 1500 a week. Part timers got sold out many yrs ago and the bullcrap $1 catch up raise is a joke. part timers r lucky to take home $180-$280 a week and thats afters atleast 5 yrs of service.

Buck up and get on your horse. If every part timer voted no on the previous contracts, they would have never been approved. End of story. Part timers got sold down the river by the way they just floated with the current. The full timers passing you by had oars in their hands. Slow and steady wins the race friend. The tortoise and the hare? Quit bitching, grab an oar and start steering your own canoe. No full timer can do it for you.


Air Ops Pro
$1500 a week to $2200 a week.....willing to strike over less than 100 bucks a week to keep great benefits.....lolwut?!?

I will never understand.

That is an absurd amount of money each week, (though, I truly believe it is earned) of which 90 bucks would hardly be noticed...

I agree it's insane to expect that from PTers, but if they don't vote...what do they have to fuss about?


Well-Known Member
But yeah, Romney / McCain would be better for UPSers. The ultra-conservative persons that would've been appointed toward the NLRB would've been GREAT for us Teamsters!!!

Can't blame McCain for Obamacare. Romney ran on repealing it on day one. The 2012 presidential election was our last best chance at saving our healthcare from the taxes, fines, penalties & consequences that both employers & the working class are facing today. You can bet that if this were happening because of some republicans health care legislation, our union bosses would be loading us onto busses to go to Washington to march around the capital & yell profanities. But no, this was orchestrated by the party that's "for unions & the working class". When will you people wake up & see that you are nothing but a TOOL the Washington elitists? Your ignorance, gullibility & sacrifice are what keeps them in power.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
We will see what the next 2 weeks bring . But in looking at the central states plan it is less than we have now in our region ( a company administered plan) . The moral of the story is that we as employees are supposed to do better. The stockholders are doing better , the company is thriving ,so why should we take less ?.I as I have said before we are not a public sector union taking from the tax payers. The company's unsaid motto is do more with less. Will a package cost the consumer more to send next year and in 5 years ? Of course it will .So five years from now, why should we who do most of the work have less ? The decisions we make now will effect how we all fair in the future.There isn't any reason to settle for less.


how can you trust Central States when their pension plan has been losing money even though the stock market nears 15,000 and has more than doubled in value in the last 5 years.

Vote NO!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just my take on the issue at hand. . . I really don't post much on here anymore because it seems that the American people haven't woken up to the reality of what they are facing with the Obama Health Care Law. Currently, I am in the UPS Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Care Plan. I just had major surgery that cost over $25,000 at a regular hospital, my total share of the expense was $350.00. By my calculations, under the central states plan I would nearly had to have paid $5,000.00 in out of pocket expenses to pay. As stated before on this site, Teamsters, by supporting this health care law has given the company many options. Option 1 being, placing us in a reduced plan such as the central states, Option 2 is having us pay for our insurance and Option 3 dropping it all together and just paying the penalty for each employee which would be cheaper for them to do. The more that I have thought about this over the last 3-4 months and have looked at this law over and over again, I have come to the conclusion and strongly believe that Teamsters has backed themselves into their own corner by supporting this Health Care Law. We can all come here and whine and complain or shout and scream and say give me. . . give me. . . give me with the Option 3 UPS can say screw all of you we are not going to give you health care. We can all sit here and say that we are the SPECIAL CREW and NO ONE CAN DO OUR JOBS because of the demand that UPS places on us. Well I have news for you. . . 23 million people are still un-employed I think UPS can find plenty of people to come in and pay those people the amount of money that we are making to do the job and not offer them health insurance because what each of you are forgetting is those people have to think everyday and worry every night where their next meal is going to come from and where they are going to lay their heads down each night and their children as well so I'm sure they'd be happy to come across a job such as ours. The bottom line is. . .I might be wrong I don't know, although I strongly believe that Teamsters has no standing when it comes to our Health Care, because of the false promises that they supported from the Great Leader the OBAMANATOR!!!!!


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
$1500 a week to $2200 a week.....willing to strike over less than 100 bucks a week to keep great benefits.....lolwut?!?

I will never understand.

That is an absurd amount of money each week, (though, I truly believe it is earned) of which 90 bucks would hardly be noticed...

I agree it's insane to expect that from PTers, but if they don't vote...what do they have to fuss about?

This is no where near an absurd amount of money each week. 40,50,60k a week that's when you can maybe start to talk about it being ABSURD.

I consider an absurd amount when u can just pretty much just buy what u want and not even need to look at the checking balance. We do make very good money but most drivers still love paycheck to paycheck. By this I mean if we don't get paid one week we are going to notice.

$100 a week is a car payment each month so yeah I think most upsers. Including full timers would notice that.


Well-Known Member
Part timers are not informed on whats going on! UPS doesn't want us to vote. The union leadership in pt is non-existent. When pters do speak up they are told to shut up.


Well-Known Member
Yes we have a ton of them also. They don't take 22.3 jobs. Why not?? Why would they? Better benifits and fourty hours a week 15 which is overtime. It's not supposed to be a career. Think about it. Part timers have better benifits than full timers. Why should this be?? Part time isn't a career. Full time is a career part time is a part time job.

Give me a break! Most pters start at UPS for a "career". Why else start here? Most start out on their parents insurance. America is changing every job is a "career" Call it what you want but I have been loading for 7 years with no ft "career" in sight. I would driver for 20 bucks an hour at this point and do it faster than any you. Why? pters are fed up and poor and would do the job cheaper and faster. Fear the angry pter!!!

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
Give me a break! Most pters start at UPS for a "career". Why else start here? Most start out on their parents insurance. America is changing every job is a "career" Call it what you want but I have been loading for 7 years with no ft "career" in sight. I would driver for 20 bucks an hour at this point and do it faster than any you. Why? pters are fed up and poor and would do the job cheaper and faster. Fear the angry pter!!!

Why would any of us full-timers fear the angry part-timer when all they want to do is bitch about how they are getting screwed over?

Get off your butt and start making a difference in your local by going to meetings and speaking up for the part-timers in your building.

Coming onto an internet forum and bitching about getting screwed over isn't going to change anything.
Give me a break! Most pters start at UPS for a "career". Why else start here? Most start out on their parents insurance. America is changing every job is a "career" Call it what you want but I have been loading for 7 years with no ft "career" in sight. I would driver for 20 bucks an hour at this point and do it faster than any you. Why? pters are fed up and poor and would do the job cheaper and faster. Fear the angry pter!!!
You guys don't vote so I don't fear :censored2:.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Any of you guys have any info from the Central States crooks that visited unions this past weekend to give out info? Just curious to see what lies they threw out there..

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
I've got these benifits you big steaming pile of crap. They aren't bad and I've often wondered why part timers have better benifits that full timers. This is our career and it their partime job.
You already get so much more than we get, you can't cry because our health care may be a little better.