The "new" no necklace and earrings rule?

Have you guys heard of this one? I'd like to see where it is, supposedly in the red book. Was it reviewed by our union? How many more rules and regulations can our employer impose on us? Isn't that discrimination? Welcome to the new military named UPS.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
UPS has always had appearance standards for employees dealing with the public. They are just not enforced a lot of the times. I used to have long hair, but it came off when I went driving. It wasn't a difficult decision for me.


Have you guys heard of this one? I'd like to see where it is, supposedly in the red book. Was it reviewed by our union? How many more rules and regulations can our employer impose on us? Isn't that discrimination? Welcome to the new military named UPS.
Whats new about it.
21yrs ago UPS did not allow necklaces (ie. wearing religious medals, gold chains, ect... if they could be seen.)
As far as I remember, even the woman could not wear earrings.
If you want to dress up to go dancing,great.
At work, one should at least try to show a degree of professionalism and that includes personal jewelry.


Retired 23 years
When will it end? Next it will be no wedding ring.
I would advise everyone not to wear rings. (wedding included). Your mate will really love your new look with one finger missing because you got it caught on some pkg or door or some other object


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I learned this in the first year and I think it was when I had really long hair, and it got caught in the tape on a box while unloading a trailer, even in a pony tail. The necklace took me a little longer til I bought a really nice piece, black hills gold and it got caught on a box while unloading, and never found. A ring on the finger, nope, got caught in the door chain when closing it, which is when I realized it was a bad idea.
I still have long hair but I keep it way back, even doubled tied most days, and I wear jewelry when it counts. Its not worth the hassle. AS far as I know earring studs seem to be safe, while I dont think males can have them. Yes I guess its sexist.


I would advise everyone not to wear rings. (wedding included). Your mate will really love your new look with one finger missing because you got it caught on some pkg or door or some other object
You are right, Rod.
I use to take my ring off and hand it to my wife when I went work in the coal mines and she would give it back to me when I came home. A friend lost his arm, due to his ring being caught while drilling.
Having said that, UPS was the first job that I have ever had that did not have the obvious job hazards of wearing one.
So, since then I have not taken it off. It would have to be cut off now.
Your advice is good.


in our center we have 1 woman that wears long hair down every day one man with earring several with visible or semi-visible tattoos (drivers) one prima dona clerk that wears large hoop earrings we even had a women show up last year for peak wearring heels (she didnt stay)


Box Monkey
My wedding ring is made of titanium so I don't worry about it bending or getting broke. Won't happn. I actually sometimes use it to help me hold on to packages at times


Well-Known Member
Have you guys heard of this one? I'd like to see where it is, supposedly in the red book. Was it reviewed by our union? How many more rules and regulations can our employer impose on us? Isn't that discrimination? Welcome to the new military named UPS.

discrimination?? who's race,religion,gender or sexual orientation was being targeted?? stop throwing that word around..

Your appearance represents UPS. If you need to wear a necklace or earings at work, then you should quit and work at a fashion store....
Supervisors are taught to wear clip-on ties so in case their tie ever gets sucked in by a conveyor, they can be spared from impending doom.

The only item I ever had an issue with was my watch. It would get banged up pretty quickly.