The religion of peace strikes again...


Strength through joy
(Times Live)- A tub of ham-flavoured cottage cheese has been blamed for the break-up of a Muslim couple’s marriage, according to Islamic fundamental body, the Majlis-ul-Ulama, which posted a complaint on its website from a Port Elizabeth man.
He claimed his wife had left him after a heated row over a tub of Lancewood smoked ham-flavoured cottage cheese bearing a halaal certification sign by the South African NationalHalaal Association (Sanha).
In his letter to the Majlis, the unnamed husband said his wife made him a sandwich using the cheese purchased by her.
“When I examined the tub I could not believe the filth I had consumed. It shocked the guts out of me.”
All pork products are forbidden in Islam. The husband queried whether he could sue Sanha for the “trauma, the break-up of my marriage, the violation of my religious rights and feelings”.


Well-Known Member
No. That's a different sect of Christian that blows up clinics and hunts doctor with high powered rifles.

Good one. Speaking of, I found the first 2 paragraphs rather interesting of this article rather interesting to the subject matter at hand.

Anti-abortion violence is violence committed against individuals and organizations that provide abortion.[1] Incidents of violence have included destruction of property, in the form of vandalism, to crimes against people, including kidnapping, stalking, assault, attempted murder, and murder, to crimes affecting both people and property, including arson and bombings.
Anti-abortion violence is most frequently committed in the United States, though it has also occurred in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. G. Davidson Smith of Canadian Security Intelligence Service defined anti-abortion violence as "single issue terrorism".[2] A study of 1982–87 violence considered the incidents "limited political" or "subrevolutionary" terrorism.[3]

I'll call it like I completely see it, Baba has no affront whatsoever to violence at all, even violence against innocent women and children. His position is purely a front he uses to mask his real core belief and that is he just hates muslims and likely because some higher authority told him too by the use of arguement and persuasion otherwise known as state brainwashing. And the fact is, he's not alone here either as there are others who feed off this stuff like catnip to a bunch of cats. It's good crack to redeyed nationalists to tell the truth. The more he can find, and it's easy to find if you look for it, the more he can feed this hatred and his own bloodlust will only grow and be more justified in his eyes and in the eyes of others.

In his bloodlust to huntdown all manner of muslim sin, he oddly stands in total silence to the multitude of current day sins within christianity that aren't the fault of the belief system itself but rather how certain people use it and pervert it for their own benefit. Just 2 quick examples here and here from most recent events. Remember Jimmy Swaggart and the prostitute? Or the more recent Ted Haggard? How is physical violence a worse sin than mental violence? The doctor attacked in Sweden (similar event happened in Kuwait too)will physicaly heal it would seem and thank god (if you will or do) it got no worse but violence in hospitals is not a purely isolated thing involving muslims only.
1) The doctor that attacked the nurse in Colorado.
2) Doctor attacked by a drunk in New Zealand
3) Boston doctor stabbed
4) Here's you another muslim attack. Religion or emotional duress from a tragedy?
5) Doctors attacked after patient died

I could go on and on because there are page after page after page of these type events listed, all doctors and medical staff being attacked for a whole host of stupid reasons and the vast majority having nothing to do with islam. So where's the consistant outrage? If no muslims are present, it doesn't fit the construct so pretend it never happens and only happens with muslims. In 2001, it was estimated there were around 2.8 million muslims living in America, I know it's a far cry lower than the numbers needed for them to take over all manner of life in America (makes one question the rational for the fear) but it's what it is. Now out of that nearly 3 million, let's for the sake of arguement say about 1 million are women and of that let's say only 250,000 give birth. What are the odds that 250,000 muslim women can give birth in America and not at some point none of themn come in contact with a male doctor? How about just going in the hospital for any reason and not coming into contact with male doctor or other medical staff? Seems to me if the suggested construct were true, we'd have attacks all over the place and with those kinda numbers, some politician would see an opportunity and we'd see some legislation to guarantee no male doctors or staff for devote muslim women, right? Just like when a few chrisitans abuse their position of power, so too when a few muslims go to the extreme as well.

The violence is gotten so in England that it has people's attention.

The reasons for these attacks range from anger about waiting times to frustration from friends and relatives about visiting hours. Around 40% of attacks are alcohol induced with many patients being admitted to hospital with self inflicted drinking injuries. It is believed that the high numbers relate to the fact that staff are now actively encouraged to report any incident where they are threatened or attacked.

With claims that England is overrun by muslims, odd that no mention of them was made! OMG! They've taken so much control they are now able to censor the news!
No wonder the jews are pissed at em', that's always been their job. Next they'll go for banking and then, OMG the horror, HOLLYWOOD!!!!!!!!

Does this crap just get predictable or what? OK. wait for it...James Cameron is not jewish he's a secret........MUSLIM!!!!!!!


