Things that really annoy me or pet peeves


golden ticket member
Help me out to understand. Why ?.:speechless2:
If I remember correctly, FJ doesn't drink beer anymore.......although it's killin' him not to. Ovah is just reminding him about beer to make him miserable and inviting him (razzing him) to have a beer with him knowing he can't. Kind of a nyah ! nyah ! thing. Very childish, but funny!


Well-Known Member
Plus feeder can drink package under the table.

Nothing like the holiday break. Time at home to try all the seasonal brews without worry of having to work.


Well-Known Member
When people are late. I am such a stickler for time. I make it a point to arrive places about 10 minutes early, for my own comfort as well as the convenience of whoever I'm meeting. But when people are even 5 minutes late, it just annoys the heck out of me.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
When people are late. I am such a stickler for time. I make it a point to arrive places about 10 minutes early, for my own comfort as well as the convenience of whoever I'm meeting. But when people are even 5 minutes late, it just annoys the heck out of me.
If they traveled a long distance I cut some slack. If I traveled and they are five minutes away, and Im on time, it makes me angry. Im working on my anger isues, not doing well.


Well-Known Member
A driver in the break room was talking about this very subject. He kept going on and on about things that annoy him, then he asked me what peeves me or annoys me, I said YOU, you saying what annoys you IS annoying.


Well-Known Member
Adware, spyware, popups, viruses and other things that download themselves and
install automatically. Evil people that write such stuff, grrrrr. May they be put on an island with no electricity for 10 years.
