Tucson Shooting !


Age quod agis
Why do I feel that I am being scolded when the President talks?

I feel his speaking turned into a speech, not a heartfelt memorial to heal.

He became political.
It sounds like a campaign speech.

Barak, shorten it up. The man needs to return to the hospital. He needs to be with his wife.


Well-Known Member
where is the logic ?
these pols want to be protected , but they also want to ban guns.
What are their armed guards to carry ?
bows & arrows ?
now now... cmon Baba,,,, its different when it comes to taking care of the politicians... they NEED their protectors to have guns. We are just regular people... we dont


Für Meno :)
Why do I feel that I am being scolded when the President talks?

I feel his speaking turned into a speech, not a heartfelt memorial to heal.

He became political.
It sounds like a campaign speech.

Barak, shorten it up. The man needs to return to the hospital. He needs to be with his wife.

It worked for me, I need to wash my face, too many tears !


Age quod agis
I was very disappointed by the memorial.

Rah-rah U of A

The best speaker was the young intern.
Humble and sincere. He spoke without notes.
He spoke with true emotion.
He ripped my heart out.
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Pima County Sheriff’s Department Releases Picture of the Person of Interest in AZ Shootings

Turns out this is the cab driver .
He was walking around looking for the kid who skipped out of paying for his fare.

This is not the first time a killer( I think the virginia tech guy did it too) skipped out of paying the fare.

Note to all cabbies: when driving a guy that clearly looks crazy, always the get the money upfront.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I didnt get to see the whole thing so I may be speaking prematurely. I thought the president of the U of A was from another planet.......


Für Meno :)
You want to see something bad, Sarah Palin under fire for her speech !
Not 1 word about the victims names or the heros.
Just a typical political speech.

Just self centered and in the defensive mode.


golden ticket member
Both Sarah Palin & Todd issued a statement immediately after the events of Saturday.....offering prayers & thoughts for the victims and their families. Where DO you get your bad info?????


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yes but she called it like it was. Tell me one thing in her speech you thought was wrong?
Klein, Klein, Klein, maybe you should watch this as it is.
You know, what is it people hate about her?
I cant say shes one of my favorites, but I do agree with most she says.
Do you dislike her because she is pretty...
5 kids and looks better than most women....for her age.
Not a single ah...ummm...
I dont see how she said anything bad, offered condolences, and told people to quit following idiots......................
and why.......
You know you are probably an Ok guy, I have never been one to be on a hate Klein bandwagon. But the piece you posted, and the real piece are so very different.
Since you are in the US so much, and know so much about it. Tell me one thing that was wrong with what she said! Im waiting...........


Für Meno :)
Just watch the news, even the right wingers agree, it was too self centered, and she didn't mention the victims by name.
Not even the Judge or the 9 year old girl (and she herself is a mother of 5 children) !

Obama on the other hand gave the young child lots of respect, (being a father), and pointed out, they are the future, and she wanted to seek out, how to keep America strong and what it takes to build a better America and keep the American dream alive.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Oh I do watch the news. And it may have been a wee bit self centered, but who was being attacked, within hours of the shooting? So she did not mention them by name? Did her condolences mean less, than Obama who may have mentioned them by name? After all for once, Obama was not attacked, it was everyone who disageees with him on some things.
One thing they all agree on, is it was a travesty. People already commenting it was the fault of someone other than the shooter, because of influence etc, already make it a slam dunk for insanity. People on the LEFT blaming what he did on someone else. Typical. The travesty, not tragedy, is he will never pay for his crime because imbeciles already made his case. it was someone elses fault


Für Meno :)
Well, you go for Sarah Palin as president, and we'll see how that works out for you !

She's not even a good mother. Hardly ever home, then has time for a reality show on top of that all.
You would never guess she has 5 children !

I wonder who takes care of them all !
Probably on the expense of the government !


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
In America Klein it is called quality over quantity.
Because she had a daughter who got pregnant at 17 she is a bad MOM?
I got pregnant younger, and I had a great MOM, who worked all the time to help provide. The American way!
And guess what My sons made it, you know why? It was my fault, not my Moms or My dads, or the company I kept, It was my fault. And guess what else, one of the few, they survived to succeed, they makes more than me! And it took them less time... They are not criminals, they takes responsibilities for their actions, and they have made it great, with all the obstacles, of growing up in a single parent home. They learned these lessons from me. and made sure not to make the same ones. Do you have children? Im thinking not. So dont judge who is a good or bad parent. I had enough of that when I was raising mine. Guess what, mine are successful, and some of theirs are in prison or drug addicts, so dont point fingers at parenting unless you have done it!!!!!!!!!
You are outta your league young man. Ill vote for who I want, I sure dont need you to tell me who I need to vote for. Sheesh!!
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Für Meno :)
tooner, the numbers and polls are out there !

You put Sarah against Obama, she, (and the GOP), won't stand a chance !


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Hey I see the polls, you couldnt even handle UPS. Since you bring it up. The polls are out there..................Im still here, seems like maybe I have more wits about me than you, LOL. How long did you survive at UPS, and why are you still here?, I forget that part, Cya