Universal Rule Book

I'm reading about all the different questions concerning our jobs.(off area luunh, proper procedures on how to record packages and etc etc etc) I would think UPS would be a better company if they would publish a company wide rules, regulations and procedure book that we can refer to if we have any dispuites. I'm getting conflicting instructions daily from Center managers, Stupidvisors, OMS clerks and even P/T Sups. I understand that they are making the rules up as they go, partly because they dont have a clue of whats going on. If I had a $1.00 for everytime a customer told me the other driver or centers do it or I dont care what the center manager said I'm instructing you to! I would be a rich man. UPS customer service and employee relations are falling apart and I blame promotion of ignorance. UPS and I need uniformity not only in procedure but with UPS, customer and employee relations which a Rules and Regulation book would promote. What does everyone else think?


Active Member
I think you need to go to your steward and get a copy of your contract. That would be the starting point in your quest for guidelines in the event "we have any dispuites (sic)".

Perhaps you can expound upon the "conflicting instructions" you are receiving that you seek uniformity for. What is an example?

It sounds like you are getting different answers from different management folks?


I'm reading about all the different questions concerning our jobs.(off area luunh, proper procedures on how to record packages and etc etc etc) I would think UPS would be a better company if they would publish a company wide rules, regulations and procedure book that we can refer to if we have any dispuites. What does everyone else think?
Doug I think it would be a great idea.For all we know
Jim Casey had the only copy.I`m not talking about union
vs company here,just a book concerning the proper way
to do our jobs.I`ve heard there's like 340 "methods" that
we are supposed to follow,but I've yet to see it in print.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Doug on this one. All of the "so called rules" that keep changing as the job progresses. Dont listen to brownie, gosh darn they are hot!


golden ticket member
Arthur lives with Doug & Carrie.

Doug & Carrie went to China and adopted a baby and on the same day she found out she's pregnant.

A "fast forward" showed Doug chasing an Asian toddler and Carrie holding an infant. That's how it ended.


Well-Known Member
Local, I'm not worried. The Yanks are playing well and the Sox have hit a bump in the road. The lead is 9 and 1/2 and I anticipate growing from here.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Lets look at the rules, as we know them.
Anyone knows you cannot work stoned.
Anyone who does should be fired. We dont need a rule book for that.
Think of the things that we have discussed on here
What is considered an unscheduled pu, vs scanning an ars label, within another stop.
What is considered a dup stop vs another stop.
when your lunch breaks start and end, when and how far can you go out of your area.
When seniority counts, when it doesnt.
How to work upsers.com, how to rescue a check, when to change it, when you should get it, all unanswered question, or ten different answers.
How to check on sales leads, and how to make sure they are followed up on.
When its ok to refuse to drive a truck and when it isnt, and can you be fired for refusing.
Funeral pay and what time frame is acceptable to get paid.
If you know there is a dog in the yard, and you get bit, did you break a rule. Since you knew it could be dangerous, or do you take a chance on a complaint since you didnt attempt.

You work off the clock to get done earlier, and no one says a word, and that is in a rule book, but it benefits more people than it hurts, supposedly, so its ok to break that rule, just not this rule.
Sexual harrassment, who could know if you tell some lady she looks nice, you could be harrassing her?
Its enough to drive a person to drink.
Anymore unanswered questions not in "the book"


Tooner,I know here in the cafe we've probobly covered every rule and how to record info in the board and stuff.I just think
someone should put it all in writing, so there would never be
any doubt about the proper procedure.Like delivering to a
business that is run in an apartment with public access,
or driver releasing to a different address...theres lots of
different scenarios for each type of delivery and what is
being delivered and it would be nice to have no "grey areas"
so our butts are always covered if a delivery goes awry.
If you`re not sure what to do,pull out your ups book of
commandments and look it up.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I am in total agreement, so we use our best judgement, but depending on who you are who is your boss, and what the last boss told you, can get you fired.