The Policies That Failed


Well-Known Member
Immediate part of his NYC team and long-time friend. Definitely part of the inner circle by definition of his role.

Thanks for being a loser.
Any way you look at it. Trump won, Hillary lost. Just another example of cry babies like you drawing the short straw. You just can't get a break in life. You hate your job and your too stupid to do anything about it, so you wake up everyday miserable and clock in for another day of misery. Bummer


Well-Known Member
Seriously? I think this a perfect example of how easily many voters are duped. You have to go ALL THE WAY BACK to 2012 to see a bigger electoral vote win. Come on. You seem to study history, but fell for this.

You do realize the Supreme Court changed provisions of the Voting Rights act, right? This was the first election in 50 years without the full, written protections of the VRA.

There are lots of lawsuits. Maybe just not visible in your news sources. If you are a white guy, then I would refrain from talking about voter suppression and intimidation when you are not likely to impacted by it. This whole country, for its entire history, has suppressed rights of minorities. That same history is alive and well today in unconstitutional attempts to make voting more difficult.

The electoral college is an antiquated system. The same type of system that was used for centuries to select lords and kings in the middle ages, when territories where given proxy votes by leaders. I think most people understand what he EC is, but few understand its roots and how intricately linked it was to generating enough state support for the new Constitution in the slave states.

Unfortunately, we will never know the number of votes in Detroit (some precincts reported this problem, not all) or Michigan because of state laws regarding recounts. We will not know the cause (election officials blame old equipment) or the true intent of those voters. Might it be something nefarious? Maybe. Might it be voter suppression that kicked voters off the poll books? Could be. We do not know and we won't know. I am of the opinion that an election should be free and fair and all the votes should be counted. I support hand counting with watchers from both parties (throw in Green and Libertarian if you want).

The point of the recount was not to give victory to the candidate that won the most votes (Hillary by nearly 3 million), but to attempt to get an accurate counting of the votes and highlight problems with our current electoral process. Perhaps inadvertently, you did just that in this quote. And the recount still did not give us all the info.
I should've said the biggest Republican margin of victory in decades. It's funny how the electoral college is just fine until it doesn't work in someone's favor. And I find it incredulous that we have a media that is all over every incident of white cops shooting black men, but we're supposed to believe minorities are getting intimidated into not voting, that there are actual lawsuits concerning such, but the very liberal mainstream media isn't reporting it. Which turnip truck do you think I just fell off of? What I'm seeing over and over is Democrats grasping at every straw, making excuses, but refusing to acknowledge that most of the blame lies with them. Exactly why we saw all the rioting, weeping and wailing after Trump one. Someone must have screwed them out of their birthright to run this country. How else could it be explained?


Well-Known Member
You don't seem to understand. I'm fully aware of how the electoral college system works. Im not even complaining about the system. I really don't care. I'm just here to correct people when they say that trump crushed it. Or that he is the populist president. That is wrong. Trump supporters are the biggest group of sore winners I've ever seen. So ill leave this here for reference.View attachment 111013
What you're confusing is populism and the popular vote. Trump is a populist. Doesn't mean he won the popular vote. And yes, over and over you've said he won on a technicality and Democrats should be rightfully P.O.ed. While I'm at it, thank you hackers, we may not have won without you! :winnersmiley::rofl:


Well-Known Member
Seriously? I think this a perfect example of how easily many voters are duped. You have to go ALL THE WAY BACK to 2012 to see a bigger electoral vote win. Come on. You seem to study history, but fell for this.

You do realize the Supreme Court changed provisions of the Voting Rights act, right? This was the first election in 50 years without the full, written protections of the VRA.

There are lots of lawsuits. Maybe just not visible in your news sources. If you are a white guy, then I would refrain from talking about voter suppression and intimidation when you are not likely to impacted by it. This whole country, for its entire history, has suppressed rights of minorities. That same history is alive and well today in unconstitutional attempts to make voting more difficult.

The electoral college is an antiquated system. The same type of system that was used for centuries to select lords and kings in the middle ages, when territories where given proxy votes by leaders. I think most people understand what he EC is, but few understand its roots and how intricately linked it was to generating enough state support for the new Constitution in the slave states.

Unfortunately, we will never know the number of votes in Detroit (some precincts reported this problem, not all) or Michigan because of state laws regarding recounts. We will not know the cause (election officials blame old equipment) or the true intent of those voters. Might it be something nefarious? Maybe. Might it be voter suppression that kicked voters off the poll books? Could be. We do not know and we won't know. I am of the opinion that an election should be free and fair and all the votes should be counted. I support hand counting with watchers from both parties (throw in Green and Libertarian if you want).

The point of the recount was not to give victory to the candidate that won the most votes (Hillary by nearly 3 million), but to attempt to get an accurate counting of the votes and highlight problems with our current electoral process. Perhaps inadvertently, you did just that in this quote. And the recount still did not give us all the info.
P.S. There wasn't any reason for Stein other than to raise money. She parlayed her demanding a recount into a number of fundraisers.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
That works better than any proposed alternative.
The electoral college is weird. It used to be everyone said to get rid of it because the person who won the popular vote always won the college. Now people are claiming it exists to stop demagogues like Trump. Both are wrong. It exists because the USA is a union of independent states and the states should have a voice in the leader of the federal government. The number of electors is based on population as is reflected in the House of Representatives. The weird part is that there are actual people that cast the vote. Just give states their electoral votes, why is there this second step of people casting ballots as electors? It's silly.