Strength through joy
Muslim Terror Training Camps in the United States

Law Enforcement document April '09
For nearly 30 years, a violent group with established roots in both the United States and Pakistan has been committing numerous crimes here in America, consisting of murder, bombings, robberies – all for the purpose of “purifying” Islam through violence.
This group, known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra (JF), was founded by Sheik Mubarak Ali Gilani during a 1980 visit to New York. In an effort to stop the perceived influence of Western ideology on Islam, JF uses violence to keep Islam from being ‘tainted’ by Western influences. JF will even wage violence upon members of their own faith, if they are suspected of not being faithful to Islam. In 1980, Gilani purchased 70 acres of land near the Catskill Mountains and founded Islamberg, in Hancock NY, a Muslim-only community where Muslim followers and converts could settle and reside in. Today, over 30 similar Muslim-only communities have sprung up all across the United States.
Past JF Crimes/Current Criminal Activities:
*Between 1979-90, there have been approximately 10 unsolved assassinations & 17 firebombing cases involving JF members [3] Some of the more publicized crimes involving JF include:
1983-High ranking JF member plants pipe bomb at Portland hotel
1984-3 South Asians killed in Tacoma, WA suburb by JF members
1985- Islamic mosque bombed, Houston TX
1989-storage locker search warrant in Colorado Springs revealed weapons cache and intelligence documents belonging to JF members. Documents included maps and potential targets to include military sites, oil and gas installations, and electrical facilities.
Who Joins?
There is no single criteria or characteristic that leads to JF membership, although being a Muslim is a requirement. Prospective members come from different backgrounds. Those Muslims and converts could be working professionals, blue collar workers, religious leaders and students. However, there seems to be a push in attracting black Muslim converts from the U.S. prison system.
Locations for these training sites range from rural unpopulated areas to abandoned warehouses in urban areas. (In fact, during the arrests of seven radicalized Muslim extremists in Miami 2006, members were found to have gathered in secluded warehouses to conduct paramilitary training .
JF has, and continues to purchase pieces of land in rather isolated areas, with a majority of critical infrastructure sites within close range. These features make certain rural properties ideal for JF followers. These areas are set up to establish a community where members can surround themselves with other JF followers by practicing their faith, military training and survivalist activities all while completely immersed within North American towns.
Armed members guard their compounds and do not allow for outside visitors. JF Headquarters (Islamberg) are in Hancock, NY. Islamberg is known to have a mosque, school house, grocery store and reportedly a firing range at their compound.
JF has also set up communities/training compounds in the following areas:
• Marion, Alabama
• Augusta,Commerce,Macon & Jessup Georgia
• Talihina, Oklahoma
• York County, South Carolina
• Dover, Tenessee
• Red House; Roanoke Virginia
• Wayne County, Pennsylvania
• Tulane County, California
• Washington State
• Colorado
• Michigan
Locations have also been discovered in Canada, Venezuela & Trinidad.
What Goes On At These Camps?

It remains very difficult to find out what is going on in these camps because outsiders are denied entrance to the compounds. Armed guards control the compounds at entry gates. Local residents have reportedly heard gunfire, and the sounds of military style physical training coming from the camps. Many though, have been afraid to speak out in fear of intimidation by JF members. Because it is so secretive leads many to wonder if JF members are conducting illegal activities. JF members insist they have a good relationship with members of the community, but just want a town of their own to live in and work with other Muslims. However, given the history of JF, the crimes they are involved in, and the fact many of these compounds have located themselves near critical infrastructure sites, raises speculation. For example, the Dover, TN. compound is located near the Cumberland Fossil Plant, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) power dams; Milan Army Ammunition Plant & Ft. Campbell (101st Airborne Division). Islamberg (Hancock, NY) is located in an area “adjacent to a reservoir providing drinking water to five NYC boroughs”.


Well-Known Member
Feds: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Ore.

Undercover agents in a sting operation arrested a Somali-born teenager just as he tried blowing up a van full of what he believed were explosives at a crowded Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, federal authorities said.

I wonder who worked the kid up to begin with and then planted the whole idea to boot?

I wonder what you could have gotten the Columbine Twins to do if you convinced them they had the materials to do it with?

What happens to the war on terror, what happens to all that investment and capital spent, to all those people in gov't hired if no new terrorist pop up? Unlike what seems of the 9/11 crew, why have all of the subsequent "terrorist" either been purely rank amateurs or at best useful idiots of sting operations?

What would have happened to the military/industrial complex after the enemy of the Soviet Union went away and no Islamic Jihad or global terrorism to take it's place? What would happen if the whole global islamic/jihad movement disappeared like a fart in the wind?

