Trump and Smith ticket?


Well-Known Member
Smith might take the job if he has confidence in his subordinates. If they were to be elected their complete lack of basic ability and experience would result in a further reduction in the power of the American presidency . Trump goes in talking like Teddy Roosevelt but governs like Calvin Coolidge offers no new initiatives and is soon marking off the days until he can get the hell out of there. Yes Van there has been quite of discussion regarding tight social connections between the Trumps and the Clintons not to mention the closeness between the Clintons and the Bush family


Well-Known Member Fred is a top echelon Republican, and has been a GOP player for a long time. All of you Trump supporters out there who wonder how The Donald feels about unions might want to read between the lines if Smith were his choice for VP.

well the GOP is also a big part of the problem. We need to empower the states, go back to a constitutional republic or have a coup. I can't stand all the lying and politicizing of everything. Hell, you don't even know what to believe anymore because everything in our society is so damn politicized. 20 trillion in debt, 90 trillion in unfunded liabilities, with 95 million Americans out of the labor force won't stand. Math will eventually result in reality and bring the smartest among us down.


Well-Known Member
very few if any states are able to empower themselves due to their own fiscal challenges resulting in a much greater dependency on the federal government for money to fund many key services that make those states livable. Programs and services they could never fund independently without large state tax increases.


Well-Known Member
Gee van, I have no idea why people question your sanity.
Yawn. The sad thing is you so believe in corporate America you can't see how corporate exec's and Wall Street are working together to take advantage of all that 401k money coming in. Or maybe you do know. Everything done these days is to maximize profit to pay higher dividends so that Wall Street will buy as much stock as possible when dividends are due. The resulting surge in the stock price allows the exec's to make much more when they exercise their options. Ending Social Security in favor of private accounts will further enhance this process. One of the oldest sayings out there: follow the money. There's nothing new world orderish about it, as you said, we're just all getting played. And here at FedEx they wanted to participate in this while building up Ground so we employees were made to do without. We got screwed and you seem perfectly fine with it because you have no trouble taking Social Security away from seniors. Please don't talk about Christianity because Jesus would never approve of your greed and callousness. If you are here to try to discredit any critics of the company, hoping we'll go away to prevent any unsuspecting possible employee from finding out the truth about this company, you have failed.


Well-Known Member
Spot on Van. Dano was not born into poor families like you and I. We came from nothing, had nothing and therefore were projected to amount to nothing but despite having nothing to work with we moved forward as best we could. Keep in mind that his faith in corporate America and Fed Ex evidenced by his "I've got mine the rest of you can go to hell attitude" is unfailing. This in turn proves conclusively that he too has doubts as to what the future holds for him as well and with good reason because the growing political and economic instability in this nation has the clear potential to impact each and every one of us is in an unpleasant manner.


Staff member
Could you imagine Mr, Smith's business structures under the populist scrutiny that's permeating the country today? First it's Trump University and it's possible fraud and then comes along FedEx with the RLA exemption and Ground with it's contracting model. "It's all perfectly legal," the pundits would say.

"That's the $%#@&!!! problem!" the voters would respond.

No way Fred would do it.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Could you imagine Mr, Smith's business structures under the populist scrutiny that's permeating the country today? First it's Trump University and it's possible fraud and then comes along FedEx with the RLA exemption and Ground with it's contracting model. "It's all perfectly legal," the pundits would say.

"That's the $%#@&!!! problem!" the voters would respond.

No way Fred would do it.
Haven't seen you around in awhile, Sam. Everything well?


Well-Known Member
I couldn't see Smith doing it. I would love however, to see all the alleged stories come to light like stealing from his sisters, running over the black man, etc.......


Well-Known Member
She was an idiot----hot, but still an idiot.
So that makes it ok for the liberal press to send hundreds of reporters to Wasilla, AK? The press is a joke. Hillary finally consented to a press conference a few days ago after stalling for 6 months.(!). They threw her softballs.


Well-Known Member
So that makes it ok for the liberal press to send hundreds of reporters to Wasilla, AK? The press is a joke. Hillary finally consented to a press conference a few days ago after stalling for 6 months.(!). They threw her softballs.

Maybe they wanted to verify that they could also see Russia from her house.