U.S. Birthrate


Well-Known Member
If you go to Google News and search U.S. birthrate you'll pull up a lot of articles. The Census Bureau recently published that our birthrate is at 1.7, below the 2.1 replacement rate. The lowest in 40 years. We're about 20 years from this starting to be a real problem, and about 50 years from being the serious population collapse that countries like China, Korea, Japan, and Germany are close to.
If you go to Google News and search U.S. birthrate you'll pull up a lot of articles. The Census Bureau recently published that our birthrate is at 1.7, below the 2.1 replacement rate. The lowest in 40 years. We're about 20 years from this starting to be a real problem, and about 50 years from being the serious population collapse that countries like China, Korea, Japan, and Germany are close to.
People can't afford to have kids


Inordinately Right
The younger generation definitely doesn't want the traditional house with a picket fence in two and a half kids
Our culture looks down on young people with kids. It's even frowned upon to get married young. Like they don't know what they're doing and they've made a mistake.

Well when people don't even start looking to get married until they're in their 30's, of course birth rate is going to drop.

Our society just values self above all else.
Our culture looks down on young people with kids. It's even frowned upon to get married young. Like they don't know what they're doing and they've made a mistake.

Well when people don't even start looking to get married until they're in their 30's, of course birth rate is going to drop.

Our society just values self above all else.
Unfortunately you are correct


Well-Known Member
New western virtues:
1 Sex (birth control) no birth no control
2 Money
3 Leisure
4 Food

Downhill slide into savages.
Yes savages were bad people.


Strength through joy
I pity the kids born to trans couples.
They are all going to have mental health issues.
{ my mommy used to be my dad and my dad used to be my mommy }