Typical Day Of Being Retired


Happy Verified UPSer
It amazes me when I go down to my old hub and drivers come up and ask "what is being retired like?"
Many say they could have retired X years ago or something but also say they wouldnt know what to do.

I tell them how great retirement is and mean it. How everyday is a Saturday . How I am so busy now I don't know how I ever got things done when I was working . How you can live on the pension if you make some minor money changes. How if you plan right the social security can be all gravy.

I encourage drivers to retire as soon as possible while they still have some of their health left. Most are unhappy at UPS and tell me stories how things have gotten worse .( they always get worse, not better ) . They hardly talk about the money and benefits . They just say something like they don't know how they can afford to retire on about 1/3 pay because they bought a new house, kids in college, new toys etc.

Many of the retiree success stories I have heard over the years kinda share the same things. ALL of them PLANNED for retirement. They knew exactly what they were gonna do when they retired. If they worked it was at a job they loved to do. Or they started a business they love.

A typical day is like a Saturday or a day on vacation. You get up when you want. You do what you want when you want. The options are limitless and the best thing you don't have to wait for the weekend or vacation.

It's every day.


Well-Known Member
I'm a 60 hour per week guy and am in my 40's and when I say things like "how many years do I have until retirement?" I always get someone joking that I wouldn't know what to do with myself with all those hours. Wrong wrong wrong. I don't have time to touch most of the items on my to-do list on the weekend now and vacations are the same. I love working on the house or the cars, I love movies, exercise, and golfing with the boys. Not to mention my kids will probably have kids by the time I do retire with homes of their own. I have no doubt I won't have time to get it all done even when I don't work anymore.


An officially retired Oregonian .
It amazes me when I go down to my old hub and drivers come up and ask "what is being retired like?"
Many say they could have retired X years ago or something but also say they wouldnt know what to do.

I tell them how great retirement is and mean it. How everyday is a Saturday . How I am so busy now I don't know how I ever got things done when I was working . How you can live on the pension if you make some minor money changes. How if you plan right the social security can be all gravy.

I encourage drivers to retire as soon as possible while they still have some of their health left. Most are unhappy at UPS and tell me stories how things have gotten worse .( they always get worse, not better ) . They hardly talk about the money and benefits . They just say something like they don't know how they can afford to retire on about 1/3 pay because they bought a new house, kids in college, new toys etc.

Many of the retiree success stories I have heard over the years kinda share the same things. ALL of them PLANNED for retirement. They knew exactly what they were gonna do when they retired. If they worked it was at a job they loved to do. Or they started a business they love.

A typical day is like a Saturday or a day on vacation. You get up when you want. You do what you want when you want. The options are limitless and the best thing you don't have to wait for the weekend or vacation.

It's every day.
I love what you say on here! My Wife and I moved to Oregon in early 2015 soon after I retired from UPS. We are empty nesters now, although one of our kids is nearby. Being at UPS in the SF Bay Area for 27 years, I knew a lot of folks there. Sadly today, if I was to visit now, I wouldn’t know anyone there. They have all retired, which is a good thing. The young folks have taken over as we have stepped off center stage. I have an old fellow retired UPSer in Bend about 2 hours away. We need to visit each other more often! We planned for our retirement as well and carry no debt.


An officially retired Oregonian .
I'm a 60 hour per week guy and am in my 40's and when I say things like "how many years do I have until retirement?" I always get someone joking that I wouldn't know what to do with myself with all those hours. Wrong wrong wrong. I don't have time to touch most of the items on my to-do list on the weekend now and vacations are the same. I love working on the house or the cars, I love movies, exercise, and golfing with the boys. Not to mention my kids will probably have kids by the time I do retire with homes of their own. I have no doubt I won't have time to get it all done even when I don't work anymore.
No you won’t! I have a constant to do list going, although we do have a acre and a half to contend with. I love to talk to our UPS driver when he comes by!


Retired 23 years
Woke up at 8:30. Had breakfast ( cold cereal). Watched tv until about 10:00 . Met the guy who was painting our computer room. (a retired UPS'er). I do VERY little house maintenance anymore because I DON"T WANT TO--For the most part I hire it all out. Went to town to pay the heating company $660.00 for replacing a propane valve on my workshop in floor heat boiler that decided this was the year to die. Went to McDonalds for a fish sandwich and to catch up on computer crap. Got home just in time to pay the painter dude $175.00 for paint and labor----CHEAP and considering I hate painting anymore, well worth it. Now I'm getting ready to go to town and have a few beers to drown my sorrows because it snowed last night. This retired life is pretty hectic.


All Trash No Trailer
Slept until 9,had breakfast ( bacon eggs and wheat toast) then took my coffee and sat on the deck throwing the ball with my GSD until noon. Showered, ran a few errands,picked up my wife some lunch . Came home,played the new COD from 1400-1500 and from 1500-1730 threw ball with the dog and knocked out some phone calls. ate dinner at 1800 and will practice guitar ,watch TV with the boss lady ,take the dog out to pee around 10 then get to bed around 1130.
It'sa hard life!!
Slept until 9,had breakfast ( bacon eggs and wheat toast) then took my coffee and sat on the deck throwing the ball with my GSD until noon. Showered, ran a few errands,picked up my wife some lunch . Came home,played the new COD from 1400-1500 and from 1500-1730 threw ball with the dog and knocked out some phone calls. ate dinner at 1800 and will practice guitar ,watch TV with the boss lady ,take the dog out to pee around 10 then get to bed around 1130.
It'sa hard life!!
Lazy bastard


nowhere special
Slept until 9,had breakfast ( bacon eggs and wheat toast) then took my coffee and sat on the deck throwing the ball with my GSD until noon. Showered, ran a few errands,picked up my wife some lunch . Came home,played the new COD from 1400-1500 and from 1500-1730 threw ball with the dog and knocked out some phone calls. ate dinner at 1800 and will practice guitar ,watch TV with the boss lady ,take the dog out to pee around 10 then get to bed around 1130.
It'sa hard life!!


Well-Known Member
I wish everyone would just keep working!

The transformation to become a retired person is intense!!!!

Describing my daily routine of doing what I want , when I want, on my schedule is DAUNTING to say the least!

It is all Bill Sheet! Don't let anyone tell you how easy it is to be retired. There is so much to do and so little time.
Trust me! I have been trying to be retired for over 17 years. Some say I have a attitude towards those who work.
I do not! I Love to watch other people work. I just found working for me, makes NO sense, great for others, just not me!

That is why working till you puke is the easiest and safest route to forced retirement. You deserve the best you can get, so make all us Ole timer's proud of your work ethic and keep punching that key pad so you can validate your life and help keep the Pension and SS alive and well!

Dos Centavo's