The Policies That Failed


Well-Known Member
Hillary? She has issues for sure, but she's actually intelligent and well-versed in the arts of diplomacy and statesmanship. Trump is a used car salesman by comparison
You have nothing to gain long term as a white male liberal. In the big picture you are at the bottom of the pile to them. Democrats in this day and age are for importing diversity, celebrating homosexuality/transgenderism. Which is fine! But ask yourself, where do you fit in? Your not a military aged male who came here via Aleppo, via Berlin who's getting section 8 and and EBT card. Gone is the party for "the working man." The blue collar. To me, the ideal candidate was Jim Webb. I think you know who he is. Old School, blue dog, Dem. What the party USED to be.


Well-Known Member
You have nothing to gain long term as a white male liberal. In the big picture you are at the bottom of the pile to them. Democrats in this day and age are for importing diversity, celebrating homosexuality/transgenderism. Which is fine! But ask yourself, where do you fit in? Your not a military aged male who came here via Aleppo, via Berlin who's getting section 8 and and EBT card. Gone is the party for "the working man." The blue collar. To me, the ideal candidate was Jim Webb. I think you know who he is. Old School, blue dog, Dem. What the party USED to be.
Don't worry your rich Anglo-Saxon Brethren are still in power and will be for years to come.;)


Well-Known Member
At what point do you get past how much you hate Hillary and actually start defending Trump? Most of his supporters can't because he's a terrible person and they know it. How many years will you be saying Hillary would have been worse!?
Trump hasn't started yet. We know what her record is. Y'all keep saying she should've won and won't accept that it was her fault she didn't. All I've done is point out the obvious. Amazed me that all this was out there and yet that many people still voted for her. This is a totally polarized nation, more so than any time since the Civil War. And a lot of it is being driven by emotional people who refuse to look at these things rationally and can't stand the other side pointing it out. Maybe the Democrats should learn something from this election and try a different approach. But unless Trump really effs up and Congress really does do nothing for the middle class I doubt you'll see another Democrat majority anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
You have nothing to gain long term as a white male liberal. In the big picture you are at the bottom of the pile to them. Democrats in this day and age are for importing diversity, celebrating homosexuality/transgenderism. Which is fine! But ask yourself, where do you fit in? Your not a military aged male who came here via Aleppo, via Berlin who's getting section 8 and and EBT card. Gone is the party for "the working man." The blue collar. To me, the ideal candidate was Jim Webb. I think you know who he is. Old School, blue dog, Dem. What the party USED to be.
Loved Zell Miller of Georgia.


Engorged Member
Trump hasn't started yet. We know what her record is. Y'all keep saying she should've won and won't accept that it was her fault she didn't. All I've done is point out the obvious. Amazed me that all this was out there and yet that many people still voted for her. This is a totally polarized nation, more so than any time since the Civil War. And a lot of it is being driven by emotional people who refuse to look at these things rationally and can't stand the other side pointing it out. Maybe the Democrats should learn something from this election and try a different approach. But unless Trump really effs up and Congress really does do nothing for the middle class I doubt you'll see another Democrat majority anytime soon.

LOFL. Do you think that there will be 50% voter turnout for the next round of elections? Watch for the House majority to go away in 2 years, and eventually the Senate as well. As soon as the "Brown People" start voting, the GOP is toast.


Well-Known Member
LOFL. Do you think that there will be 50% voter turnout for the next round of elections? Watch for the House majority to go away in 2 years, and eventually the Senate as well. As soon as the "Brown People" start voting, the GOP is toast.
Where were those voters when the 1000 seats the democrats lost the last 8 years needed them? Where were they when Hillary needed them?




Well-Known Member
LOFL. Do you think that there will be 50% voter turnout for the next round of elections? Watch for the House majority to go away in 2 years, and eventually the Senate as well. As soon as the "Brown People" start voting, the GOP is toast.
The Repubs have a substantial majority in the House, and not enough are up for re-election in two years to lose it. As in everything it comes down to results. The Dems had control of the entire government, now they have nothing. The majority of voters didn't like what they were seeing. The Repubs would be smart to remember that. Now I'll wait for someone to call me a hater for pointing out the obvious. Happy New Year!


Well-Known Member
Some say you shouldn't be here like yourself. Were you imported as well?
I was sarcastically joking. I imported myself here from Lebanon, after I got a green card I enlisted in the military in order to gain citizenship. You know, the right way. Not entering illegally and and demanding benefits. And certainly not leaving fleeing a home country I could be fighting for, like I did in 1982 in Beirut.


Well-Known Member
You ever heard the term " coconut "? Serf is the ultimate definition. Probably hates his own culture. Why do you think he calls himself Eastern Roman?
I feel terrible for the citizens of Lebanon. It is a catch 22 quagmire. Hezbollah is the only thing protecting the country from ISIS. The USA arms Hezbollah currently, but then deems them a terror organization. And bows eternally to the interests of Israel first. Think even about Obama, President welcomes terrorists and criminals into the United States, but draws the line at peaceful Russian diplomats. Expelling them like a cry baby. The woeful ineptness of fellow coconut mulatto Hussein is cringeworthy.