The perversion of Fox News and Breitbart

Lue C Fur

Evil member
If he was trying to show them as racist, then he didn't play the clip all the way through.

So you dont have proof but thats your opinion then? Again...maybe that is the only part that was sent to him. Its just like accusing Ms. Sherrod of being a racist and then firing her without watching the whole video...kinda like the whitehouse did and the NAACP condemed her too before they saw the whole tape. Glenn Beck was smart enough not to run with this once the video came out because he felt it was taken out of context and wanted to wait until he saw the whole video...he defended her. Yup...FOX is sooooooo evil. LOL


Staff member

they started this mess by saying that the Tea Party was full of racists.
Breitbart replied to their charges with a tape of one of their own meetings.
Only after she resigned did Fox News report on the story.
Anyone watch that report on CNN last night, I couldn't watch it past the intro, way to much bias . They were making her out to be some sort of saint.

According to Babs, that is why he posted it.


Staff member
So you dont have proof but thats your opinion then? Again...maybe that is the only part that was sent to him. Its just like accusing Ms. Sherrod of being a racist and then firing her without watching the whole video...kinda like the whitehouse did and the NAACP condemed her too before they saw the whole tape. Glenn Beck was smart enough not to run with this once the video came out because he felt it was taken out of context and wanted to wait until he saw the whole video...he defended her. Yup...FOX is sooooooo evil. LOL

I don't know of anyone who says that the NAACP and/or the Whitehouse handled the situation well. You do seem to go out of your way to defend the conservative blogger :censored2:bag. Ever give that benefit of the doubt to the president?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I don't know of anyone who says that the NAACP and/or the Whitehouse handled the situation well.
Really? So you dont watch the news...or is it only the Liberal news?
You do seem to go out of your way to defend the conservative blogger :censored2:bag. seem to go out of your way to defend Obama and his idiot henchman and the Liberal media. Once its proven the Brietbart purposely edited the tape and sent it out then i wont defend him anymore and he will go on my Obama and his admin.
Ever give that benefit of the doubt to the president?
He had his chance and blew it...cant give him any slack...he is a lieing slimeball...worst president ever and America will be lucky if it can pull out of all the mess he is putting us in.


Well-Known Member
Attention Right Wing- we are not in the middle of a race war in this country. Quit trying to start one. It might also help if you stopped denying the class war that is actually going on. Racism + Homphobia + Corporate Welfare + Hate = GOP

Breitbart slandered her and smeared her, then FOX "news" slandered her and smeared her. She is a strong woman and she was right and the facts were revealed unedited. Even the white Farmer couple in her story supported her and said she saved their farm. Vilsack made a mistake and acted prematurely, but recognized his error and moved quickly to amend it. The only evil in this case was perpetrated by Andrew Breitbart and the thugs at FOX "news." Breitbart was whipping up the racial cauldron to divide the country.

When the Democratic Party embraced civil rights the old line southern racist element left the Democratic Party and became the white, southern, racist core of the modern day Republican Party. I know you don't like it, but that is the truth. This country elected a black president by a decisive margin hoping to help heal the racial divide. And the racist core of the Republican Party and the spin off Tea Bagger Party is driving the fear factor in poor, ignorant white Americans hoping they will be afraid of Black Americans that hold power positions. This is reckless and unpatriotic. I am awake, and what I smell is the stench of Breitbart. And now they're trying to turn the race issue around on democrats....

How do you defend a proven lack of integrity from your pool of News gatherers....and then sit here and continue fuel the flames with the same dishonesty ?


Well-Known Member
The Daily Beast's Steve Friess reports that he witnessed a conversation between Daily Kos blogger Dante Atkins and Fox News chief political correspondent Carl Cameron at the Netroot Nations conference on Friday, during which Cameron said some people on the channel are boosting the Tea Party and have improperly hyped the Shirley Sherrod story.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I don't know of anyone who says that the NAACP and/or the Whitehouse handled the situation well. You do seem to go out of your way to defend the conservative blogger :censored2:bag. Ever give that benefit of the doubt to the president?
I cant think of anything they have handled well. Its called no experience. And they want to handle everything.


Staff member
I cant think of anything they have handled well. Its called no experience. And they want to handle everything.

Now a lot of that would be a matter of opinion. I'm fairly happy with how they've handled Iran, North Korea, Europe and Isreal. Of course there are scores of people who agree and disagree on every point.


Strength through joy
Attention Right Wing- we are not in the middle of a race war in this country. Quit trying to start one. It might also help if you stopped denying the class war that is actually going on. Racism + Homphobia + Corporate Welfare + Hate = GOP

Breitbart slandered her and smeared her, then FOX "news" slandered her and smeared her. She is a strong woman and she was right and the facts were revealed unedited. Even the white Farmer couple in her story supported her and said she saved their farm. Vilsack made a mistake and acted prematurely, but recognized his error and moved quickly to amend it. The only evil in this case was perpetrated by Andrew Breitbart and the thugs at FOX "news." Breitbart was whipping up the racial cauldron to divide the country.

When the Democratic Party embraced civil rights the old line southern racist element left the Democratic Party and became the white, southern, racist core of the modern day Republican Party. I know you don't like it, but that is the truth. This country elected a black president by a decisive margin hoping to help heal the racial divide. And the racist core of the Republican Party and the spin off Tea Bagger Party is driving the fear factor in poor, ignorant white Americans hoping they will be afraid of Black Americans that hold power positions. This is reckless and unpatriotic. I am awake, and what I smell is the stench of Breitbart. And now they're trying to turn the race issue around on democrats....

How do you defend a proven lack of integrity from your pool of News gatherers....and then sit here and continue fuel the flames with the same dishonesty ?

That is the best piece of fiction I've read this summer, except for the gay slur that you included.


Strength through joy
Now a lot of that would be a matter of opinion. I'm fairly happy with how they've handled Iran, North Korea, Europe and Isreal. Of course there are scores of people who agree and disagree on every point.

You and diesel are just so wonderful at writing fiction.


Strength through joy
Godwin’s Law II: ‘Racism’ Charge Loses Debate

by Tim Slagle We owe a great favor to Mike Godwin. Those of us who have spent any amount of time arguing nonsense on the Internet are familiar with Godwins Law. Briefly, Godwins Law states: “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches … given enough time, all discussions —regardless of topic or scope —inevitably wind up being about Hitler and the Nazis.”

The most wonderful aspect of Godwin is that “there is a tradition in many newsgroups, and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically ‘lost’ whatever debate was in progress.”