Time for something different? Johnson- Weld


Inordinately Right
Doesn't strike you as the explanation you come up with later to fix it after?

Think about it.

If that was Johnson's problem, that he couldn't think of a leader he actually admired, why wouldn't he just say that?


Instead, he looked like an idiot.

That was his plan? To look stupid?

"I'm having an Aleppo moment".

That was his plan?

I think he's a real person.
Not some :censored2:ing robot who's been aiming to take control of the highest office in the country for a long time.
Real people have moments where they can't say the perfect thing at the exact right time. It happens.


Well-Known Member
I think he's a real person.
Not some :censored2:ing robot who's been aiming to take control of the highest office in the country for a long time.
Real people have moments where they don't say the perfect thing at the exact right time. It happens.

Yes, yes, but let's be honest about it.

He didn't have that moment because he 'doesn't actually respect any world leaders'.

He had that moment because he choked on stage.

It's ok.

Everyone chokes some of the time.


Inordinately Right
Yes, yes, but let's be honest about it.

He didn't have that moment because he 'doesn't actually respect any world leaders'.

He had that moment because he choked on stage.

It's ok.

Everyone chokes some of the time.
Whatever the reason, those "chokes" are not okay for a third party candidate because they have a target on their back. ANYTHING that can make them look bad is fodder to dismiss them and get back to talking about the status quo candidates.


Well-Known Member
Whatever the reason, those "chokes" are not okay for a third party candidate because they have a target on their back. ANYTHING that can make them look bad is fodder to dismiss them and get back to talking about the status quo candidates.

Don't get me wrong, every candidate still running has 'choked', in my opinion.

But, these defenses of Johnson seem like defenses of Clinton and defenses of Trump.

I'm not convinced Johnson would be a better President than Clinton.

I'm totally convinced that anyone over 35 who is a registered member of the BC would be a better President than Trump.


Inordinately Right
Don't get me wrong, every candidate still running has 'choked', in my opinion.

But, these defenses of Johnson seem like defenses of Clinton and defenses of Trump.

I'm not convinced Johnson would be a better President than Clinton.

I'm totally convinced that anyone over 35 who is a registered member of the BC would be a better President than Trump.
I agree. All I'm saying is Johnson's choke disqualifies him for the presidency, while Donnie's and Hill's multiple screw ups are just a blip on the radar.


Well-Known Member
I agree. All I'm saying is Johnson's choke disqualifies him for the presidency, while Donnie's and Hill's multiple screw ups are just a blip on the radar.

Abstraction today is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror or the concept. Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being or a substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperreal. The territory no longer precedes the map, nor survives it. Henceforth, it is the map that precedes the territory - precession of simulacra - it is the map that engenders the territory and if we were to revive the fable today, it would be the territory whose shreds are slowly rotting across the map. It is the real, and not the map, whose vestiges subsist here and there, in the deserts which are no longer those of the Empire, but our own. The desert of the real itself.

Jean Baudrillard



In the Times interview on Wednesday, Mr. Johnson conspicuously sought to avoid another misstep. Asked if he knew the name of North Korea’s leader, Mr. Johnson replied, “I do.”

“You want me to name” the person, he said, then paused, before adding dryly, “Really.” But he declined to supply the name.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Lawsuit Against CPD to Hear Oral Argument

Yesterday, a federal court judge agreed to hear oral arguments in a lawsuit challenging the nonprofit status of the Commission on Presidential Debates ("CPD") on grounds that it has protected the private interests of the Republican and Democratic parties instead of the public interest that its nonprofit nonpartisan status demands.

Below, I have outlined the role of the CPD in rigging the rules against the majority of Americans who do not feel represented by either major party.

Understand, however, that despite the rules being stacked against us, we are within striking distance of first place in several key states. And if we win enough electoral votes to prevent Hillary or Donald from getting a majority, the two-party duopoly's stranglehold will be broken for years to come.

In liberty,

Gov. Gary Johnson

Two Party Preservation
The Commission on Presidential Debates decides which candidates the American people will hear from.

The media decides whether the American people should know about that decision-making process.

Fact is, the Commission on Presidential Debates is, literally, a partnership between the Republican and the Democratic Parties. The same two parties that have a self-interest in keeping a third voice off the stage.

Fact is, the Commission on Presidential Debates, the Republican and Democratic Parties, the pollsters, and the media sponsors that are given the privilege of hosting the debates, have private agreements that govern who will and will not be allowed to participate.

The 15% rule is a publicly disclosed threshold. But nobody really knows the private agreements that lie beneath.

For all the talk about Trump not releasing his tax returns or the 33,000 emails Clinton intentionally deleted from her server, why doesn’t anyone demand that the CPD disclose the secretive agreements that have reduced our political discourse to a shouting match between two unpopular candidates?

Nobody makes these demands because the major media outlets, the two parties, their pollsters, their pundits, and partisan organizations like the CPD are all part of a system that has been designed to insulate the two parties from the competition of ideas.

We need to start scrutinizing all the components of the two-party system. Not just the parties, but the organizations that work beside it, the election law barriers that are erected to protect it, the media that is controlled by it, and the individuals who make a living within it.

They all have a self-interest in its preservation.

The public, however, deserves unbiased scrutiny of the facts.

It is a lack of scrutiny that allows us to focus on whether or not a third party candidate reaches the arbitrary 15% polling threshold to get into the debates, thus avoiding more fundamental questions like: is our presidential debate about who can win or lose according to a poll conducted before the debate, or who can win or lose after there has been an open exchange of ideas?

And it is a lack of scrutiny that allows us to accept the top-line analysis of these polls without regard to the nature of their conduct.

If our democracy is supposed to embrace a free exchange of ideas, we must scrutinize those who have set a standard of debate entry so high, that it excludes two former governors who have ballot access in all 50 states.

We should look deeper into the polls that exclude independent voters, young voters, low-income voters, and other substantial subsections of the electorate.

We should ask why media outlets make up headlines to suggest that our campaign is not 100% committed to offering voters an alternative to BOTH Clinton and Trump.

We should reject the notion that the American people are either red or blue.

And, finally, we should ask why more and more voters feel like our democracy is anything but democratic.

-Gov. Gary Johnson


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

Regarding Hillary and Donald
