The myth of black on black crime


nowhere special
Funding of education is not always the problem. For instance Detroit is among top spenders on education yet a student has better odds of ending up in jail than graduation. Society can be blamed but real change begins at home with how kids are raised and the values their parents teach them.


golden ticket member
Funding of education is not always the problem. For instance Detroit is among top spenders on education yet a student has better odds of ending up in jail than graduation. Society can be blamed but real change begins at home with how kids are raised and the values their parents teach them.
Bill Cosby has been saying that for years, but he just gets poo-pooed by the black community.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Funding of education is not always the problem. For instance Detroit is among top spenders on education yet a student has better odds of ending up in jail than graduation. Society can be blamed but real change begins at home with how kids are raised and the values their parents teach them.
Bill Cosby has been saying that for years, but he just gets poo-pooed by the black community.

But that means they are their own worst enemy. That can't be. We have to blame someone else.


golden ticket member
nice,Blame them for being Black.
Blacks in many urban areas simply do not have the same opportunities whites in the burbs have.I think you need to get out of your Lily White subburb and do some volunteer work in the inner city. The scales will fall from your eyes and you won't be so quick to blame people for the circumstances of their birth. For inner city blacks there often are NO jobs,not in the legal sense anyways.
The inner-city of San Clemente........really ??? That means closer to the beach.


Well-Known Member
I've tried but have found nothing to back this up, even if its not true it's premise sure as hell is irrefutable....

The United States is 3rd in Murders throughout the World.

But if you take out Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC and New Orleans, the
United States is 4th from the Bottom for Murders.

These 4 Cities also have the toughest Gun Control Laws in the United
States (interpreted as “gun free zones”).

This tell you anything?

PS: These cities are also run by DEMOCRATS! Imagine that.


Staff member
There's alot of other cities run by Democrats, aren't there?
I've tried but have found nothing to back this up, even if its not true it's premise sure as hell is irrefutable....

The United States is 3rd in Murders throughout the World.

But if you take out Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC and New Orleans, the
United States is 4th from the Bottom for Murders.

These 4 Cities also have the toughest Gun Control Laws in the United
States (interpreted as “gun free zones”).

This tell you anything?

PS: These cities are also run by DEMOCRATS! Imagine that.


All Trash No Trailer
I've tried but have found nothing to back this up, even if its not true it's premise sure as hell is irrefutable....

The United States is 3rd in Murders throughout the World.

But if you take out Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC and New Orleans, the
United States is 4th from the Bottom for Murders.

These 4 Cities also have the toughest Gun Control Laws in the United
States (interpreted as “gun free zones”).

This tell you anything?

PS: These cities are also run by DEMOCRATS! Imagine that.
just more racist propaganda.


Well-Known Member
More racist propaganda.....democrats claim to have created X number of jobs over the last two years, when also over the last two years, more people are on food stamps than ever before. Can we get those kind of bene's here at ups?


All Trash No Trailer
many here call Sharpton and Jackson 'racebaiters' whilst praising such racists as O'Reilly,it makes my head spin

Lawrence O’Donnell took O’Reilly to task over that ridiculous assertion, reminding him that Harvard students, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and even Bill O’Reilly himself and fellow Fox News Host Geraldo Rivera wear hoodies. While displaying a photo snapped of the two hosts wearing hoodies at a baseball game, he wrapped up the clip with piercing sarcasm, calling them “Fox News gangsters.”


Well-Known Member
New York City -Home to Local 804---As Bloomberg continues Rudy"s "Operation Crewcut" and "Stop, Search and Seize" thousands of illegal guns taken off the streets , violent crimes are down --but most Importantly MURDERS have been reduced to record lows.

You would think that by "PROFILING" gangs and making New York so much safer for all to live and work especially the very poor minority neighborhoods--there would be celebration and harmony.

Of course not ---The Liberal Loons --in between tweeting naked pictures around --want these successful programs stopped.

Let the killings resume ?????


Well-Known Member
Larry O,Donnel ---Idiot --of course the whole problem is hoodies ---hard to find humour in the tragedy of the inner cities --keep ignoring the problems --stay in a state of denial --no solutions discussed or put into practice --and many a life will be wasted !!
How many will die in Chicago this weekend ?? --or next ? or next ?


Well-Known Member
all of youse need to WAKE UP and understand that this is the byproduct( and dare I say INTENDED byproduct) of the ruling class. The inner city dwellers have been under the boot of the Elite Ruling Classes for so long there is no escape,no alternative. Please,sit warm and tight in a culture that you are in ONLY because of the luck of being BORN into it and smugly pass judgement upon those who weren't as lucky as your lot as I am sure it makes your lot feel better about yourselves .
When i was a part timer I did substitute teaching in City of Atlanta Schools. The funding these schools get is sub bar,and as a result the children get a sub par education. The teachers dont care,the administration dosen't care and as a result the students don't care. Again I place alot of the blame on lack of student interest on the Ruling Class.

I challenge your lot,being as youse all seem so bloody offended by the inner City Youth to get off your :censored2: and DO something,rather than just promoting White Upper Class propaganda. Feed the homeless,volunteer at a food bank,volunteer at an inner city school. Oh yes, it's MUCH easier to just blame the Inner City population isnt it?


I was also a teacher in the SOUTH BRONX -before my UPS career.

Name any Minority Group-for the past 50 years --that has had BUSSING to better Shools, Affirmative Action programs ---getting into Colleges and Universities ahead of and instead of students with higher grades-----welfare, food.stamps,cell phones --etc --meant to step up --not make a life out of.

Welfare --the great society of LBJ --did destroy the Afro-American family unit --get paid for children as long as daddy is not there ---now and please investigate :

Welfare "reform" addressed this problem --no pay to pump out children -----so what is in play now ----that generation --are now the "grandmothers" ---their daugters are having babies out of wedlock --hooked on crack --Social Service at the request of "Grandma" get custody AND MONEY PAYMENTS TO GRANDMA--the more children --more money nOT exactly the dream Martin was speaking about. That is the "new plantation" supported by dopey Liberals.

Many of us grew up in tough areas and in poverty. Like so many --I made a PERSONAL DECISION --to go to work unloading feeders in the 43rd st hub for 2.19 per hour ---took out college loans --paid attention in school--- A PERSONAL DECISION --did not quit --school all day --Ups at night ---did not make my girlfriend pregnant--another PERSONAL DECISION--taught for a few months --MADE A PERSONAL DECISION--and delivered Packages for UPS IN HARLEM --when the panthers were out there shooting cops --Black and White --the panthers Office(storefront) was on my route --7th ave --before naming it Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.

Need no lessons from you or anyone else on poverty -or-how to get out of it --make right decisions in Life and be successful --definitely need no lessons on Harlem or the South Bronx---Atlanta --tough --give me a break:happy-very:


All Trash No Trailer
Name any Minority Group-for the past 50 years --that has had BUSSING to better Shools, Affirmative Action programs ---getting into Colleges and Universities ahead of and instead of students with higher grades-----welfare, food.stamps,cell phones --etc --meant to step up --not make a life out of.

Welfare --the great society of LBJ --did destroy the Afro-American family unit --get paid for children as long as daddy is not there ---now and please investigate :

Sir, with all due respect this is 2013 and not 1973! ALL Of the programs you mention to level the playing field for Blacks are LONG GONE.Some in the name of 'progress',some due to budgetary cuts and some have been cancelled due to the middle classes perception that a level playing field is somehow 'reverse racism' .