I have NEVER openly spoke of my disdain for the teamsters, as you put it. In fact in another post concerning whether or not Hi value clerks were unionized, I relate how I encouraged an employee to file a grievance, to get what she had coming to her, and also said that having been a preloader for 5 yrs I know how hard everyone works, and hate to see anyone get screwed. It's full time management that I dont have a lot of respect for. I understand they are under a lot of pressure, but they dont have to lie, intimidate, and browbeat their employees. These negative actions, produce negative results. I also dont mean all full time management, I have seen a few who are good people who care about the people that work for them, but, sadly they are a minority. Also, I'm not a college aged kid who never worked anywhere else. I have supervised other places, and worked for other companies. I speak from a broad background of varied experiences. I try to make a difference, the people who work for me, like me. Most are young and havent had a lot of job experience, and I would hate for them to think all companies are run like UPS. Most of the P/T jobs are hard back breaking work, and I tell new ones that the job does suck, but I do all I can to make it as good as it can be, and as positive of an experience as is possible, unlike many others who plain dont care or go out of their way to make it as difficult as possible