United Way


All Trash No Trailer
I give a one time donation of a dollar so my center manager will get an 'atta boy' with 100% participation.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever been one to know for sure or are you just assuming? And all those opposed to a womans right to choose should put their name on a list so we can drop off a precious life for you to raise that otherwise may have been prevented. And don`t think you only get one. As soon as we get to the bottom of the list we go right back to the top and drop off the next one. How many will you take before you say that something needs to be done about the unwanted pregnancies?

I see, so you agree that "unwanted" child is a life. We have now started to get somewhere.


Well-Known Member
I give a one time donation of a dollar so my center manager will get an 'atta boy' with 100% participation.

I did the same thing except my one time donation was five dollars.
The following year, to my surprise, a five dollar donation was taken out of my check without my permission and without me signing anything.
I consider this to be falsification and my reason to not give anymore.
Apparently some supervisor needed my money and participation so badly that they were willing to falsify my contribution.
I told them if this happens again I would be contacting Atlanta.
.......so much for honesty and integrity.


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of reasons to give and plenty of reasons not to give. Ask me for the shirt off my back, and I will give it to you.


Ponies and Planes
There's a lot of things i don't like, but my anger, disappointment, aggravation and negative feelings can't outweigh the fact that we live very well while many people struggle get by with far less.

Some struggle to eat, send kids to school, buy clothes, put gas in the car, pay rent or have heat.

Many live in worse conditions than we can imagine.

Set aside your disdain for the company.

Your donations benefit others that are far less fortunate than we are.


My Senior Picture
There's a lot of things i don't like, but my anger, disappointment, aggravation and negative feelings can't outweigh the fact that we live very well while many people struggle get by with far less.

Some struggle to eat, send kids to school, buy clothes, put gas in the car, pay rent or have heat.

Many live in worse conditions than we can imagine.

Set aside your disdain for the company.

Your donations benefit others that are far less fortunate than we are.

I haven't a read a single post that says anything to contradict what was said in this post.
There are two underlying themes in the writings I've seen.
The first being that UPS's motives and tactics, in conjunction with the UNITED WAY campaign, is harassing and nothing more than a PR/tax break effort.
Secondly, many have voiced their disdain in they way United Way is run like a corporation rather than a charity.

Choosing not to give to United Way through the company does not, and hopefully will not, preclude them from giving to other charities through other means.
Either way, philanthropy should be a personal decision and not subject to the scrutiny of their employer and peers.


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of things i don't like, but my anger, disappointment, aggravation and negative feelings can't outweigh the fact that we live very well while many people struggle get by with far less.

Some struggle to eat, send kids to school, buy clothes, put gas in the car, pay rent or have heat.

Many live in worse conditions than we can imagine.

Set aside your disdain for the company.

Your donations benefit others that are far less fortunate than we are.

If ups treated their employees like "employees" and not like thug trash maybe more people would be encouraged to did a little deeper for united way, and maybe be proud to work for a company that gives to charity.


Well-Known Member
I haven't a read a single post that says anything to contradict what was said in this post.
There are two underlying themes in the writings I've seen.
The first being that UPS's motives and tactics, in conjunction with the UNITED WAY campaign, is harassing and nothing more than a PR/tax break effort.
Secondly, many have voiced their disdain in they way United Way is run like a corporation rather than a charity.

Choosing not to give to United Way through the company does not, and hopefully will not, preclude them from giving to other charities through other means.
Either way, philanthropy should be a personal decision and not subject to the scrutiny of their employer and peers.

All ups would have to do is put garbage cans in front of all of the fuel pumps for drivers to put empty pop cans in. The center manager and dm while out spying on drivers can take these cans to the store and turn them in and donate the money to united way. If every building did this there would be millions going to uw.....


Well-Known Member
BB, I agree with you only in that abortion should not be considered to be simply another form of birth control; however, I firmly believe that women should have the right to choose what to do with their bodies.

What is your position on abortion in the case of rape, incest or severe medical issues with either the fetus or the mother? At what point do you consider the fetus to be, for lack of a better term, a living thing?

I am not qualified to say when God puts a soul in a human, but I believe that as time goes on we will be keeping babies alive earlier and earlier in the the gestation period. So why make the mistake of being wrong on killing children. And if I follow that logic all children must be protected. Do we protect already born children from the mistakes and crimes of their parents?

Signature Only

Blue in Brown
Have to add my two cents. Those who oppose abortion are, in my humble opinion, people who don't want to get their hands dirty. They'll do anything to ensure every conception ends in a live birth.....but then the commitment stops.

Let the poor infants and parents worry about food, education, medical care and above all.....love.

Maybe there's just the mother, maybe just the father, maybe no parent at all.

So who's going to step in and give 17 years of their life to raise all the unwanted and unloved children. Why do you think the world's in such a sorry state now.

