Curious again to any long serving UPS'ers out there (management and union). With the membership in the Mike Eskew fan club skyrocketing (at least among our competitors) who would you say is the worst (sorry i meant "least best") leader we have had at UPS? Is corporate "out of touch" at an all time high or is it just a mirage i am having? I thought Oz Nelson almost killed the company but WOW i miss him now!
The videos i have witnessed of Mike have the dynamics and personality of watching paint dry. Combine that with our even more dynamic ability on wall street and.......I'll leave it at that
I totally agree. I thought Oz aka "The Wizard" was the worst, but now that we have Eskew he makes Oz look pretty good. There's going to be a lot of turnover in mgmt especially the younger folks who haven't invested to much time yet. Why be a helper coordinator or on road during peak when the IE Mgr or Ops mgr yells at you for not making Team Sporh yesterday. Excuse me, did you notice that we had 12 inches of snow yesterday? Sorry the sporh was missed by .1 I think some of Eskew's ideas aren't bad. PAS is a great idea, it was implemented horribly. Oh yeah, that's our fault

that's why MIP went down (one of the items we missed). Another good idea was buying an LTL of course the integration isn't working too good another element we missed. Doesn't that sound like a problem in Corporate. No, let's penalize the folks out in the operation every day. I can't wait to see what Eskew's raise is this year. His net increase will probably be more then what a supv makes in a year. After all, if he doesn't get a big raise he may not be motivated for another year of running us deeper into the ground. It's not easy friend*ing things up so much.
The best of all though was we did get an email indicating the MIP factor and how it was rated. Of course how they came up with it is "Confidential" Let me see, my bonus that I've gotten for years and earned is now based on 6 metrics. The metrics are listed, but how we grade them and the weighting factor is confidential.
Thanks Mike