Why has so much resources been spent now on non-nuclear weapons when for the previous 40 years so much has been used on nuclear weapons? Who built the nukes then and who builds the non-nukes now? Why have nuclear weapons become almost obsolete in terms of real warfare? Why has the focus on accuracy to limited size target footprint overpowered masssive destructive force over a large geographic area?

Do you dare consider a purely economic incentive for corp. profits and stock price increases and follow the money? The June 1972' editon of Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists included and article entitled, "Hiding Behind the Military Industrial Complex" which was addressing the then growing nuclear arms industry but it's view was an economic one and natural human actions rather than some nefarious larger conspiracy. 38 years later, take out nuclear weapons, Soviet Union and other Cold War references and replace it with our current version and see what we find? Is there an economic incentive for example to even try and bait some young 19 year old where absent an economic incentive, such baiting would not even be thought of?

What happens to the massive central planning economic model of the state itself if the whole reason such a huge industry disappears overnight? What will take it's place in the central planning economic model? Where will so many people find work? What are the effects on wage rates even outside the arms industry?

Nefarious motives or not and I do believe there are "some" nefarious political and even religious motives involved but as I said, "follow the money" and you'll likely catch 90% of the full picture and most of that is just natural human action and human nature in an economic setting. A choice was made and like perpetual motion, it has taken a life of it's own!

As Randolph Bourne correctly said:"War is the health of the State!"

That 19 year old kid whether he meant to or not just helped increase a customer base for all those people who are out there in the bidness in trying to stop him but the question is, what advertising was the kid exposed too and who were the salesman in order to get him to play his part in this big economic game?

Same is true in the domestic front and central planning if we began to de-criminalize certain human actions, where's the need then for cops, lawyers, judges, jails....... "Drug War is the health of the state?" What happens if the lower economic class breaks free, begins to prosper and what effects on the State's Welfare structure?

It's all economic and it's all about a "True Free Market!"


Well-Known Member
Muslim Terror Training Camps in the United States

Law Enforcement document April '09
For nearly 30 years, a violent group with established roots in both the United States and Pakistan has been committing numerous crimes here in America, consisting of murder, bombings, robberies – all for the purpose of “purifying” Islam through violence.
This group, known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra (JF), was founded by Sheik Mubarak Ali Gilani during a 1980 visit to New York. In an effort to stop the perceived influence of Western ideology on Islam, JF uses violence to keep Islam from being ‘tainted’ by Western influences. JF will even wage violence upon members of their own faith, if they are suspected of not being faithful to Islam. In 1980, Gilani purchased 70 acres of land near the Catskill Mountains and founded Islamberg, in Hancock NY, a Muslim-only community where Muslim followers and converts could settle and reside in. Today, over 30 similar Muslim-only communities have sprung up all across the United States.
Past JF Crimes/Current Criminal Activities:
*Between 1979-90, there have been approximately 10 unsolved assassinations & 17 firebombing cases involving JF members [3] Some of the more publicized crimes involving JF include:
1983-High ranking JF member plants pipe bomb at Portland hotel
1984-3 South Asians killed in Tacoma, WA suburb by JF members
1985- Islamic mosque bombed, Houston TX
1989-storage locker search warrant in Colorado Springs revealed weapons cache and intelligence documents belonging to JF members. Documents included maps and potential targets to include military sites, oil and gas installations, and electrical facilities.
Who Joins?
There is no single criteria or characteristic that leads to JF membership, although being a Muslim is a requirement. Prospective members come from different backgrounds. Those Muslims and converts could be working professionals, blue collar workers, religious leaders and students. However, there seems to be a push in attracting black Muslim converts from the U.S. prison system.
Locations for these training sites range from rural unpopulated areas to abandoned warehouses in urban areas. (In fact, during the arrests of seven radicalized Muslim extremists in Miami 2006, members were found to have gathered in secluded warehouses to conduct paramilitary training .
JF has, and continues to purchase pieces of land in rather isolated areas, with a majority of critical infrastructure sites within close range. These features make certain rural properties ideal for JF followers. These areas are set up to establish a community where members can surround themselves with other JF followers by practicing their faith, military training and survivalist activities all while completely immersed within North American towns.
Armed members guard their compounds and do not allow for outside visitors. JF Headquarters (Islamberg) are in Hancock, NY. Islamberg is known to have a mosque, school house, grocery store and reportedly a firing range at their compound.
JF has also set up communities/training compounds in the following areas:
• Marion, Alabama
• Augusta,Commerce,Macon & Jessup Georgia
• Talihina, Oklahoma
• York County, South Carolina
• Dover, Tenessee
• Red House; Roanoke Virginia
• Wayne County, Pennsylvania
• Tulane County, California
• Washington State
• Colorado
• Michigan
Locations have also been discovered in Canada, Venezuela & Trinidad.
What Goes On At These Camps?