If you really support abortion....garner sufficient resources and then go the Oval Office and Capitol Hill and say:

"We now have in place a system to ensure every child born will receive all the love, attention, food, medical care and education necessary. We can provide a loving home for all of them... There is no need for abortions now"

Then I will support your position.

And don't feel that you're doing GOD's work....unless by some miracle you can take a woman's place in front of The Almighty and receive her judgement..

I'd much rather see you concentrate on all the unwanted children living in hell today.....Work to eliminate orphanages, Work to eliminate the need for Child Protection Services.

Work to help foundering parents gain the needed skills.

Work to give the children here now....a future.
Oh..and by the way United Way funds and supports Planned Parenthood....AKA as abortion providers.


bella amicizia
Anyone who hates Planned Parenthood and abortion should be forced to watch 24 hours of Maury and his paternity tests. I watched(yes, I watched) a show of his with a 3 different girls wanting paternity tests on the SAME man. These were not his first children. He had SEVENTEEN, 17 other kids. Do you think he supported one of those kids? That's a stupid question. Everyone of his Baby Momma's is on welfare. How do I know? He very proudly boasted it. Boasted that the studio audience(us, too) are paying. I wanted to castrate him then and there. Do you think he is the only one on there with over 10 kids? Oh yeah! Another stupid question. I was thinking about mandatory abortions at that point!!!


Well-Known Member
Have to add my two cents. Those who oppose abortion are, in my humble opinion, people who don't want to get their hands dirty. They'll do anything to ensure every conception ends in a live birth.....but then the commitment stops.

Let the poor infants and parents worry about food, education, medical care and above all.....love.

Maybe there's just the mother, maybe just the father, maybe no parent at all.

So who's going to step in and give 17 years of their life to raise all the unwanted and unloved children. Why do you think the world's in such a sorry state now.

If you really support abortion....garner sufficient resources and then go the Oval Office and Capitol Hill and say:

"We now have in place a system to ensure every child born will receive all the love, attention, food, medical care and education necessary. We can provide a loving home for all of them... There is no need for abortions now"

Then I will support your position.

And don't feel that you're doing GOD's work....unless by some miracle you can take a woman's place in front of The Almighty and receive her judgement..

I'd much rather see you concentrate on all the unwanted children living in hell today.....Work to eliminate orphanages, Work to eliminate the need for Child Protection Services.

Work to help foundering parents gain the needed skills.

Work to give the children here now....a future.

OK here goes, you want me to be responsable for every poor choice made. We all make mistakes, it's how we deal with them that matters. Killing a child is another poor choice. So the cycle continues. At what stage of life do we respect life? After a baby is born, and the beatings start should we kill the child then to save it from harm? Sorry your logic is flawed. I do give funds to homes for unwed mothers who choose to have their babies. I do volunteer at a youth center to help kids see the value in themselves. No I am not going to save every child, but I am trying to do what I can to walk the talk.


bella amicizia
After a baby is born, and the beatings start should we kill the child then to save it from harm? Sorry your logic is flawed. I do give funds to homes for unwed mothers who choose to have their babies. I do volunteer at a youth center to help kids see the value in themselves. No I am not going to save every child, but I am trying to do what I can to walk the talk.
I admire you for your beliefs and how you help others. Please do the same for my beliefs. My experiences have shaped my opinions. I have a right to my beliefs, as do you. That is all I ask.


Anyone who hates Planned Parenthood and abortion should be forced to watch 24 hours of Maury and his paternity tests. I watched(yes, I watched) a show of his with a 3 different girls wanting paternity tests on the SAME man. These were not his first children. He had SEVENTEEN, 17 other kids. Do you think he supported one of those kids? That's a stupid question. Everyone of his Baby Momma's is on welfare. How do I know? He very proudly boasted it. Boasted that the studio audience(us, too) are paying. I wanted to castrate him then and there. Do you think he is the only one on there with over 10 kids? Oh yeah! Another stupid question. I was thinking about mandatory abortions at that point!!!

whoaaa...I hear you, but what about....the number woman sleeping with him? Were they unwilling?

I am anti-abortion and very pro planned parenthood, not that anyone cares. My daughter was placed by myself and her mother into planned parenthood. Although I regret the decision and will always be "under protest" with myself more than her mother, the fact that a family that could not have children now have the opportunity to do so (and a very fiesty child at that :D ), is very rewarding.


bella amicizia
Please don't get me started on those, eh-hum, women. Ho-bags is more like it. I'm just saying it is disgusting to watch these people-every color under the rainbow- thinking they have no obligation to these children. Then, go to the store on the 3rd. There are many that you can have no other opinion about. Sad. It is beyond admirable what you did for another family. Too bad more people don't chose that option, but isn't that the point? It is THEIR CHOICE.