Well-Known Member
The electoral college is weird. It used to be everyone said to get rid of it because the person who won the popular vote always won the college. Now people are claiming it exists to stop demagogues like Trump. Both are wrong. It exists because the USA is a union of independent states and the states should have a voice in the leader of the federal government. The number of electors is based on population as is reflected in the House of Representatives. The weird part is that there are actual people that cast the vote. Just give states their electoral votes, why is there this second step of people casting ballots as electors? It's silly.
When you think of all the pomp and circumstance in places like England it's not so surprising that the founding fathers in their era wanted some kind of formality to the highest office in the land.


Well-Known Member
Wow, another stalker. Why can't we see them? The obvious answer is that Trump has a lot to hide. Followers who don't ask questions are the qualify.
You keep criticizing him and pointing out his faults. He still beat your candidate. Sure doesn't say much about her. She got beat by a guy who didn't release his tax returns, got caught on tape disrespecting women, has said some interesting things about people from other nations, has never ran for office, may or may not be a good businessman, depending on who you ask. Man, your candidate was a total loser. Just the kind of person a dip snit like you would support. You and your candidate are total losers. Bummer


Engorged Member
You keep criticizing him and pointing out his faults. He still beat your candidate. Sure doesn't say much about her. She got beat by a guy who didn't release his tax returns, got caught on tape disrespecting women, has said some interesting things about people from other nations, has never ran for office, may or may not be a good businessman, depending on who you ask. Man, your candidate was a total loser. Just the kind of person a dip snit like you would support.

Trump is a deplorable, just like you. That's why he resonates with the undereducated White demographic. He's everything that deplorables love...a racist, women-loathing, con man that isn't real smart, but thinks he is. He shoots from the hip, before engaging his brain, but you're not smart enough to see it. You fall for the one-liners and 8th grade level speeches because you can actually understand Trump. He's an idiot, just like you. Except he's rich, so that means he's a "success". When Obama makes a speech, you're lost, and it's because you're incapable of understanding what he's saying. Agree with it or not, you're lost as soon as he says a word that isn't within your limited realm of comprehension. That makes Obama "arrogant", and "evasive". At least to you.

Hillary? She has issues for sure, but she's actually intelligent and well-versed in the arts of diplomacy and statesmanship. Trump is a used car salesman by comparison. We should all be ashamed of our country for allowing such a dirtbag to become President.


Well-Known Member
Trump is a deplorable, just like you. That's why he resonates with the undereducated White demographic. He's everything that deplorables love...a racist, women-loathing, con man that isn't real smart, but thinks he is. He shoots from the hip, before engaging his brain, but you're not smart enough to see it. You fall for the one-liners and 8th grade level speeches because you can actually understand Trump. He's an idiot, just like you. Except he's rich, so that means he's a "success". When Obama makes a speech, you're lost, and it's because you're incapable of understanding what he's saying. Agree with it or not, you're lost as soon as he says a word that isn't within your limited realm of comprehension. That makes Obama "arrogant", and "evasive". At least to you.

Hillary? She has issues for sure, but she's actually intelligent and well-versed in the arts of diplomacy and statesmanship. Trump is a used car salesman by comparison. We should all be ashamed of our country for allowing such a dirtbag to become President.
Hillary and MFE=LOSER

Tru dat


Well-Known Member
Trump is a deplorable, just like you. That's why he resonates with the undereducated White demographic. He's everything that deplorables love...a racist, women-loathing, con man that isn't real smart, but thinks he is. He shoots from the hip, before engaging his brain, but you're not smart enough to see it. You fall for the one-liners and 8th grade level speeches because you can actually understand Trump. He's an idiot, just like you. Except he's rich, so that means he's a "success". When Obama makes a speech, you're lost, and it's because you're incapable of understanding what he's saying. Agree with it or not, you're lost as soon as he says a word that isn't within your limited realm of comprehension. That makes Obama "arrogant", and "evasive". At least to you.

Hillary? She has issues for sure, but she's actually intelligent and well-versed in the arts of diplomacy and statesmanship. Trump is a used car salesman by comparison. We should all be ashamed of our country for allowing such a dirtbag to become President.
And Hillary lost to him, warts and all. What does that say about her? She was Secretary of State for four years. She went to great lengths to destroy 33,000 emails. 33,000. Think about that. Was she conducting great diplomacy? Sounds to me that she spent most of her time lining her pockets. Bill's too. And your magnificent president covered for her. This is why she lost. As Lincoln said, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Takes a lot of chutzpah to think one can hoodwink millions and get away with it. And yes, that could apply to Trump too. What great choices we had.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
And Hillary lost to him, warts and all. What does that say about her? She was Secretary of State for four years. She went to great lengths to destroy 33,000 emails. 33,000. Think about that. Was she conducting great diplomacy? Sounds to me that she spent most of her time lining her pockets. Bill's too. And your magnificent president covered for her. This is why she lost. As Lincoln said, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Takes a lot of chutzpah to think one can hoodwink millions and get away with it. And yes, that could apply to Trump too. What great choices we had.
At what point do you get past how much you hate Hillary and actually start defending Trump? Most of his supporters can't because he's a terrible person and they know it. How many years will you be saying Hillary would have been worse!?


Well-Known Member
At what point do you get past how much you hate Hillary and actually start defending Trump? Most of his supporters can't because he's a terrible person and they know it. How many years will you be saying Hillary would have been worse!?
It is easy to defend Trump.


It must suck being a loser and supporting a loser.