Time for something different? Johnson- Weld


Maybe so but I see it more as a victim of the 2 party system.

I mean the number of people that vote for someone solely based on party affiliation is crazy.
I'm not sure about that. About 42% of voters identify themselves as Independent. True, a slight majority of the 'independents' lean to the liberal side, but Johnson holds many left leaning ideals.

He just isn't viable, nor is the Libertarian Party's platform attractive to most people. That's just the way it is.

If I were king of that party, I would concentrate on local elections, and grow roots by demonstrating Libertarian ideas can work. It would be an impossible task for a variety of reasons, one being the two party system. That is not the only reason, though, or even the over-riding reason, IMO.

At any rate, Johnson did himself no favors today, and his following interviews didn't help him at all.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Oh, and let's nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand.

Gary Johnson just being honest, human and refreshing. Not a perfect candidate by any means.

Hey.. if the media is attacking him over this maybe he has a chance. o_O



And that's not what I said.

In her own words she said she didn't know "c" stood for confidential
From the wiki:

Three emails, out of 30,000, were found to be marked as classified, although they lacked classified headers and were only marked with a small "c" in parentheses, described as "portion markings" by Comey. He also said it was possible Clinton was not “technically sophisticated” enough to understand what the three classified markings meant.[92][93][94]


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Oh, and let's nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand.

Gary Johnson just being honest, human and refreshing. Not a perfect candidate by any means.

Hey.. if the media is attacking him over this maybe he has a chance. o_O

Exactly. He didn't try to dig for more info or dance around the question. He asked directly what they meant.

His response showed that he is obviously knowledgeable about the situation.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
From the wiki:

Three emails, out of 30,000, were found to be marked as classified, although they lacked classified headers and were only marked with a small "c" in parentheses, described as "portion markings" by Comey. He also said it was possible Clinton was not “technically sophisticated” enough to understand what the three classified markings meant.[92][93][94]
Exactly what I said. Apparently even though she was Secretary of State she didn't know

Is this worse than not knowing the name of a town in Syria. I think so.


Change is tough for most of us... Just ask Obama. :laugh:
Change is tough in America, period. It is all done in small steps. You may like the Libertarian platform, that doesn't make it better for everyone.

As far as Aleppo, it has been front and center in the news for days. There is no excuse. Both Johnson and Trump prefer to leave Assad and the Russians in charge in Syria. Looking at his ideas on foreign policy does not give me confidence.


Exactly what I said. Apparently even though she was Secretary of State she didn't know

Is this worse than not knowing the name of a town in Syria. I think so.
Even Comey said it was very possible that she didn't know what the (c) meant in the body of an email. Over 30,000 emails, and three instances of a (c) in the body.

I'm sure you know what 'confidential' is, so I won't belabor the point, other than to say it is much ado about nothing.

For 25 years every action by the Clinton's has been scrutinized, if I were her I'd take my considerable fortune and 'tell all y'all to go .... yourselves'.

I believe that she and Johnson both truly believe they can help the country, Trump just wants to help himself.


@tonyexpress , did you see the Mark Halperin interview I linked to above?

Gary is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

Maybe he should cut out the wake and bake on days he is campaigning:zombismiley:


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

He is an avid triathlete who bikes extensively. During his term in office, he competed in several triathlons, marathons and bike races. He competed three times (1993, 1997, 1999) as a celebrity invitee at the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii, registering his best time for the 2.4-mile (3.9 km) swim, 112-mile (180 km) bike ride, and 26.2-mile (42.2 km) marathon run in 1999 with 10 hours, 39 minutes, and 16 seconds.[141][142] He once ran 100 miles (160 km) in 30 consecutive hours in the Rocky Mountains.[19] On May 30, 2003, he reached the summit of Mount Everest[143] "despite toes blackened with frostbite."[25] He has climbed all seven of the Seven Summits: Mount Everest, Mount Elbrus, Denali, Mount Kilimanjaro,Aconcagua, Mount Vinson, and Carstensz Pyramid—the tallest peaks in Asia, Europe, North America, Africa, South America, Antarctica, and Oceania respectively.[144] He completed the Bataan Memorial Death March at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, in which participants traverse a 26.2 mile course through the desert, many of them in combat boots and wearing 35-pound packs.[145]

In 1998, Johnson ran for re-election as governor against Democratic Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez. In his campaign, Johnson promised to continue the policies of his first term: improving schools; cutting state spending, taxes, and bureaucracy; and frequent use of his veto and line-item veto power.[29] Fielding a strong Hispanic candidate in a 40% Hispanic state, the Democrats were expected to oust Johnson,[28] but Johnson won by a margin of 55% to 45%,[30] making him the first governor of New Mexico to serve two successive four-year terms after term limits were expanded to two terms in 1991.

Republican governor in a blue state, re-elected overwhelmingly. Take that to your wake and bake party.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
All I'm saying is that he deserves a shot.


Some Additional Facts to Add to the CPD Polls

  • 62% of Americans want me in the debates.
  • 775,000+ people have signed our petition to #LetGaryDebate.
  • Numerous mainstream editorial boards have called on the CPD to let us debate.
  • Bill Weld and I are the most experienced executives running for President.

Hillary talks a lot about democracy. But she fears it.

Trump talks about competition. But he won't stand up for it.



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Over 3 months ago edibles... Your point. When was the last time anyone had a drink?

He has also said if elected he would not partake. He uses edibles and hasn't "smoked" in years due to the health aspect and hasn't had alcohol in 29 years.

When was the last time you, Hillary or Trump climbed Mount Everest and were a successful Governor of a state and re-elected overwhelming?? Just curious..


Engorged Member
Over 3 months ago edibles... Your point. When was the last time anyone had a drink?

He has also said if elected he would not partake. He uses edibles and hasn't "smoked" in years due to the health aspect.

When was the last time you, Hillary or Trump climbed Mount Everest and were a successful Governor of a state and re-elected overwhelming?? Just curious..

Gary un-did himself today. How do you think his leadership of a marijuana business will square with the Right?

Climbing Mt. Everest is irrelevant.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Gary un-did himself today. How do you think his leadership of a marijuana business will square with the Right?

Climbing Mt. Everest is irrelevant.

The other candidates un-do themselves everyday. Gary got a lot of press today and that's a good thing, perhaps he learned that from Trump since Trump is still giving your gal hell..

Climbing Mt. Everest and being an active athletic type helps dispel the stigma of the "pot-head" label people like to give him.