Top rate paycheck

Listen my wife and I make more money than all of our friends. I get that we are very fortunate.

However all of our friends have more stuff than us. We get told all of the time. Just go buy a car. Just go buy that house. Nope. There's a plan in place. So far it's went very well. I plan on retiring a multimillionaire
Don't need to keep up with the Jones's.

But your cheap ass does need a new car.:-)


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I know a couple of drivers who actually claimed bankruptcy.
..the over time whores.

Guess those three cruises a year and all the toys are worth it?????!!!!!
Lol money and people fascinate me. Those that know what they are doing are usually actively seeking out advice and new ways to grow that money.

Those that don't have clue how to handle money won't listen to a word anyone has to say.