Timecard Taken.

Last night when we got to work they asked everyone for their timecards, I was in a hurry to get to work so I just clocked in and gave it to them. While I was working I realized that was a stupid move. Anyways they put the timecards on a key ring and hung it over the clock in thing. I don't trust them so I'm gonna let them know I'm taking mine back. Was just wondering if anyone else had their hub do this. No one else seems to care about it, but after reading alot on this forum, you get paranoid. Off to work and to re-claim my card....I hope.


Retired 23 years
My brother gave me a time clock complete with time cards for a retiremet gift. He's a sick person. I do use it just as a clock in my garage.:happy2:


Retired 23 years
I have been known to punch in when friends stop over for a beer or 3 - but I usually forget to punch out


Well-Known Member
Last night when we got to work they asked everyone for their timecards, I was in a hurry to get to work so I just clocked in and gave it to them. While I was working I realized that was a stupid move. Anyways they put the timecards on a key ring and hung it over the clock in thing. I don't trust them so I'm gonna let them know I'm taking mine back. Was just wondering if anyone else had their hub do this. No one else seems to care about it, but after reading alot on this forum, you get paranoid. Off to work and to re-claim my card....I hope.
Somebody just hit the powerball from your location, 97 million.
Why would they ask you for your time card? Isn't there a rack for you to put your time card in after punching in/out??


Well-Known Member
I would speak to your Business Agent or steward about your maintaining possession of your timecard as you work.
I understand your concern that the PT supe may be clocking you out prior to your actually being done working and I'm sure you will convey this concern to him.
I wouldn't really worry about is as there is not a whole lot they can do with your time card. You've punched in, they can't alter that. And they obviously can't punch out for you either (they would have to be crazy and stupid to do that). The only reason I would think they would want possession of time cards is so that no one can skip out early perhaps?

By the way, most hubs use either PTE (with the little brown clocks that you electronically punch in and out on) or HFCS (also with a little brown clock that you electronically punch in and out on).
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Average at Best

Well-Known Member
I would speak to your Business Agent or steward about your maintaining possession of your timecard as you work.
I understand your concern that the PT supe may be clocking you out prior to your actually being done working and I'm sure you will convey this concern to him.

UPS would never, ever clock an employee out prior to actual end of their workday. That would be an INTEGRITY issue. :happy2:


No more Brown!
Sounds like you've woken up on this one, so odds of you doing it again are small. I wouldn't worry about it too much though, it's a really risky gamble for management to alter your card in anyway, because if you call them on it, it could be their job. So unless you've been pounding them on overallowed, missed, over 12, or over 9.5 continually, you're likely in the green, and can save that paranoia for other issues like the presidential election, an IRS audit, the illuminati, global warming, if Brittany Spears will get knocked up again, etc.


I would rather use time cards if I was worried about somebody screwing with my time. At least with a card it is solid proof. When you punch in digitally with a code they can alter that on the computer without anybody knowing about it. If they shaved a couple minutes per employee company wide it would add up to huge savings to the company and individually who would notice a couple minutes here and there?