It remains very difficult to find out what is going on in these camps because outsiders are denied entrance to the compounds.

Armed guards control the compounds at entry gates. Local residents have reportedly heard gunfire, and the sounds of military style physical training coming from the camps. Many though, have been afraid to speak out in fear of intimidation by JF members. Because it is so secretive leads many to wonder if JF members are conducting illegal activities. JF members insist they have a good relationship with members of the community, but just want a town of their own to live in and work with other Muslims. However, given the history of JF, the crimes they are involved in, and the fact many of these compounds have located themselves near critical infrastructure sites, raises speculation. For example, the Dover, TN. compound is located near the Cumberland Fossil Plant, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) power dams; Milan Army Ammunition Plant & Ft. Campbell (101st Airborne Division). Islamberg (Hancock, NY) is located in an area “adjacent to a reservoir providing drinking water to five NYC boroughs”.

Hard to get access to determine the truth, now how convenient is that for Pam Geller or should I use her real name of Pamela Oshry! And I wonder if Pam as a result of her heritage might have a political and even religious bias that is really the driving factor here and not some higher purpose of protecting the homeland. Oh wait, maybe it is about "protecting the homeland!" I wonder if we looked deeper, we'd find out she's buddies with Rita Katz and Ben N. Venzke who also amazingly share a common interest and ironically and surprisingly have abilities to obtain info and details that no other arm of gov't can seem to get. Wonder why that is?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's amazing what some people are allowed to get by with using art to glamorize the violence used against people who don't hold the same opinion or belief!

Any religion or even political belief system that does this or has ever done this should be destroyed from existence and erased from knowledge for all time!

Whose With Me!!!!!!!!


Strength through joy
Now this is just plain weird..........
Saudi women’s veil versus modernity

Husband has not seen wife’s face despite 10 years of marriage

After nearly 10 years of marriage that produced five children, Mufleh Mohammed of Saudi Arabia still has not seen his wife’s face.
Mohammed Hilal, another Saudi husband, could not identify his wife who was killed in a road crash until her veil was put back on her face.
Mufleh and Mohammed are among many Saudi men who have never seen the face of their wives as they insist on sticking to ancient tradition of keeping their face covered even in front of their relatives or husbands in defiance of ongoing changes brought about by the advent of oil and a massive foreign influx.

Even after they get married, they never remove their burqu (face veil), leaving their husbands guessing how they look like. Mufleh is one of those husbands.
“My wife still keeps her face covered all the time even in front of her family and relatives because she has been accustomed to this since she was a child…I have to respect her wishes and not insist on seeing her face,” he said.
…although I have been married to my wife for nearly 10 years and have five children from her, I have not seen her face even once in my life.”


golden ticket member
I'm not sure what you want people to take away from that video.

I sure as hell don't want to send that country anymore billions of $$$$.


Für Meno :)
C'mon Moreluck, part of those $1.3 billion annually are the empty teargas canisters laying in the streets (made in the USA).
And everything else they have military wise.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising

The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the Egyptian uprising who have been planning “regime change” for the past three years, The Daily Telegraph has learned.

The American Embassy in Cairo helped a young dissident attend a US-sponsored summit for activists in New York, while working to keep his identity secret from Egyptian state police.

The disclosures, contained in previously secret US diplomatic dispatches released by the WikiLeaks website, show American officials pressed the Egyptian government to release other dissidents who had been detained by the police.

The protests in Egypt are being driven by the April 6 youth movement, a group on Facebook that has attracted mainly young and educated members opposed to Mr Mubarak. The group has about 70,000 members and uses social networking sites to orchestrate protests and report on their activities.


Well-Known Member
‘Muslims, Christians we are all Egyptians’: Scenes from a revolution as told by one eyewitness

Y: and ya today you know I felt Muslim Brotherhood presence for first time—these are what we call the beards you know—they made their way to the front of the protest near me where students were leading—and this elderly man in his 60’s was holding up a flag–he started chanting Allahu Akbar—and the students started
“Muslameen Mesiheen Kolina Masreen” you know… “Muslims Christians we are all Egyptians”

Me: I cant believe it—everyone is saying that the Copts have been looking after the backs of the Muslims when they are praying in mosques man…its just (the friend word)ing unbelievable especially after all that drama a few weeks ago…

I added the "friend word" comment just to remove the censor icons.

It's an amazing read of first hand account from the Egyptian street. I have also from time to time watched the live feed from english Al Jazerra today and it's been amazing to watch. A lot of the youth do reject the US policies but they also reject the old islamic ideals as well. The youth may poise a real threat to ago old stereotypes that bothsides have used to manipulate for their own gains. Tunisnia, Egypt and maybe Albania too. Seems ole Humpty Dumpty may be taking a fall and the pieces may never go back together again!

Is the House of Saud next?