The party of "family values" strikes again!


Strength through joy
....mainstream press who are so intent on ginning up the "war on women" against Republicans have not even touched the sexist actions of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT), two Democrat lions.
The late Sen. Ted Kennedy, the Democrat who waged a "war on woman" and whose actions the mainstream media continue to ignore. As Breitbart News noted, Kennedy not only "drove a car into Chappaquiddick, which resulted in the drowning death Mary Jo Kopechne."
Since then, there were "numerous on-the-record accounts of Kennedy groping women and making lewd comments about them." For instance, the late Michael Kelly wrote about the infamous "waitress sandwich" incident in GQ magazine:
As Gaviglio enters the room, the six-foot-two, 225-plus-pound Kennedy grabs the five-foot-three, 103-pound waitress and throws her on the table. She lands on her back, scattering crystal, plates and cutlery and the lit candles. Several glasses and a crystal candlestick are broken. Kennedy then picks her up from the table and throws her on Dodd, who is sprawled in a chair. With Gaviglio on Dodd's lap, Kennedy jumps on top and begins rubbing his genital area against hers, supporting his weight on the arms of the chair. As he is doing this, Loh enters the room. She and Gaviglio both scream, drawing one or two dishwashers. Startled, Kennedy leaps up. He laughs. Bruised, shaken and angry over what she considered a sexual assault, Gaviglio runs from the room. Kennedy, Dodd and their dates leave shortly thereafter, following a friendly argument between the senators over the check.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How many Christians do you personally know? Are they really Christians. Or just people who take the label?

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.

Hey bro, Ive met tons of "christians" over the last 55 years. Hypocrites, all of them, just like republicans.

No difference.



Strength through joy
Va. Dem. asks God to murder everyone in NRA with deadly Ebola virus

"Dear god (sic)," he began. "Please use Ebola to infect the @NRA and it's various members. For they are A (sic) true virus and true terrorists in America."

"there would be no funnier thing then (sic) to see the @NRA s (sic) members in a death clutch of their gun while dealing w Ebola."


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, Ive met tons of "christians" over the last 55 years. Hypocrites, all of them, just like republicans.

No difference.


A true hypocrite that calls everyone old, but is probably older than 90 percent of anyone on here. You are 7 years older than this "old" white guy. I guess typical of an old Hispanic man who suffers from diarrhea of the mouth?


Its all good.
Hey bro, Ive met tons of "christians" over the last 55 years. Hypocrites, all of them, just like republicans.

No difference.

And I've met tons of people who use the label "Christians" who are hypocrites. Like many politicians who use the label because it will help them get elected. Not everyone who uses the label is a Christian, just like not everyone who is Muslim is a terrorist. Yet too many good, innocent, people get branded negatively because of attitudes like yours.
When hurricane Katrina hit the south coast hard, the quickest response came from faith based groups, mostly Christians. Were they hypocrites, or good people living out their faith?
Too many politicians are hypocrites. Dems and Pubs alike. It's too bad the job attracts all of the low lives looking for their personal advantage. The job is so unattractive that the decent people don't want to be associated with it.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The better question would be how could a homosexual not be a republican? It's the dimocrats that try to exclude people and divide into groups based on race, sex, and sexuality.

Av is right, there are over a million homosexual republicans, just not all of them out of the closet because the party platform wants and needs to keep them in there with the moths, oh sorry moreluck, not you, the other kind.

One after the other, republicans are outed all the time.

Karl Rove for one. His associations with Gay male prostitutes is well documented, and while in office with BUSH, the owner of the largest Male Gay prostitute website worked for him.

On camera, especially on fox news, Rove preaches about christian family values and shows what a christian liar looks like.

It will only be a matter of time before someone comes forward and cements the deal for us all!



Well-Known Member
Av is right, there are over a million homosexual republicans, just not all of them out of the closet because the party platform wants and needs to keep them in there with the moths, oh sorry moreluck, not you, the other kind.

One after the other, republicans are outed all the time.

Karl Rove for one. His associations with Gay male prostitutes is well documented, and while in office with BUSH, the owner of the largest Male Gay prostitute website worked for him.

On camera, especially on fox news, Rove preaches about christian family values and shows what a christian liar looks like.

It will only be a matter of time before someone comes forward and cements the deal for us all!


Hey troll. Thanks for proving my point that you and other dimocrats are the only ones really concerned about things like race and sexuality.


golden ticket member
How many gay males did Obama associate with when he went to the bathhouse he's a member of with Rahm called Man's Country in Ill. ?


Its all good.
Av is right, there are over a million homosexual republicans, just not all of them out of the closet because the party platform wants and needs to keep them in there with the moths, oh sorry moreluck, not you, the other kind.

One after the other, republicans are outed all the time.

Karl Rove for one. His associations with Gay male prostitutes is well documented, and while in office with BUSH, the owner of the largest Male Gay prostitute website worked for him.

On camera, especially on fox news, Rove preaches about christian family values and shows what a christian liar looks like.

It will only be a matter of time before someone comes forward and cements the deal for us all!

I knew it was Bush's fault.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


Well-Known Member
Anytime you like, go for it. I'm in. I got no problem arguing either POV as I think both have valid points. I'd even enjoy exploring the gnostic or esoteric as opposed to exoteric views as well.

Just now looking through the Yahoo News Feed and the irony or synchronicity of seeing this from Salon.